Monday, February 15, 2010

Scene 4

Set: A modest living room, quaint and very 1950's in appearance.


BEATRICE enters, talking on a cell phone.

Yeah, Jan, this guy is whacked! He spends every minute worrying and re-figuring the exact doses by weight that will not put these bullfrogs in a coma. All week I've heard nothing but jabber about protomotions and feelings of community among amphibians. This is not what I signed up for.

There is a knock on the door.

That you? (pause) Okay.

Beatrice closes the phone and opens the door. JANESSA enters with her cell phone still in her hand.

Who gives a crap if a frog gets depressed?

You got me, but this guy sure seems serious about finding out.


That’s just creepy. What if he’s one’a them serial killers? Like the ones on TV.

I don't know, but I should see if there's some kind of animal cruelty going on here. I’m going to stop by the agency tomorrow morning and see if they have anything else I can do. This guy is a freak, believe me, I don't want to work for him any longer than I have to. Come on, let’s go.

They exit.


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