Everything was dark. Valentine and Chloe Isis heard nothing for a very long time. Then, big noise and shouting. Then more silence.With a creaking, a dim ray of light widens to reveal VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS bound and and gagged on the floor of a dank basement filled with boxes and clutter. Small creatures can be heard scurrying from the light. Sound of footsteps descending stairs. Closeup of CHLOE's eyes, looking frightened. Med shot of VALENTINE as he is roughly flipped over and rough troll hands cut the bonds on his hands and his feet. VALENTINE rips the gag from his mouth and scrambles backwards in a crab walk.
You stay away from us! You understand?!Med shot of a short troll in a finely tailored jacket, holding both hands before him. He is ERBY.
Easy, easy! I am friend.Not taking his eyes off ERBY, VALENTINE unties CHLOE ISIS.
Who are you?VALENTINE
What do you want?ERBY
My name is Erby.VALENTINE
Why did you capture us?ERBY
It was not me, my friend. I am just a messenger.CHLOE ISIS
And what are you supposed to tell us?ERBY
Not for you, my lady. I came for the trolls upstairs, but I could not do my job.VALENTINE
The trolls don't want your message?ERBY
They were dead.CHLOE ISIS
Every last one, chopped to pieces. Do you know anything about this?VALENTINE
We've been tied up.CHLOE ISIS
Why did those trolls capture us?ERBY
I think best if we get you out of here before anyone else comes along. Follow me.ERBY leads them upstairs.
The alley is dusty and lined with trash.
The alley is dusty and lined with trash.
That bird sold us out!CHLOE ISIS
Shh! Don’t say his name too loud. He's probably nearby.ERBY
Who is Dahooty?CHLOE ISIS
(narrows an eye)This bird talked?
Those trolls are in here?ERBY
I wouldn't look in there if I were you.CHLOE ISIS
He talked. We met him on the plain where he helped a troll rob travelers. I killed the troll.VALENTINE tests the side door of the brick building.
It's open.VALENTINE cracks open the door and sticks his head inside. He lingers a moment before retracting, disgusted.
Valentine did not like what he found.VALENTINE
What could have done that?CHLOE ISIS
Let me see!CHLOE rushes for the door, but VALENTINE stops her.
I wouldn't look in there if I were you.ERBY
And what, may I ask, brings two young people such as yourselves to Netzah?CHLOE ISIS
What is Netzah?ERBY
My city! You are standing in it.VALENTINE
I want to know who locked us in a basement and tied us up? Who were you delivering a message to?ERBY
You were prisoners of Lord Altemont, the governor of Netzah. He is a corrupt and contemptible man that lets thieves and thugs run amok and treat this city like a playground. One of his officers hired me to deliver a letter. I think the more important question is who did the killing inside. I suggest we leave before those poeple come back.ERBY leads down a cobblestone sidestreet, brown and grey with age and filth. Garbage lays thick in the gutters around huge green dumpsters. Clouds of flies explode as the three pass. VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS have to cover their mouths and noses. Insert of a dead cat, nearly mummified, flat on the broken slate sidewalk. Reaction shot of VALENTINE and CHLOE.
Quickly now.Camera follows as they approach the entrance to the alley. Outside is first blown out with the sunlight, but as camera pans up on crane, a vibrant city street fades into focus, bustling with trolls on foot and in carriage. Voices shout and laugh and speak and the crowds push and shove.
We can’t go out there! The trolls are looking for us.ERBY
(chuckling)Not many trolls are looking for you. Most have barely the time to step around two dirty and tattered street children.
We are not children!VALENTINE
And we’re not from the streets. I have a house. We’ve been traveling.CHLOE ISIS
And sleeping in the grass.CHLOE ISIS
We’re going to save the world.ERBY
Of course you are. Come on now.NARRATOR
Compared to other trolls, Erby is small, and sharply dressed.ERBY leads CHLOE and VALENTINE into the undulating crowd, carefully picking a path against the current, down the canyon of buildings extending out of site. Cracked mud-brick facades stand between looming structures of warped glass, all covered with runes and sigels, and wheat-paste posters of savage-looking trolls.
(to VALENTINE)They don’t even care about us.
I don't think we can trust this guy.CHLOE ISIS
You don’t trust anyone.ERBY
Quickly now. We need to have you out of the city before dark. Mallik’s men do as they please in the night. Are you hungry?CHLOE ISIS
I don’t eat meat.ERBY
(looks at VALENTINE in disbelief, back at CHLOE ISIS, back to VALENTINE.)Is she sick?
It’s gross.ERBY
You might not like what’s next.Start tight, with all three in frame, looking over their shoulders. Zoom out as they round a corner, still following, revealing a wide marketplace, packed with woman trolls in shrouds, shoving themselves against rickety wooden booths, hands raised and shouting at shopkeepers selling spices, salts, vegetables, soaps, water pipes, and other daily goods. A butcher shop sits at each corner, naked cuts of meat hanging from hooks.
That smells terrible!VALENTINE
Don’t look.CHLOE turns to face a naked slab of meat on a hook, a long black tail of course hair still hangs from the top. CHLOE ISIS squeals and jumps back. ERBY holds his jacket in front of her eyes.
The tail means it’s fresh. (to VALENTINE) This one must save you much money. Maybe she can talk to my wife.CHLOE ISIS
You’re married?ERBY nods and smiles, but there is sadness in his eyes.
Yes, she is very beautiful. She lives outside the city. I spend all my days working, and usually am too tired for the journey home when I finish. I see my wife only twice or three times a week if I’m lucky. This way, look here.CHLOE ISIS
I don’t want to see any more meat.ERBY
Just come in this place, I want you to see.VALENTINE
What is your job?ERBY
I am cur… cur… curry… I deliver messages.VALENTINE
A currier.ERBY
Yes, I deliver messages. (holds out a scroll.) I must speak with a man inside. Come this way, please.VALENTINE pulls CHLOE ISIS aside.
(whispering)I don’t think it’s safe.
I think you’re paranoid… but I don’t want to see any more meat. What's this?CHLOE bends over off camera.
(to ERBY)I think we’ll wait here for you.
CHLOE stands up, holding several sections of vertebre from a large animal.
Is this... EWWWW!!ERBY
(smiles, points behind them)You’ve gotten some attention.
Several trolls are watching VALENTINE and CHLOE at a distance.
Most trolls think of human children as scabby-kneed thieves. You won’t be bothered while I’m here. Should I go inside without you… they may not be so forgiving.VALENTINE
(stooping to inspect the bones)This isn't human, is it?
This way, please.Inside the bazaar is musty and thick with blue smoke. A thin tarp acts as a roof, filtering sunlight through in a dull shimmer. The shouting of customers echoes around and mixes into a dull roar behind the characters speaking.
I will talk to some people. Maybe I can learn more of Lord Altemont's intent.VALENTINE
(whispering)He’s going to turn us over to this Altemeont. We’ve got to get out of here.
I have no intent on turning you over, my friend. Considering this city is very big, and you know very little of its geography, I recommend you take the risk and come along.ERBY leads down rows of booths to a haggard old troll at the end of the line. The old troll smiles in recognition of Erby, then looks over VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS with suspicion. The two speak momentarily in their gruff troll language. ERBY hands the scroll to the old troll, who reads it, looks at ERBY and then VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS again. The two trolls speak more, with the old troll steadily raising his voice until he is almost yelling. ERBY gestures for the old troll to quiet.
This doesn’t look good for us.CHLOE ISIS
I don’t like agreeing with you.ERBY returns to them, agitated, looking over his shoulder at the old troll as he talks.
My friends, relax, please, nothing is wrong.VALENTINE
Then why is he so angry?ERBY
Bad news on the scroll. Kill the messenger, isn’t that what you say?CHLOE ISIS
Then why does he keep staring at us?ERBY
Please, do not worry, nothing is wrong. I will be just one more minute.ERBY returns to the old troll, who is still angry.
We’re in trouble.CHLOE ISIS
We should run.VALENTINE
We can’t run. All he needs to do is shout, and these trolls will be on top of us.CHLOE ISIS
What are we going to do then? Do you have a suggestion?ERBY breaks off conversation, waving his arms and returns to VALENTINE and CHLOE.
All right, we are set. Come this way please.VALENTINE
Where are we going?ERBY
You wanted to eat, didn't you?CHLOE ISIS
Are you going to turn us in?ERBY
My lady, it’s that type of thinking that will put you in danger in this place. Keep in mind that the vast majority of my people don’t care in the least whether you live or die. If Altemont wants to find you, it will be these that give you to him. ERBY leads them under a flap, into an open alleyway shaded from the sun. A troll in a once-white smock is emptying a bag of garbage into the gutter. CHLOE watches in horror.
It is all right that you do not believe me. I would feel the same if I were lost in your city. However, you are in grave danger, and we will need to move quickly to get you away.VALENTINE stops.
I’m not taking another step without knowing what’s going on. You say you’re on our side, but you won’t tell us a thing. Now talk!ERBY
(hesitates)Do you know what is a Glithval?
Close up of VALENTINE looking shocked.
What about them?ERBY
I think I should know why there are Glithvals following you.CHLOE ISIS
We have know idea what you’re talking about.ERBY
Then you can wait for Altemeont to tell me. The scroll I was delivering was to notify the trolls that captured you that you were to be used as bait. I was hired to deliver that message. I took it upon myself to try and rescue you when I found those trolls dead. Since I put myself at this kind of risk, I hope you will honor me with a true story of what brings you to my city.CHLOE ISIS
Do you know Bandyboo?ERBY
He owns a junk shop, somewhere here in Wicked City.CHLOE ISIS
We were sent by a wizard to find a magic coat to protect us from the ice freezing the Tree of Life.ERBY
(stares at CHLOE ISIS a moment. To VALENTINE:)Is this your true story?
The short version.ERBY
(shakes his head)I will not understand you people.
Do you know any junk shops where we might able to find him?CHLOE ISIS
Trolls love junk.ERBY
(looking slightly offended)I suppose I don’t know what you mean. How is this coat magical?
We don’t know. And we don't know why the Glithvals want it, but they've been following us for the entire journey.ERBY
We stop here.ERBY leads them up stone steps to a small shop with an open front. Trolls are crowded around 2 grills, shouting orders to cooks working with spatulas.
You like fish? Grease fried fish is a popular food here. Chicken? You like chicken.VALENTINE
I’ll have chicken.CHLOE ISIS
Eww gross. What do you have without meat?ERBY looks at Valentine in disbelief.
I would like you to find me a girl like this and send her to me. (to CHLOE) Do you have a sister? Having a wife like this would save me much money.CHLOE ISIS
I’m one of a kind.VALENTINE
She’s telling the truth.ERBY
(chuckles)I’ll see what I can do.
ERBY approaches the grills. He is smaller than the other trolls, but moves deftly between them, hands raised. CHLOE and VALENTINE stand close to each other at the edge of the stairs, looking about nervously as trolls pass by with hardly a notice. ERBY returns with two sandwiches wrapped in paper.
Grease fried chicken for the gentleman, and grease-fried eggplant for the lady. What was the name of the shop keeper?CHLOE ISIS
(smiles)That is a good name. It means 'courageous.' His family must be very privileged. Let’s move to the top.
VALENTINE steps between CHLOE and a troll shoving a handful of beads in her face, prattling in an unidentifiable language. ERBY waits patiently. When VALENTINE is distracted, a second troll steps in offering CHLOE saffron. She digs through her pockets and counts the coins she withdraws. VALENTINE sees this before she can hand them over, and he throws himself between her and the second troll. VALENTINE pauses to catch his breath, and camera zooms in on his face with his eyes growing wide.
We've got to go.CHLOE ISIS
What's wrong?VALENTINE points. Camera pans to reveal DAHOOTY hopping between trolls, nibbling scraps of food that fall unnoticed.
That's the bird that brought us here.ERBY
The crowd will provide us better cover than anything else.NARRATOR
Being smaller than the other trolls, Erby had little trouble squeezing himself, Chloe, and Valentine through miniscule gaps in the shoving troll bodies.As they walk, more shop keepers in faded and torn robes push trinkets in their faces, mumbling in broken human language.
(talking low)What these men offer is not goods. Anything you see in these places, I can find it twice as good and for half the price. You stay here with me in Netzah, and I will ensure you are taken care of.
You want us to stay here?ERBY
As long as you need!VALENTINE
You see, we have someplace to be. Actually, we are running quite late. This was only supposed to take an afternoon. We’ve been running from magic warriors and sleeping in the grass for days.ERBY
So clearly you’d want a decent night’s sleep in Netzah. We find your coat today, and tomorrow I show you the best route out of the city.CHLOE
You said our lives are in danger.ERBY
Much less if you are indoors, out of sight. The sun hangs low, you do not want to be traveling at night, do you?VALENTINE
I suppose not. You mind if we talk?ERBY
Yes, of course, take your time!CHLOE and VALENTINE step aside.
Can you believe how friendly they are? I always thought trolls were monsters!VALENTINE
Chloe, I don’t like this. First he tells us go, then he tells us stay. What kind of coincidence is it to see Dahooty at the very same place we stop for food.CHLOE
You think Dahooty saw us?VALENTINE
I don’t know. I think we’re in over our heads.CHLOE
Well, we can’t exactly go running off screaming in the middle of Wicked City.VALENTINE
I know. Look out for a chance to slip away.ERBY
Is that an Ibis?VALENTINE looks up, shields his eyes from the sun.
Gone now. I saw a bird, let’s move.VALENTINE
What do you know about Glithvals?ERBY
Once great heroes of the war, but they turned against the trolls when there was no Illithred left to fight. What do you know about Glithvals?VALENTINE
Only that they’ve been chasing us.ERBY
The Illithred never would have fallen without the Glithvals. Illithred taught them the Song of Shogot so to lift great weight. Glithval organized resistance and rallies and united Illithred slaves into an army. When the Emperor took his throne, he used the Glithvals to enforce his decisions. It was many years before the Emperor found this permanent home for trolls.CHLOE
You were put here?ERBY
Man and troll do not live well together. Trolls brought to your land from far away by Illithred. Men already spread out across country. No place for my people to stay. First we try cities of man, then towns, but always fighting breaks out. Then Emperor sends us to the jungle. That is where I was born.CHLOE
That must have been nice.ERBY
You do not know your histories, my lady. Up here, this tent should answer some questions. You wait outside so I can make sure it is safe.ERBY disappears through the flap of a blue tarpaulin that serves as both doors and walls to a shop designated “NO NAME SHOP” in crude letters painted on a warped wooden sign outside.
Think this would be a good time?VALENTINE
As good as any.A shadow falls across VALENTINE’s face, making him look up.
Dahooty! Get inside!VALENTINE and CHLOE charge under the blue flap.
Candlelight illuminates the tables and display cases heaped with trinkets and tarnished jewelry. ERBY is standing with two hulking trolls. They have stopped conversation mid-sentence and are staring balefully at VALENTINE and CHLOE.
Candlelight illuminates the tables and display cases heaped with trinkets and tarnished jewelry. ERBY is standing with two hulking trolls. They have stopped conversation mid-sentence and are staring balefully at VALENTINE and CHLOE.
We saw the bird.ERBY
(to TROLLS)Ibis.
Closeup of TROLL 1. His eyes widen and he says something unintelligible.
(to VALENTINE and CHLOE)Ibis were servants of the Illithred. Messenger birds. They were trained to repeat everything they were told, and were not smart enough to do more than that. I expected that bird would have told every detail of your adventures to whoever would hear him. My friends would have heard if Lord Altemont had been notified. It seems your bird was more interested in grease-fried fish. We might be at an advantage.
TROLL 2 says something unintelligible.
My friends feel it would be in our best interest to leave this place very soon.VALENTINE
We can’t leave.CHLOE ISIS
We’re lucky Dahooty hasn’t seen us yet!ERBY
And your presence puts these men in grave danger. They would prefer you do not bring it to their place of business. Come, my brother has a room you can sleep in. I will show you the way.NARRATOR
The main road out of the market was busy with creaking carriages packed in a tight grid cutting in and out of openings. Crowds of pedestrians did the same on the heavily trod sidewalks. Beggars with shortleg held out hands for coin, chanting indecipherable words. Erby squeezed Chloe and Valentine through nook and cranny of stout troll bodies, occasionally ducking a blow when his shoulder dug too deep in a belly or spine. Pulling them out of the rush to a fence at the edge of the sidewalk, Erby nimbly hopped it and hung poised over a four foot drop onto a line of parked carriages. Inches away sped a constant stream of rusty carriages with burly troll drivers shaking fists out windows and bellowing what Chloe and Valentine could only assume were obscenities. Erby points to a once-proud structure of granite, steel, and glass rising story after story into the darkening sky.ERBY
My brother has a place up there, on the 14th floor. Ha ha, I see your face! There is an elevator, and it should be working.VALENTINE
Should be?ERBY
This way! Stay close!ERBY leaps off the precipice, over the parked carriages into a spot that stays empty long enough for him to bounce into the next lane of traffic, study his course of action, and dodge a carriage into the next lane.
I think this is a bad idea.CHLOE ISIS
Where is your sense of adventure, Rubin?VALENTINE
Call me Valentine!CHLOE leaps to a free spot and springs to the next lane, narrowly avoiding a rusty carriage and the fist of the bellowing troll behind the wheel. Closeup of VALENTINE as he shakes his head and leaps, scrambling through breaks in the traffic until he, CHLOE ISIS, and ERBY are safely on the other side. Only a few trolls are walking here.
That is how you cross the street in Netzah. If you see an opportunity, you cross. The same goes for crowds and carriages. My brother sells rooms for the night to travelers. I visit him today, he has free space. It will cost you very little.VALENTINE
I only have six dollarsERBY
(impressed)Six dollars? Why that will buy you a week in my brother's establishment. With six dollars you will be treated like a king.
(to CHLOE)Doesn't leave us much for the coat.
Everything will work out in the end.NARRATOR
The lobby was dark and cold with two trolls at a desk by the door. Neither raised their heads as the Erby led Valentine and Chloe inside. In the back corner of the lobby was a pair of elevators.ERBY
The elevator on the right only visits the odd numbered floors. If our elevator doesn't work, we may have to walk up or down.CHLOE ISIS
Either or?ERBY
Depending where it stops.NARRATOR
The elevator was cramped, and sunk lower as each boarded.CHLOE ISIS
I've got a bad feeling about this.VALENTINE
Where's your sense of adventure?NARRATOR
A stainless steel gate crashed closed and the elevator lurched up. Chloe clung to Valentine, burying her face in his chest and whimpering.VALENTINE
How long does this normally take?ERBY
Many floors this elevator must climb. (elbowing the carpeted wall.) These old machines don't work so faithfully as in the days of the Illithred. Many times I've had to walk. Fourteen flights of stairs. Keeps you very much in shape. Just a few more minutes...CHLOE
We're going to fall! The cable is going to break!ERBY
I've only seen that happen once... twice.CHLOE whimpers unintelligibly. Eventually, a long screech leads to the faltering stop of the elevator. CHLOE cries out. ERBY pulls open the gate.
You are most lucky. Usually the elevator catches along the way.CHLOE
I'm taking the stairs down!CHLOE runs out of the elevator.
(shrugs)We don't have elevators at home.
ERBY leads them through a frosted glass door with a smiling cartoon sun, revealing a small lobby with a skinny troll with oily black ringlets behind a counter. He is MAHSUR.
Welcome, my friends! My cousin, who are these young people you bring me?ERBY
These two are in trouble. They need shelter.MAHSUR
(narrowing an eyebrow)In trouble with who?
We were prisoners of Lord Aldremont.ERBY
Shhh!MAHSUR waves his hands.
Nonononono! These are the two sought by Glithvals? They cannot stay here.ERBY
My cousin, please, you must relent. Glithvals won't come into the city, and these two will be gone by morning.MAHSUR
You're right they'll be gone. I'll take them right to Altemont myself. How could you be so stupid, my cousin?ERBY
You would turn them over to Altemont's thugs? They will be ripped to pieces.MAHSUR
Cousin, I can't take the risk, I have other guests...ERBY
Who will never know. Please, let them stay one night. I'll watch over them myself, and we'll be gone before first light. They are seeking an item.CHLOE ISIS
A magic coat!VALENTINE
We're going to save the world.MAHSUR glares at them a moment before he speaks.
You can take the room behind the counter. You are not to leave this room for any reason. Do I make myself clear?ERBY
Yes, cousin.Fade to...
CHLOE and VALENTINE sitting on broken beds in a small room illuminated by candle light.
Maybe we should sleep in shifts. You know, keep watch.CHLOE ISIS
We haven't kept watch yet.VALENTINE
A fact I greatly regret.CHLOE ISIS
Just get some sleep, Rubin. We're fine. What good is keeping watch? What do you plan to do if someone tries to break in?VALENTINE goes to the window and pulls back the curtain.
At least we have a good view. I've never seen so many lights in my life.Zoom over VALENTINE's shoulder to showcase a vast city of tall, slim towers with delicate curves and ornately carved decoration.
The Illithred were quite the architects.CHLOE ISIS
Do you know anything about the Illithred? I've heard them mentioned in stories, nothing more.VALENTINE
They are gone, that's all I know. They were terrible creatures that enslaved man and beast and troll. We must be thankful to the Emperor for overthrowing their tyranny.CHLOE ISIS
Do you think they will ever come back?VALENTINE
I hope not. Come on, let's get some sleep.FADE TO BLACK.
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