When last we left VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS, an old wizard named HOOK sent them to Wicked City, to recover an enchanted coat to protect Chloe from the magic ice freezing the Tree of Life. Unbeknown to Chloe and Valentine, MARSHALL TEPPINS and his Glithval warrior priests were also seeking the coat...
Close-up: CHLOE ISIS , face overexposed in morning Sun. Her nose wrinkles and her eyes flutter, face twisting into a mask of disgust.
Close-up: CHLOE ISIS , face overexposed in morning Sun. Her nose wrinkles and her eyes flutter, face twisting into a mask of disgust.
What are you doing?Zoom out, reveal her rolled in a blanket, further out to a wide shot revealing VALENTINE over a camp fire.
Cooking.CHLOE ISIS gets up, inspects frying pan.
What’s that?VALENTINE
Sausage. It was patties, but they kind of fell apart in the bag, so now it’s more of a sloppy joe sausage.CHLOE ISIS
Real sausage?VALENTINE
From a pig.CHLOE ISIS
Where do you think it comes from?CHLOE ISIS
I don’t eat meat.VALENTINE
You have to eat meat.CHLOE ISIS
(points)That used to be an animal.
Yeah. A pig.CHLOE ISIS
But it used to be alive. It used to be a living, breathing, thing. It used to walk around and sniff other pigs.VALENTINE
Its only crime was being delicious.CHLOE ISIS
I’m not eating any. That’s awful.VALENTINE
Suit yourself. (Takes pan off fire.) What are you going to eat?CHLOE ISIS
I’ve got trail mix.VALENTINE
Won’t go far on trail mix.CHLOE ISIS
(Looking East)I’ve never seen the Sun that low on that side of the world.
It's almost seven. I figured we should get an early start.CHLOE ISIS
Seven in the morning? Jeez, what are you worried about, it’s only ten miles to Wicked City. We’ll be home by dinner.VALENTINE
Have you ever walked ten miles? We’ll be lucky to get there before midnight.CHLOE ISIS
A person walks about four miles an hour. VALENTINE
Over flat ground in a straight line. We’re going through forest and underbrush. We’ll be walking all day.Montage of events matching NARRATOR’s monologue.
It wasn’t long before Valentine got Chloe up and moving and on down the highway that zig-zagged through the mountains. At the edge of the Valley, the road continued North along the edge of the Black Forest, Triangle’s only protection against the trolls on the other side. The woods were so thick and overgrown that even the oafish trolls couldn’t force their way through quiet enough to avoid being heard miles away.VALENTINE
How are we ever going to climb through that?
VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS approach a stump. It is tipped on its side, roots splayed out in all direction like fingers. When they reach it, we see it is several feet taller than them, and they must use the branches as a ladder to climb it. On top, they steady themselves against the Ice-Age boulder and look over the valley. From here, we can see the river crossing not far off. Across the river is a yellow plain dotted with homesteads.
There must be a town past all that. I hope we can get there soon for lunch VALENTINE
You want lunch already? CHLOE ISIS
We’ve been walking all day! VALENTINE
It’s still morning. If there's a town, we won't see it for a whileNARRATOR
Chloe ate handfuls of trail mix. The trees on the east slope of the mountain were gnarled and veiny, the oldest they’d seen so far. The leaves were a thick, malicious green with deep brown bark split to reveal yellow marrow within. These were trees that had fought hard to stay alive in the blistering wind that surged across the plains full force into the Triangles. The air was heavy and wet with rain trapped for years. This side was steep and allowed little foothold but for discarded branches, roots, and the few stones exposed through the bed of slimy yellow leaves.VALENTINE
I don’t look forward to coming back up this way.NARRATOR
They reached the bottom and dusted themselves off.VALENTINE
That river can't be far.CHLOE ISIS
It’s probably going to be dark soon. VALENTINE
It’s not even noon.NARRATOR
They pushed on over the mud and rocks of the floodplain. These trees were young, none more than a century. Their translucent, yellow leaves scattered across the ground, but not in any bed thick enough to keep Valentine and Chloe from sinking ankle deep in the mud with each step. It wasn’t long before they reached the river, swollen with winter melt and too fast to cross.VALENTINE
We need to find a bridge.CHLOE ISIS
You don't think you can swim that? I don’t know about you, but I’m burning up. It’s not that far. We could hold our clothes over our heads.NARRATOR
Valentine gave it some thought.VALENTINE
Come on, there’s got to be a road somewhere, or maybe a house with a boat. NARRATOR
They went north along the river bank, which was even ground with hard-packed mud. The spring floods had not yet started.
This would be a good place to cross. Look at the rocks, it’s probably barely over our heads.VALENTINE
And barely more than freezing. Our hearts would stop as soon as we got in the water.CHLOE ISIS
You worry too much. I don’t think I like that about you.VALENTINE
I can live with it. NARRATOR
In late afternoon, when everything was yellow on the other side, they came to a bridge, twisted nails poking from the few remaining desiccated planks that once could support heavy carriage or train.CHLOE ISIS
You want to cross that?VALENTINE
You’ve got a better idea? And don’t say swimming.CHLOE ISIS
We might as well. We'll be swimming when the bridge collapses under us. I’m sorry you’re afraid of a little cold, Rubin.VALENTINE
Jump right in. I’ll meet you on the other side.VALENTINE starts to climb up a concrete pylon.
How am I supposed to get up there if you go first? I can’t reach those boards. Come back here!VALENTINE drops down and lifts CHLOE ISIS by the waist. She reaches...
... And catches hold, dramatically pulling herself up. VALENTINE nimbly follows.
... And catches hold, dramatically pulling herself up. VALENTINE nimbly follows.

Look, we can go to that knoll over there. We can probably see a little farther down the road.CHLOE ISIS
What’s he gonna know?VALENTINE
What’s that gnoll gonna know about what’s down the road?VALENTINE
Let’s just go.Montage matching NARRATOR’s monologue
The Sun’s red rays dried their sweat to a scratchy salt film. As Chloe and Valentine approached the knoll with two tall pine trees in the center, they saw it was haloed with broken and leaning gravestones and what remained of steps. CHLOE ISIS
It’s a graveyard! VALENTINE
Let’s check it out!NARRATOR
It was ancient, the stones were stark and dry with letters and dates worn almost to nothing.
It’s too bad nobody picks them up.VALENTINE
I think we’re the first to see this place in a long time.NARRATOR
They searched between the rows for a readable date, crawling on the short, wiry grass that poked through the acidic soil.VALENTINE
The Sun is almost gone.CHLOE ISIS
It goes down fast in the shadow of the mountains.VALENTINE
We should stay here tonight.CHLOE ISIS
In the graveyard?VALENTINE
It’s as good as any. We can set up set shelter in the trees.CHLOE ISIS
I’m almost out of trail mix.VALENTINE
I saved some muffins and potatoes. We’ve got enough for breakfast. After that, I hope we can get to Wicked City pretty quickly. Look, there’s a stream down there we can clean up in.CHLOE ISIS
I’m dying for a shower.VALENTINE
We’ll have a fresh start in the morning. We can get into Wicked City and be on our way home before we even know it.CHLOE ISIS
You’re making the fire.FADE TO BLACK
HOOK is sitting at the table. TREMONT is looking out the window with his arms crossed.
HOOK is sitting at the table. TREMONT is looking out the window with his arms crossed.
Still nothing?TREMONT
I thought I told you to pipe down.HOOK
So you still don’t want to tell me what that coat does?TREMONT
What did you tell the girl?HOOK
She was carrying on about some ice that is growing on the Tree of Life. I told her it would protect her.TREMONT
And that’s what it does.HOOK
Am I magic, or just lucky.TREMONT
I wouldn’t go with lucky.HOOK
You’re such a party pooper.TREMONT
I’m stuck playing babysitter to a grown up street urchin. How do you expect me to feel?HOOK
Coat’s got to be worth it. Bandyboo paid enough for it.TREMONT
Big guy. Real soft spoken.
You said he was a troll.HOOK
I did business with the troll. I only met the real Bandyboo once.TREMONT
Keep talking.HOOK
I think I asked you first. What about the coat?TREMONT draws his sword half out.
Give it a rest. I’ve yet to even see the other half of your sword. The troll did all his dealings. The two of them lived down in Wicked City and rarely dealt with humans.TREMONT
And he’s calling himself Bandyboo?HOOK
That mean something to you?TREMONT
Get your traveling clothes on.HOOK
Are you kidding? It’s almost midnight.TREMONT snaps his finger and HOOK’s table collapses on him, covering Hook with drink and debris.
That's my table!TREMONT
Would you rather walk, or be dragged behind me? Move!FADE TO WHITE.
Trolls!FADE IN...
VALENTINE sits up.
(Rubbing eyes)Who's yelling?
Wake up! Wake up! Trolls!VALENTINE stands, looks around.
I don’t see anyone.DAHOOTY (OS)
Up there!CHLOE ISIS points up. An Ibis is flapping above them. He is DAHOOTY. His wingspan is massive, and he has a long, bent neck and a saber-shaped beak. DAHOOTY lands between CHLOE ISIS and VALENTINE.
It's a bird!CHLOE ISIS
You move, trolls come this way.CHLOE ISIS
Who are you?DAHOOTY
Me Dahooty. You deaf, girl? Trolls come to eat your guts if you not running now.VALENTINE
I don’t see any trolls.DAHOOTY
South, through those trees. They spot your fire last night. Take long way around to ambush you. I follow all night. Dahooty good friend!VALENTINE
(Peering through the trees) There are no trolls.
There!CHLOE ISIS points west, toward the river, where two riders can be seen galloping across the plain toward the cemetery.
Those aren’t trolls.DAHOOTY
Whatever they are, we better not meeting them, now go go go!VALENTINE stares suspiciously at DAHOOTY a few seconds.
You’re awfully insistent on getting us moving.DAHOOTY
You clearly not understand immense danger this side of river.CHLOE ISIS
It’s two knights.VALENTINE
What makes them so dangerous?DAHOOTY
They monsters. Killers. Let’s go!VALENTINE
First you say trolls, now you say knights. Who should we be afraid of?DAHOOTY
Knights! Trolls! Anything! Everything! Let’s go!VALENTINE
I think we should stay right here. What do you think, Chloe? CHLOE ISIS
Sounds good to me. Maybe they could give us a ride.VALENTINE
We’re going to stay.DAHOOTY
Fine. Stay. Take chances. Something you should know though.VALENTINE
What’s that?DAHOOTY
Dahooty serious about troll.Underbrush explodes and a bloated, pink monster bursts from the trees, bellowing, with a battle axe raised over its head. TROLL chops at VALENTINE, who dodges left. CHLOE ISIS gets on its right and kicks Troll in the shin. TROLL turns on Chloe and tries to chop her sideways. DAHOOTY circles about, cawing and crying. VALENTINE picks up a large branch and clubs Troll over the head, knocking it into a clutch of gravestones, smashing them under its weight.
Chloe! Come on! Let’s go!CHLOE ISIS tries to dart past, but TROLL grabs her ankle and pulls her to the ground. VALENTINE jumps on Troll’s back and pummels TROLL's shoulders and head with his fists. TROLL releases Chloe and gets up with VALENTINE still on its back. VALENTINE kicks at Troll’s back and legs. TROLL slaps and claws at VALENTINE.
Run! Run!CHLOE ISIS picks up a piece of broken headstone and hurls it at Troll, striking Troll in the chest. TROLL bellows and lunges for Chloe. CHLOE ISIS dodges and picks up another rock, backing up and taking aim, throwing rock and picking up another in quick succession.
Hey! Watch out for me!CHLOE ISIS throws another rock that smashes Troll in the face, knocking Troll to his knees. TROLL roars and spits out a mouthful of broken teeth. TROLL tries lunging at CHLOE ISIS from a kneeling position, but VALENTINE continues to pound Troll’s head.
Glithvals! They Glithvals! Run!TROLL reaches back and grabs hold of VALENTINE’s arm, pulling Valentine over Troll’s head, and tossing Valentine effortlessly down the hill, where VALENTINE rolls until he is stopped by a pair of headstones.
TROLL tries loping back the way it came, but CHLOE ISIS throws another rock, striking Troll in the top of it’s head. TROLL’s eyes go wide and it falls face first into the grass. VALENTINE gets up and inspects himself.
TROLL tries loping back the way it came, but CHLOE ISIS throws another rock, striking Troll in the top of it’s head. TROLL’s eyes go wide and it falls face first into the grass. VALENTINE gets up and inspects himself.
I killed the troll!DAHOOTY
(Landing)You killed the troll.
He’s not dead. Look, he’s still breathing.DAHOOTY
Those knights Glithvals. No friends of ours. Come on, we go!CHLOE ISIS
Glithvals? Do you think they’re chasing us?DAHOOTY
Why would Glithvals chase you?VALENTINE
They wouldn’t.DAHOOTY
You don’t talk to Dahooty now? Dahooty save your life.CHLOE ISIS
Maybe they want the coat.DAHOOTY
Why would they? DAHOOTY
They coming this way. Surely they saw battle. They hand out a beating!CHLOE ISIS
Let’s get out of here before that troll wakes up. Come on, grab our stuff!DAHOOTY
Collect everything. Quick!CHLOE ISIS
What can you carry?DAHOOTY
Dahooty is just a weak little bird. Tiny little legs and thin wings. Only good for accessories... maybe money pouch?VALENTINE
Don’t give him anything. For all we know, he came with the troll.DAHOOTY
That absurd! Dahooty not come with trolls.VALENTINE collects their blankets and belongings with CHLOE ISIS’s help.
They almost here!VALENTINE
I’m ready! Go! Go!They run down the east slope of the hill along a path through the brush made by the troll. By the time they reach bottom, they can hear gruff voices of the Glithvals above them. They run out of the trees onto the plain with DAHOOTY flying over head.
Did they see us?DAHOOTY
They are still on the hill. Dahooty can’t see what they’re doing.CHLOE ISIS
Where are we going?VALENTINE
They’re on horse, they’ll catch us in no time.DAHOOTY
A road crosses the stream, not far ahead. It leads into a town to the south. We’ll be safe there, the Glithvals won’t give chase.NARRATOR
They ran and ran with Dahooty flying above, keeping an eye on the knoll, but the Glithvals never gave chase. By noon, the hill was out of sight, and Chloe and Valentine were winded.CHLOE ISIS stops, doubling over and panting.
I can’t go any more. We’ve got to stop. VALENTINE
They must have not seen us.DAHOOTY
Glithvals see everything! Go! Go!CHLOE ISIS and VALENTINE
Look! Smoke, from a chimney! The town isn’t far.
We can finally eat.VALENTINE
That will be great, I’m starving.CHLOE ISIS
Do we have any food left? I’m all out of trail mix.VALENTINE
Everything is raw, we can’t eat without a fire, and there’s nothing to burn. CHLOE ISIS
I haven’t eaten all day.VALENTINE
And neither have I. That town can’t be far. Fifteen minutes, half an hour, no more. Dahooty?DAHOOTY
Oh sure, Dahooty sees it close.NARRATOR
They reached the road not far after with a narrow wooden bridge meant for no more than getting a man and occasional horse or cow across the gurgling stream. It was much smaller, but much more sturdy than the last bridge they’d crossed. There was nothing left on the plain to build but the rock these people could tear from the earth. Nonetheless, they'd erected a quaint little town with dirt roads and stone-front buildings. Valentine and Chloe knew they'd found a place they could finally rest.With DAHOOTY circling overhead, VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS walk into town.
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