Warren Boyd
I’m laughing my ass off when I run past Christian and the Faggot and go downstairs. I hate those two so much. Everyone knows that Anthony kid is a fag, ever since he moved here last year. One time, me and Nick Caufield found out his locker combination by looking over his shoulder, and then we put a smoke bomb in there one night after soccer practice. When he told Principle Andrews about it, everyone accused him of doing it just to get us in trouble. Andrews took me and Nick into his office separately to question us. He told us that it was a serious offense and that criminal charges could be pressed. He promised to go easy on us and keep it within the school if we were honest. I wasn’t about to take the fall for that fag though. I told Andrews I didn’t know anything about it. Nick is a wicked pussy though, and I was afraid he would rat me out, but he didn’t. Andrews called in the police to investigate, but we never got in trouble for it.Christian Duke is something else completely. I’ve known that kid since the sixth grade. When the kids from both elementary schools went to the same middle school, he became friends with Clark Golding. Clark lived up the road from me until last year, and I’ve hated him since first grade. When those two became friends, I had to start beating up on Christian too. Little homo fucker. Last month, me and Jim Smitt cut the tires on that rusty maroon Corsica he covered in skull stickers. The fucker never did figure out it was us. That car is such a piece of shit anyway. I swear, we have one in our front yard with no engine that works better!
Annie Stenta is coming up the stairs toward me. She has the nicest tits on any girl in this school. I’d love to fuck the shit out of her. She must be easy, because she fucked John Parker, and I’ve seen how good he is with women.
I’ve talked to Annie a couple times, and she’s cool. At first, I was a little nervous, because she is an honor-roll chick, and I’m not all that great in school. I figured she would think I was stupid or something. I told her how I was already signed up to go to the Marines when we get out of school, and she was really impressed. She even thought it was funny when I told her how the after-school bus used to drop Clark Golding off at the end of our street, and I would chase him home with my BB gun. She even laughed when I told her that I shot him in the face a couple a years ago, and he started crying. I kicked that little pussy’s ass to really give him something to cry about. I mean, come on! It was only on four pumps! My dad shot me once on ten pumps and I didn’t even say a word, even though it made me bleed!
I stop to talk to Annie. She’s smiling. I want to fuck her so bad! I ask her if she is going to the party in Thursday, and she says she might. I hope so, maybe I could get her drunk and do her then. When the bell rings to end the fifth period, she tells me that she needs to get up to class. I don’t have anything to do right now, so maybe I should go with her. Instead, I just watch her ass as she goes up the stairs, imagining my hands pressed on either side. I wonder if she’s slutty enough to do it in the school.
Go to Annie Stenta
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