Setting: Palace Chapel, France, 1307.
The set is black save for a massive, ornate, jewel-encrusted crucifix on the back wall. CLEMENT is on stage. Clement is dressed as a French soldier. He is wearing a broadsword. Clement always keeps his back to the cross. JACQUES DE MOLAY enters, wearing a white smock with a crimson splayed cross across the breast. He is wearing a broadsword.
Where is Phillip?CLEMENT
The King will be along in a moment, Sir Molay.MOLAY
Are you supposed to entertain me while he’s gone?CLEMENT
Only to do as my Lord sees fit. PHILLIP enters. He is dressed entirely in purple and has no weapons.
Jacques de Molay, I place you under arrest.MOLAY
Are you joking?PHILLIP
The debauchery of the Knights Templar is legendary even here, Sir Molay.MOLAY
What concern is our “debauchery” to you, Phillip the Pretty? PHILLIP grimaces.
The new Pope feels your actions are a blemish on the Church. He would like to hear you answer to these allegations of heresy.MOLAY
I came to France to explain a rumor?PHILLIP
You trample the Cross!MOLAY
I’m also told that I keep the body of Christ in my bedchambers. I’ve heard all of them.PHILLIP
This time you’re not going to get away with it. MOLAY advances on Phillip, towering over the King.
I don’t answer to Kings.PHILLIP
If you have time to wait, the new Pope will be arriving for my uncle’s funeral any day.MOLAY
The Templars will come for me.PHILLIP
They’re in no position to insist much.MOLAY
What are you talking about?PHILLIP
Your stronghold was stormed at dawn. All of your men are safely chained by now.MOLAY
They’d cut your soldiers to pieces.PHILLIP
Actually, on all our practice runs, they opened up without a question. They are like children running around with swords!CLEMENT
The soldiers you left in Europe are no more dangerous than farmers.PHILLIP
And no more difficult to burn. MOLAY grabs for Phillip’s throat.
If you try... CLEMENT gets between them and holds Molay back.
Maybe Your Highness should look into accommodations for the prisoner? CLEMENT and PHILLIP stare at each other a few seconds.
Fine! We’ll have to make sure he’s comfortable. Exit PHILLIP. MOLAY looks Clement over suspiciously.
Soldiers order Kings in France?CLEMENT
I merely request.MOLAY
And what kind of requests do Kings ask of Popes?CLEMENT
His Holiness will never believe the charges against you, Sir Molay!MOLAY
Some say the new Pope speaks with Phillip’s voice.CLEMENT
Who'd say such a thing of His Holiness?MOLAY
Tongues are loose in the East.CLEMENT
They wouldn’t speak so freely if His Holiness were there with them.MOLAY
None of us will see the day a Pope sets foot in Jerusalem.CLEMENT
God wills it.MOLAY
God will see you soon if you don’t get out of my way.CLEMENT
It would pain me to strike down another Christian, Your Lordship. MOLAY takes a threatening step toward Clement. CLEMENT draws his sword partially from its scabbard.
Bigger men than you have tried to cut me in half.CLEMENT
(excited)The Saracens? You’ve slain many, haven’t you? Tell me, Sir Molay, what does it feel like to kill a Saracen?
MOLAY backs down.
(Pause) They die no different than the rest. Mostly a lot of screaming.CLEMENT
I wish I could be there with you.MOLAY
I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.CLEMENT
I dream about it every night. I sit atop a great black steed, sword over my head, my body wet with the blood of the infidels.MOLAY
Too many of my days have ended like that.CLEMENT
All the men returning home tell stories about you. You’re a great hero, Sir Molay!MOLAY
I dread the stories you’ve heard.CLEMENT
Great armies clashing in the sands. Men screaming their last screams, heads and limbs falling away under your blade, three men with each strike. Is it true?MOLAY
(bitterly)Every word.
A knight came this way that even said he met you once. He was a grizzled old monster, seven feet tall and as wide as a house. He looked more like some German barbarian than a Frenchman.MOLAY
I’ve met a thousand men that fit that description.CLEMENT
He said the Knights Templar were trying to kill him.MOLAY
Why would we want to do that?CLEMENT
Because he knows where you hid the Ark of the Covenant. MOLAY forces a chuckle.
There is no Ark anywhere in the Holy Land, trust me.CLEMENT
It wasn’t in the Holy Land.MOLAY
He said it was in Ethiopia.MOLAY
It’s a children’s story, nothing more.CLEMENT
He told of a little village in the mountains, where a Heathen temple housed God's Holy Ark, guarded by warriors in Templar crosses.MOLAY attempts to leave. CLEMENT steps in front of him.
Get out of my way. CLEMENT draws his sword.
I’ll cut you down where you stand.MOLAY
Do what you must. MOLAY moves to exit. CLEMENT puts the tip of his sword to Molay’s breast.
I’ll do it!CLEMENT
Then stop talking. MOLAY pushes the blade away.
The Pope demands the Ark is brought to him.MOLAY
If I knew where such a treasure lay, I would die before it reached Europe.CLEMENT
If we took it to Jerusalem, nothing could stop us!MOLAY
Those are my fears as well.CLEMENT
If you leave here now, the Pope will sign death warrants on your men tonight.MOLAY
I hope the new Pope is smarter than that.PHILLIP enters.
It took a little while, Sir Molay, but I believe we found a cell that would suit you. Not quite as lavish as what I’m sure you’re accustomed in the Holy Land.MOLAY
It wasn’t that many years ago that my doors held back mobs begging me to throw you out.PHILLIP
Your kindness is well remembered.MOLAY
Is this because we wouldn’t let you be a Templar?PHILLIP
I act on the will of the Pope.MOLAY
What did he promise you to make sure he was elected? No one in the East seems to know what killed the last Pope. I’d been hoping to ask you about it while I was here.PHILLIP
I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sir Molay. I have faith Our Lord’s will was done.MOLAY
So even a sniveling little puppet Pope can get the best of Phillip le Bel?PHILLIP
What are you talking about? CLEMENT draws his sword.
That’s the last disrespect you give us!PHILLIP
Stand down.MOLAY
If Clement has the Ark, he won’t need your protection any longer.CLEMENT
Please, Your Highness! Say the word and I’ll strike his head off now!PHILLIP
Shut up.MOLAY
Do you have any idea what you could do with it? CLEMENT raises his weapon.
Silence! Silence, you pig!MOLAY
Not since Charlemagne would there have been such a King. CLEMENT backhands MOLAY and knocks him to the ground.
The King does not want to hear this blasphemy!CLEMENT
What’s he talking about?CLEMENT
It’s nothing, Your Highness. He’s sworn allegiance to the Saracen.PHILLIP
What can that thing do?MOLAY
Read your Scriptures, Phillip. It lays waste to armies by its self.PHILLIP
I want it brought to me.MOLAY
You couldn’t get an army big enough to take it.PHILLIP
The Pope will send every Christian man, woman, and child.MOLAY
They’ll be burned to ash before his eyes. Let the Templars go and we will bring you the Ark.CLEMENT
He’ll declare war as soon as you release him.MOLAY
Consider your debts to the Templars forgotten.PHILLIP
You are most generous, Sir Molay.CLEMENT
It’s the Devil’s money! MOLAY turns violently on Clement, forcing Clement back toward the Cross.
I’ve done more for your God than you’d care to imagine.PHILLIP
I think you’re right, Sir Molay. Such a weapon should be carefully inspected before it’s presented to the Pope.MOLAY
And the Templars know how to handle it.CLEMENT
If you let them go, no man sees the Ark again.PHILLIP
Will it be recognized as property of France?MOLAY
Only protection from France would allow us to reveal the Ark has been reclaimed by Christtion could we even reveal Christ has reclaimed it.PHILLIP
The Vatican has a temple to house it.MOLAY
Paris may be more secure. The Templars would be redeployed in its defense.CLEMENT
No invader would dare set foot on Roman soil!MOLAY
The Ark would inspire some to try.CLEMENT
The Templars wish to keep it for themselves!PHILLIP
Sir Molay is quite wise. MOLAY steps between Phillip and Clement.
The Pope will make you Holy Roman Emperor!MOLAY
Even Charlemagne failed to find the Ark.PHILLIP
The Ark of the Covenant comes to France... where it will be safe.CLEMENT
The Pope himself will take up the Cross!MOLAY
I hope France can find better advisors than the kitchen staff!CLEMENT
The Saracens would tremble before us.MOLAY
The streets of Jerusalem will be ankle deep in blood once more.PHILLIP
The City of God will be restored.MOLAY
It could easily be turned on Europe.CLEMENT
God will not deliver his Covenant Box unto enemy hands.MOLAY
Where I come from, the peasantry isn’t considered in the affairs of Lords and Kings.PHILLIP
Could we push the Saracens out of Jerusalem if we used the Ark? MOLAY glares at Clement.
We could kill every last one of them.PHILLIP
France is prepared to answer the call to war.MOLAY
Many in the East claim right to the Covenant Box. I don't feel safe revealing its hiding place.CLEMENT
I’m sure his men will be more than happy to with the right... persuasion.MOLAY
No living man but me knows where it is.PHILLIP
The Pope will see how many men break before you tell us where to find it.MOLAY
How well does the Pope speak without a head! MOLAY draws his sword and lunges at Phillip. Clement draws his sword and blocks. They fight briefly. Molay’s sword is shattered. Molay is knocked to the ground. Clement raises his sword overhead for a killing blow.
Kill him! CLEMENT stands poised.
You’re no warrior. CLEMENT lowers his sword.
If you talk, your men will be released to rape and pillage at will this very night. (sarcastic)
MOLAY slowly crawls backwards.
I’d never give such a treasure to a man with more urine than blood.PHILLIP
You’ll tell the Pope. MOLAY scrambles for a shard of his sword, plunging the fragment into his own chest.
Let him confer with the dead! CLEMENT jumps on Molay and rips the shard free.
Get help!PHILLIP
Let the dog die if he won’t talk. CLEMENT ties a strip of cloth from his clothing and binds Molay’s wound.
He’ll die when I say! PHILLIP hesitates.
CLEMENT (cont)
Go!PHILLIP stares at Clement a moment, shocked.
You don’t give the orders!CLEMENT
Your sniveling little puppet? Is that what I am?PHILLIP
I made you! I can destroy you just as easily. CLEMENT turns his sword on Phillip. PHILLIP holds his position.
If Molay dies, you get nothing?
...but another dead Pope. CLEMENT lunges at Phillip clumsily. Phillip ducks the blow.
PHILLIP (cont)
You’re a little slug leaving your slime trail through the streets of Rome, thinking you can get the best of me? My father rode with Lionheart!CLEMENT
It’s not hard to best a backwoods mongrel! PHILLIP attacks Clement, attempting to wrestle the sword away. MOLAY coughs and spits blood. CLEMENT forces Phillip back.
CLEMENT (cont)
I’ll let them all go! I’ll drop the charges against the Templars and excommunicate all of France.PHILLIP
You’ll have to get out of my house alive first.CLEMENT
Your subjects will be happy to roast you too, Phillip the Pretty! PHILLIP lunges at Clement. CLEMENT slashes Phillip across the chest. PHILLIP backs off. He is bleeding, but the wound is superficial. He is poised to attack again.
CLEMENT (cont)
My journals tell everything.PHILLIP
You wouldn’t be that stupid.CLEMENT
Every last detail: poisoning my predecessor, bribing the arch-bishops, everything we did.PHILLIP
No one would believe it.CLEMENT
If I die here, you'll be quick to follow.PHILLIP
You’re lying.CLEMENT
You can't take that chance. PHILLIP hesitates. CLEMENT looks down at Molay.
CLEMENT (cont)
Get him help. Exit PHILLIP. CLEMENT cradles Molay in his arms.
Who’s the puppet after all?CLEMENT
Do you think I enjoy chasing his heels like a puppy?MOLAY
What did you promise?CLEMENT
It didn’t take much. I even made him think it was his idea. If the Templars were gone, he wouldn’t have to pay back his gambling debts.MOLAY
Phillip will never take up the Cross.CLEMENT
He’ll sit out here in the woods and declare himself Emperor to all who hear him shout.MOLAY
What of us?CLEMENT
We would blow down the walls of Jerusalem and any man that stood between us and the Temple Mount.MOLAY
The glory of Jerusalem would have been restored.CLEMENT
And we would be worshiped like Kings of Old.MOLAY
Sweeping the Saracen away like ants.CLEMENT
It’s not too late.MOLAY
(Laughs weakly)It is for you.
What are you laughing at?MOLAY
Phillip will never let you out of his sight again.CLEMENT
When I have the Ark, he’ll do as I say.MOLAY
I told you, there is no Ark. It’s a children’s story. How much did you pay that soldier for his information?CLEMENT
Just a story... CLEMENT shakes Molay violently.
Give it to me, you pig! Give me the Ark!MOLAY
I’ve given all I can give. You will never leave this palace. There will be no Crusade.CLEMENT
When I’m done with you, there will hardly be a body left to burnMOLAY
God wills it. LIGHTS DOWN
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