Oh, Isis, don’t leave me here all alone
Life would be empty without you
So tragically alive
Life a never-ending story
That dissolves from once scene to the next
With Shakespearian accuracy
A collection of skits
I'd never believe lest I witnessed myself
Some funny and some not
But all will be told
For years to come
We stood over-looking that ancient storybook town
With its endless ghosts and legends
And you put your arms around me
On that day impregnated with so much more emotion
Than most could see
With the drizzle wetting our faces
From the black sky
As ageless ghosts danced around us
I don’t know where I will be without you, Isis
This girl born dead
And reaping the rewards of a life
They say you’ll never get to experience
Throwing yourself into a doom-sayers words
With ironic beauty
Beyond my reach
Maybe some day I’ll catch you
And convince you to disbelieve fate
I love you more than I could ever express
But our souls have mingled
And we never need to touch
You’re the Queen of the World
And make everyone bow down before you
And walk over them into the fire
You’re one divided by a billion
And multiplied by infinity
You are life in endless form
And I know someday you’ll make me cry
With your life like a firecracker
Burning and burning and
Running until it
We’ve sat alone many hours
Talked and laughed and cried
I’ve told you so much that no one but you will ever know
And you’ve told me so many buried secrets as well
My heart sinks
Every time I think of the pain that has been heaped on you
So undeserving
So much that I could never begin to understand
What a colossal mindfuck that would have broken me long ago
With all the people that have hurt you,
How could you ever trust again?
“Isis, oh, Isis, you’re a mystical child,”
Please know that wherever you go, or whatever you do
You can always turn to me.
“Isis Ablaze”
Isis, my sweet rose
There is a blaze whenever we meet
Your smile could burn a hole in the sky
Hissing and spitting
Like a dynamite fuse
And I know you’ll blow me apart in the blast
You said you were alone
When I was the only one there
As if we were one
Just two souls cut from the same cloth
Watching the fire race up your skirt
Watching the flames blaze through our lives
Isis you are still my mystical child
The brightest flame in our lives
And the first to smell the smoke
That fire that we will always share
If I ever lost you
My life would be as empty as ashes
I’d give the world for you to live a normal life
If I could find one for myself
So we have to listen for an answer
An answer blowin’ in the wind
And let that wind fan the flames
The flames that will consume the entire world
If we were given half a chance
Isis, sweet Isis
We laughed while we exchanged vows
But in the end, you,
You have been the one, the
That was never a chain and shackle
Our solemn vow to never kiss or fuck
Or anything else as meaningless and vulgar
To always leave that spark burning brighter and deeper
Isis, you will leave Eden burning
The only way it should be
And I will always be there to watch
And help to fan the flames
“Isis Revisited”
A baby is crying in the night
Can you hear it while you laugh
“Momma, I’m hungry,”
It weeps
But these are just whispers
A status symbol you claim to care
Yet less well-nourished than your hair
The winds are blowing, Isis, can you hear them?
Here to knock down this house of cards
You built
Upon the concrete
All the muck and lies
You’ve reinforced it with
Will you cry when it all comes crashing down?
I’m sure you think differently
But I won’t be laughing
I miss you, Isis
But you’ve gone too far for me to come to you
You’ve left me hanging, Isis
And cried to me that you were alone
Sobbing in the night that no one cared
While I was the one who held your hand
I heard your frantic cries of
Forgotten by you as quickly as the words could leave your lips
Do you understands those words
Leave scars
On the people who care about you
Whether you believe they exist or not
Your house of cards
Your existence of fables
Was transparent to all around you
Words we could never utter
For fear of crushing you
Our knowledge between us
Of the untruths was enough
But it’s simply gone too far
Now that these stories bear a razor’s edge
I cannot allow this to continue
I don’t want this to be the end
Don’t want to sever ties
But you are leaving me with little choice
No option but to let go
Spreading your venom and your lies
To make me the villain
To involve as many people as possible
To make it something polarized and bitter
If it has to end
Why can’t it just end between you and I?
I don’t want it to end, Isis
I want it like it was before
But you need to see beyond yourself
See all of us begging on our knees
Forget your illusion that it’s for worship
But in desperation
To come back from the fire
To come in from the cold
But here you push closed the door
I’ve repeatedly opened for you
The game has lost it’s edge,
The game has lost its zeal
I’m afraid I can’t go on
Pulling out my hair
Wishing you could hear me
Wishing you were here
A baby is crying in the night
Can you hear it while you laugh
“Momma, I’m hungry,”
It weeps
But these are just whispers
A status symbol you claim to care
Yet less well-nourished than your hair
The winds are blowing, Isis, can you hear them?
Here to knock down this house of cards
You built
Upon the concrete
All the muck and lies
You’ve reinforced it with
Will you cry when it all comes crashing down?
I’m sure you think differently
But I won’t be laughing
I miss you, Isis
But you’ve gone too far for me to come to you
You’ve left me hanging, Isis
And cried to me that you were alone
Sobbing in the night that no one cared
While I was the one who held your hand
I heard your frantic cries of
Forgotten by you as quickly as the words could leave your lips
Do you understands those words
Leave scars
On the people who care about you
Whether you believe they exist or not
Your house of cards
Your existence of fables
Was transparent to all around you
Words we could never utter
For fear of crushing you
Our knowledge between us
Of the untruths was enough
But it’s simply gone too far
Now that these stories bear a razor’s edge
I cannot allow this to continue
I don’t want this to be the end
Don’t want to sever ties
But you are leaving me with little choice
No option but to let go
Spreading your venom and your lies
To make me the villain
To involve as many people as possible
To make it something polarized and bitter
If it has to end
Why can’t it just end between you and I?
I don’t want it to end, Isis
I want it like it was before
But you need to see beyond yourself
See all of us begging on our knees
Forget your illusion that it’s for worship
But in desperation
To come back from the fire
To come in from the cold
But here you push closed the door
I’ve repeatedly opened for you
The game has lost it’s edge,
The game has lost its zeal
I’m afraid I can’t go on
Pulling out my hair
Wishing you could hear me
Wishing you were here
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