Three tables of a fast food restaurant. STRANGER is sitting at the left-most table eating a sandwich. He is dressed in black and reading a book about Anarchy. FATHER enters with a heaping tray of food and starts to sit at the right-most table, hesitates, looking at Stranger a few seconds. FATHER sits at the center table and unwraps a cheeseburger.
I hear this stuff’ll kill ya! STRANGER looks at him a moment and goes back to eating his sandwich.
FATHER (cont)
I was going to read the nutritional information on those pamphlets up there, but they were all covered with ketchup. STRANGER lets out a forced chuckle, but says nothing.
FATHER (cont)
It could say in big letters, “We’re trying to kill you!” and no one would ever see it!STRANGER
Probably. STRANGER goes back to his food. Short silence.
Sure is good though.STRANGER
What’d you get? STRANGER holds up his sandwich without looking at Father.
FATHER (cont)
I got a Double Burger with extra cheese. Look at that! It’s one hell of a big sandwich! I don’t usually get that much, but I’m celebrating.STRANGER
Celebrating, eh?FATHER
I just took my son to the doctor.STRANGER
That’s nice.FATHER
It takes a while for him to get in here. He wouldn’t miss this though. He doesn’t enjoy going to the doctor.STRANGER
Does anyone?FATHER
I promised him we could eat wherever he wants.STRANGER
And he picked this?FATHER
He loves it. Can’t get enough. MEATBALL enters. He is 10 years old and disgustingly fat, resembling a beach ball. STRANGER is unable to hide his shock for a moment.
Daddy, I want a cheeseburger!FATHER
This is my son, Meatball.STRANGER
Cheeseburger! Father hands MEATBALL a $10 bill.
There’s $10. That should cover it. MEATBALL exits.
You call him, ‘Meatball?’FATHER
My wife doesn’t call him that.STRANGER
Well... If this is what he likes...FATHER
I’m not blind, I know he has a problem. He knows he has a problem, the kids at school tell him all the time. I know what you must be thinking!STRANGER
No, no, it’s cool. I wasn’t trying to say anything.FATHER
But I promised him.STRANGER
Why’d he see the doctor?FATHER
His stomach’s been hurting.STRANGER
Nothing bad, I guess.FATHER
What, like a heart attack? High cholesterol? Diabetes? Not yet, thank God!STRANGER
What was it?FATHER
His gut was so packed with cheeseburgers that he couldn’t poop!STRANGER
Gross. MEATBALL returns.
Daddy! More money.FATHER
Oh sorry. Think twenty will cover it? Father hands MEATBALL a dollar bill.
Yay! MEATBALL exits. Father crams a burger in his mouth while STRANGER watches, visibly disgusted. When Father is done, he licks his fingers clean and looks at STRANGER, smiling.
Do you think he should be eating that much? For lunch, I mean.FATHER
I don’t know. I mean, I’ve never given him this much at once before. I’m not sure what might happen to him.STRANGER
He looks kind of winded.FATHER
I should get that little piggy on a diet, huh?STRANGER
What’d you say?FATHER
If I give him money for anything, it should be a salad? Organically grown, of course.STRANGER
And some fruit juice!FATHER
Oh, definitely. Watch though, he’ll come back with a load of burgers bigger than mine. Extra grease. He loves the grease. Hell, if he could get them to give him a bucket of grease scraped right outta the fryer, he’d probably suck it down with a straw.STRANGER
I hate to be rude, but I’ve got to do some reading... for class.FATHER
Oh, yeah, no problem. I understand..STRANGER
Was your Dad like me?STRANGER
Don’t talk about my Dad.FATHER
Did he ever bring you to places like this?STRANGER
Sometimes. Once in a while.FATHER
Meatball comes here once or twice a week. Sometimes more.STRANGER
My father wouldn’t take me that often.FATHER
I bet you’d go if he let you.STRANGER
(beat)Yeah, probably.
Was your family poor?STRANGER
That’s none of your business.FATHER
We’re not poor. My wife doesn’t need to work, and we have plenty of money for Meatball to eat here as much as he wants.STRANGER
I don’t think he should come here so often.FATHER
Oh, I agree. Look at him, he’s disgusting! Enter MEATBALL.
Daddy! I need more!FATHER
Here’s ten more. Exit MEATBALL.
This is why he’s so disgusting!FATHER
Yes, of course. Someone should stop these corporations! They are poisoning our youth!STRANGER
You’re giving them money!FATHER
You’re exactly right! These companies are pumping us full of chemicals you can hardly classify as food, and the animals they made it out of ten years ago have been mashed up and fed to each other so many times they’re growing eyes in new places.STRANGER
Well... yes...FATHER
And these fat, greasy bastards are sitting their in their gold-lined offices counting the money they make off my death.STRANGER
(hesitant) Yes.FATHER
You're just like my daughter, with all the black clothes and the whacky political views. I figure it’s just a phase.STRANGER
Well, if you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.FATHER
And by God! I am part of the problem! Until today, that is.STRANGER
Why is that?FATHER
If you want a solution, you’ve got to do it yourself, and I’m a do-it-yourself kind of guy!STRANGER
I don’t think thirty dollars in cheeseburgers is the answer.FATHER
Forty! Fifty, if I need to. We hit the bank on the way here. I’ll use up my life-savings if necessary.STRANGER
Eating cheeseburgers?FATHER
Meatball and I are going to eat cheeseburgers until we can’t any more. Then we’ll sit here until we can do it all again.STRANGER
What’s wrong with you?FATHER
I promised! I told him when we finished at the doctor’s, he could eat wherever he wanted. I can’t break a promise, can I?STRANGER
He’s going to be sick for a week!FATHER
Have you ever seen the kitchen in a place like this? It’ll be two weeks if it’s a day!STRANGER
Who let you have kids?!FATHER
Call someone! Have them taken away. A monster like me should not be put in direct responsibility for another human life! What kind of parent would let his child look like Meatball without realizing there is a problem. I’m a do-it-yourself guy though. When today is through, he’ll never want to look at those sandwiches again as long as he lives. MEATBALL enters.
Daddy! More money!STRANGER exits while FATHER is not looking.
I’ll give you twenty if you get me another Deluxe with extra cheese.MEATBALL
Yes, Daddy. Exit MEATBALL. FATHER sees Stranger is gone. FATHER shrugs and returns to his meal.
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