Fade in on a dusty sandstone plateau lit yellow in afternoon sun. Mountains can be seen in the distance.
Why don’t you tell the Emperor about it.
LOKIA enters. He wears heavy plate armor and brandishes his sword.
ERBY pulls aside boxes and a shelf to reveal the mouth of a tunnel big enough only to crawl. He crawls inside. CHLOE ISIS and VALENTINE follow.
We cannot stop here, they can still reach us.
OS we hear the ring of metal against rock.
ERBY throws himself into CHLOE ISIS, knocking her and VALENTINE on their backs. Lokia’s SWORD spins down the tunnel, banging against the walls when the tunnel grew too narrow, and missing the pile of Erby, Chloe, and Valentine by inches. VALENTINE tries to get up.
Lokia’s SWORD returns, striking the arm of VALENTINE, who cries out and falls on his back again.
ERBY pulls VALENTINE and CHLOE to their feet and throws them running
The sound of sword on sandstone rings again, faint, but quickly growing closer. CHLOE ISIS and VALENTINE leap around the corner just as the SWORD flies past them and slams into the wall, throwing reflected torchlight across their faces.. The SWORD clatters to the floor and immediately starts to vibrate, growing stronger and stronger until the blade is bouncing around, and knocking its self into the air several times before it catches a spin and flies back down the tunnel.
Before VALENTINE can stop her, CHLOE ISIS runs around the corner to where the torch burns out of sight. VALENTINE catches her around the waist and knocks CHLOE to her knees.
In the distance, the SWORD is singing again. VALENTINE grabs the torch and pushes CHLOE back around the corner. Fade to...
Heavens no! (Stomps past Hook) A troll could never do what we do. Even the Illithred knew that. The most dynamic job a troll was ever given was a check out clerk in the filling stations. Trolls are stupid, brutal creatures.
Fade to Black.
Fade in to on a dark stone hallway.
ERBY helps up CHLOE while VALENTINE creeps toward the puddle. Inside, the sword is vibrating. ERBY grabs Valentine’s collar and drags him down the hall.
Fade to black.
Fade in on TREMONT and HOOK breaking through a line of forest to a muddy embankment.
Pan from wide shot of TREMONT running down the river bank to a closeup of HOOK watching. Fade to black.
Fade in on a stone doorway formed from thick sandstone blocks wedged against the edges of a portal smashed in the rock. ERBY steps out cautiously. Camera zooms out slow to reveal the grassy riverbank.
CHLOE ISIS steps out of the tunnel.
ERBY leads CHLOE ISIS and VALENTINE to the dock.
Valentine was quite surprised by the number of his people at the Tombs. He’d never heard of these places, but Erby led he and Chloe Isis through crowds of dozens of couples of human visitors poking in and out of every dusty crevasse. Great holes had been torn into the side of the mountain where rickety ladders led down to the long-ago-looted tombs of ancient royalty. The treasure of the Illithred now lay in stashes and displays across the lands where it could be gawked at by those that never lived the horror of these ancient kings.VALENTINE
Can we still see the bodies?ERBY
Oh no, Mister, there is an extra fee for visitors to look at that. I can’t imagine you would be able to afford it.CHLOE ISIS
He’s only got six dollars.VALENTINE
Will you get moving?NARRATOR
Past the concession stands and the tents offering a hair of protection, Erby let them stop to admire the majesty of what had been wrought in stone. Great pillars held slabs that were home to the most prolific decisions ever made. Here ritual and religion had been born and twisted into the bars and chains of the Illithred.CHLOE ISIS
I don’t understand why we have to look at them.ERBY
There is a very nice display of mummified cats.CHLOE ISIS
Poor kitty.ERBY
Misses, these cats were revered as gods in the time of their lives. Here is a cow. Another tomb houses a horse, and even twenty-foot crocodile.VALENTINE
You have a crocodile?!ERBY
With a mummified hatchling clutched in her jaws. This was mother crocodile. Did you know mother crocodiles held their babies in their mouths? They do not swallow.VALENTINE
I know a few things about crocodiles.CHLOE ISIS
Stop being smug.ERBY
This is the display here behind this glass. The cow was interred with valuable gems and summoning stones, but these were all removed when the tombs were plundered.CHLOE ISIS
Where are they now?ERBY
Some place in the Emperor’s storehouses. Konakarse believes even gazing on these treasures will make them dirty.CHLOE ISIS
That isn’t fair.VALENTINE
Maybe I will. Our next stop is Old City, after all. We need to save the Tree of Life, remember?VALENTINE
You need to find another adventurer. You told me this would take an afternoon. So far I’ve slept night after night in the cold, wet grass, I’ve been chased down by magical knights, nearly robbed by an Ibis that worked for the Trolls, and have even more to look forward to in the immediate future. I’m not going to Old City, I’m going home.CHLOE ISIS
You can’t abandon me. Not until we find the magic coat.ERBY
What does this coat do, Missus?CHLOE ISIS
I should probably keep something Top Secret on this mission. It is super dangerous after all.VALENTINE
I’m serious, Chloe, I’m going home.CHLOE ISIS
I know when you’re serious.VALENTINE
I am. When we get out of Wicked City, I want to go home.ERBY
If you look over there, you may be more concerned with the immediate moment. Your bird is approaching.CHLOE ISIS
Oh no, turn around! Did he see us?CHLOE ISIS
I can’t tell.ERBY
He does not seem to see you. Take this entrance to the Tomb. There is no fee, and this is the only Tomb where my people are allowed to enter.CHLOE ISIS
They don’t let you see them?ERBY
It is forbidden by law, Missus. Your Emperor does not want the ancient paintings dirty as well.NARRATOR
Two troll soldiers leaned on their spears, sitting on a wall near a set of rickety metal stairs up to a hold in the mountainside. Erby led them up to the wooden planks that had been laid down the mouth of the cave for easier access. White light revealed a night sky with five-pointed stars evenly arranged across the ceiling of the crypt. Wires lead up the walls, held in with nails, occasionally sparking as people walked beneath them. Valentine had to sidestep quickly more than once to avoid being ignited. The hall opened up to a wider room with more sparking lights showing the murals and portraits in brightness they were never intended to see. This had faded the paint significantly. Entrance was permitted to Troll guides as a gift from the Emperor during a rare lapse of compassion. While a number of fans blew about the air, the room was still stuffy from all the people pushing about inside. As Erby led them through the cracks in the masses, he paused to show them the altar had no seams, indicating the room had been carved around it. They continued then into a narrow hallway beyond the altar room. The ramp was steep into a black hole with flickering rumors of torchlight below.VALENTINE
I’m not going down there.ERBY
Most think this room is off limits. The rest do not go down the incline. This is where you will be safest.NARRATOR
Chloe and Valentine slipped, skipped, and stumbled down the ramp to the bottom chamber. The Beyond the entrance was a room lit in simple torches, bathing the room in orange light.VALENTINE
You can’t be serious! I’m not crawling into the darkness with you.ERBY
Would you rather your bird report your whereabouts to the Glithval?CHLOE ISIS
What will it take for you to trust him, Rubin? Erby is on our side!ERBY
I know a place where this tomb connects to a network of tunnels. An entrance comes out not far from the river. You can follow it to the Ox Ford.VALENTINE
How do you know about the Ox Ford?CHLOE ISIS
I told him, Rubin. Erby is our friend.VALENTINE
That’s what you said about Dahooty.CHLOE ISIS
So never make another friend as long as you live because one sold us to trolls. I’d prefer to live in a better world than that.NARRATOR
Valentine hesitated. The Glithvals that attacked them had been monsters, but were they any less dangerous than this troll in the dark tunnels?LOKIA (OS)
Marshal Teppins!LOKIA enters. He wears heavy plate armor and brandishes his sword.
I’ve found the children!ERBY
Glithvals! Run!ERBY pulls aside boxes and a shelf to reveal the mouth of a tunnel big enough only to crawl. He crawls inside. CHLOE ISIS and VALENTINE follow.
The tunnel opened up in a few meters, only enough for the three to stand, and still not big enough for the large Glithvals to enter. Chloe and Valentine followed the torch down a sandstone tunnel only wide enough for single-file. When Valentine slowed, Erby paused only briefly.ERBY
OS we hear the ring of metal against rock.
Get down!ERBY throws himself into CHLOE ISIS, knocking her and VALENTINE on their backs. Lokia’s SWORD spins down the tunnel, banging against the walls when the tunnel grew too narrow, and missing the pile of Erby, Chloe, and Valentine by inches. VALENTINE tries to get up.
No! Stay!Lokia’s SWORD returns, striking the arm of VALENTINE, who cries out and falls on his back again.
Get up! Get up!CHLOE ISIS
Rubin, is it bad!VALENTINE
I can see my bone!ERBY
Go!ERBY pulls VALENTINE and CHLOE to their feet and throws them running
Not much further, there is a bend.The sound of sword on sandstone rings again, faint, but quickly growing closer. CHLOE ISIS and VALENTINE leap around the corner just as the SWORD flies past them and slams into the wall, throwing reflected torchlight across their faces.. The SWORD clatters to the floor and immediately starts to vibrate, growing stronger and stronger until the blade is bouncing around, and knocking its self into the air several times before it catches a spin and flies back down the tunnel.
Are you okay?CHLOE ISIS
I’m fine. How is your wound?VALENTINE
I can’t see a thing.CHLOE ISIS
Erby!Before VALENTINE can stop her, CHLOE ISIS runs around the corner to where the torch burns out of sight. VALENTINE catches her around the waist and knocks CHLOE to her knees.
In the distance, the SWORD is singing again. VALENTINE grabs the torch and pushes CHLOE back around the corner. Fade to...
How did you escape?HOOK
I told you, I’m a wizard.TREMONT
I can expel energy from my fingers, jump higher than any man, prevent myself from touching the ground when I fall, and can peel every muscle and organ from your skeleton without laying a finger on you, and I know that wizards are not real, so tell me how you escaped those trolls.HOOK
If you’re not going to believe me, why do you ask?NARRATOR
Tremont paused to lean against a boulder twice his size.TREMONT
The Marshal is in Wicked City. He’s directing me southwest.HOOK
Directing you?TREMONT
It’s the first time he’s acknowledged my calls in days.HOOK
What about Bandyboo? Is he acknowledging your calls?TREMONT
None of us would hear Bandyboo’s Song if he didn’t want us too.NARRATOR
Tremont continued walking down the path.HOOK
You say that word like it’s distasteful, but when the troll came to me, he was quick to use it. I always thought it was (waves hand) ...iffy.NARRATOR
Tremont slowed, allowing Hook to walk past him.TREMONT
It’s a troll word. They are simple, repugnant creatures with no understanding of the world around them.HOOK
Is the troll a Glithval too?TREMONT
(disgusted)Heavens no! (Stomps past Hook) A troll could never do what we do. Even the Illithred knew that. The most dynamic job a troll was ever given was a check out clerk in the filling stations. Trolls are stupid, brutal creatures.
(struggling to keep up) How do they know each other then?TREMONT
Why do you ask so many questions?NARRATOR
The hillside was steep, but the ground was rocky. Tree roots stuck out here and there as foothold as the two descended. There is no grass, little vegetation, and the ground is devoid of fallen leaves.HOOK
Don’t you want to keep me intrigued? If I’m not your prisoner, and you so powerful that you don’t need my help, I can only be here for my own entertainment. If that’s the case, I’d like to know why you and your Glithval friends are so interested in chasing a pair of children to a troll junk shop.TREMONT
You think I’m powerful? Wait until you see Ophalius.HOOK
Ophalius is the man?TREMONT
That doesn’t even begin to describe him. No other Glithval could be compared to Ophalius. Even with my help, Marshal Teppins would be flattened.HOOK
And we’re looking for him?TREMONT
Unless Grent has completely given up on his studies, we stand no chance against him.Fade to Black.
Fade in to on a dark stone hallway.
Those Glithvals will not follow us in here.CHLOE ISIS
You're not even cut.NARRATOR
Valentine inspected the wound on his arm.CHLOE ISIS
Look, there isn't even blood. It cut your jacket.VALENTINE
It looked a lot worse. How can you be sure we're safe?CHLOE ISIS
What is this place?ERBY
This is the tomb of the Witch King.VALENTINE
That doesn't sound safe. There’s probably a lava floor with ghostly blocks that disappear and dump you on spikes if you don’t jump in time.CHLOE ISIS
You don’t think anything is safe. Who was the Witch King?ERBY
He was the first of the Illithred. He taught them to take Shogotta into their bodies to give them great power. Before the Witch King, it was used only as a weapon, but he discovered it would bend to his will and perform many tasks. The Illithred became something no longer human. They mastered the world and trod mortal man under their feet.CHLOE ISIS
You think we are safe here?ERBY
For the moment.VALENTINE
Why should we believe you?ERBY
The walls are lined with Shogotta. They would not let a Glithval pass without attacking.VALENTINE
Will they attack us?ERBY
You pose it no threat. They will leave us alone.CHLOE ISIS
Are they alive?ERBY
So to speak. These figures and runes are gods and goddesses worshiped by the Illithred. The Emperor banished even their names, but these runes remain to protect the lineage of the Witch King.VALENTINE
Are they moving?ERBY
Often you will find the gods and goddesses watch you as you walk down the halls. I’ve seen it many times.CHLOE ISIS
You told us you couldn’t come down here.ERBY
Students spend the nights in the tunnels to learn the names of the kings in whispers. When the Tombs are quiet, you can hear voices. I have not been this deep in many years, but the experience is one that will never be forgotten.VALENTINE
That one just moved its hand!ERBY
You are mistaken, sir, there might be some jitters and jiggles, but the Shogotta only move significantly in the presence of Illithred.CHLOE ISIS
I saw that one too!NARRATOR
And that’s when a winged woman in a feather dress stepped off the wall separating Erby from Valentine and Chloe.ERBY
I’m sorry, madam, I know the troll does not belong in this place!NARRATOR
The winged woman pointed its staff at Valentine and he fell to his knees.CHLOE ISIS
Don’t you dare touch him!NARRATOR
Chloe Isis threw her handbag at the Shogotta, striking it on the bullhorns that adorned its headdress.CHLOE
Rubin! Get out of here!VALENTINE
My name is Valentine!ERBY
There was a rough crash of metal bashing against rock and the broadsword of a Glithval spun down the rock hallway, passing between Erby and Valentine through the spot Chloe Isis was standing before the Shogotta pushed her out of the way. The sword continued down the hall, crashing against the rock until the sound grew dim.CHLOE ISIS
It saved me!NARRATOR
The Shogotta turned away from them, facing down the hall as the brutal song of the returning sword echoed in the hall. Erby pushed down Valentine, and Chloe was still on the floor. The sword glittered in the torchlight and it was consumed in the Shogotta, falling to the ground in a black puddle.ERBY
Hurry now, it won’t stay there long.ERBY helps up CHLOE while VALENTINE creeps toward the puddle. Inside, the sword is vibrating. ERBY grabs Valentine’s collar and drags him down the hall.
Fade to black.
Fade in on TREMONT and HOOK breaking through a line of forest to a muddy embankment.
The valley was a sharp ‘V’ between the mountains with a tiny stream slicing the gorge like a scalpel in the Earth. Tremont stops at a fat, round boulder that has formed a shallow pool of stream around it, slowly polished and smooth by countless years of relentless attack from the water.TREMONT
I can feel the Great River in this stream. We're not far.HOOK
Why does Bandyboo know the troll? The Empire is crumbling very well on its own without me knowing this little secret.NARRATOR
Tremont climbed atop the rock and peered down the valley.TREMONT
We should reach the river within the hour.HOOK
The Marshal doesn't want you in Wicked City no more?TREMONT
Our quarry is no longer in Wicked City.NARRATOR
Tremont hopped off the rock and started downstream without looking back to see if Hook followed. Hook watched for a moment before continuing.HOOK
Whatever you say, boss. Are you going to answer my question?TREMONT
I’ve been trying not to listen.HOOK
If this guy is a big, bad Glithval, what’s he doing selling junk with a troll?TREMONT
They met during the relocation, when we brought the trolls to the ruins of Wicked City.HOOK
You were using Illithred weapons. One was brought through my town.TREMONT
Nothing spread death like the Illithred weapons.HOOK
I saw a demonstration of the tiny balls that were expelled through iron tubes with enough force to shatter the support beams of a house. I liked you better wearing armor and carrying swords.TREMONT
Konakarse was desperate to try his new toys from the day our enemy fell. At first only the Glithval were given access to these weapons, but when huge stockpiles were discovered, even the common soldiers were rearmed. Ophalius was Warmaster.HOOK
Tremont the Butcher.TREMONT
Men have died for calling me that.HOOK
Woah, relax!TREMONT
I’m not exaggerating. Died. Only for calling me by that name.HOOK
I’m sorry.TREMONT
So it won’t happen again.HOOK
They walked on a few dozen yards along a bank. New shoots were already winding their way through the tangled brown skeletons of last year’s grasses. Hook stayed close to the dirt wall on what could pass as a path while Tremont splashed along the stream’s edge.HOOK
It’s getting wider.TREMONT
Where did you hear that name?HOOK
I mean the stream. It’s bigger.TREMONT
I’m aware.HOOK
We must be getting close to the river.TREMONT
Where did you hear that name?HOOK
News criers. Story tellers. Everyone talked about you up here.TREMONT
I was not in command.HOOK
Nobody cared. You were the hero.TREMONT
What did they say about Ophalius. He was in command.HOOK
I don’t even remember. Did anyone know that? You were blasting away whole armies in the jungle. That’s what people wanted to hear about. Did you think that name was an insult? We loved you, man.TREMONT
Warmaster Ophalius and I were surrounded. There was a Sgt. Tenrew with us, but he was human. We’d been leading a squad into an underground ruin housing more trolls than we ever could count. Among them was a bully named Morgoth, who’d been menacing the human villages on the rims of Tarnikesh. The people were complaining to Konakarse. Look up there. I can see the river.NARRATOR
Hook shielded his eyes from the sun.TREMONT
I suppose you need to be taller. Keep moving.HOOK
I see it now. Is Morgoth the troll I met?TREMONT
We surprised the trolls during a festival called Ogbai, where trolls get drunk on rotten vegetables while eating rats and earthworms. It’s unthinkably vile, but it’s how the trolls mark their manhood. The ritual required the young troll to slay a human boy, and we’d followed the screams into the chamber. Grent insisted we rescue the child, who was tied to a wooden pole and about to be skewered by a little troll named Corthd. Our squad was cut down almost immediately, but it was Corthd who saved us. In the confusion, he cut the child’s bonds himself and led us to safety. Ophalius granted Corthd immunity and has protected him ever since. Look there, do you see the dock?HOOK
Yeah, and a house on the river.TREMONT
The Marshal needs me to go here.HOOK
How are we getting across the water?TREMONT
I never said we. Wait here, I’ll be back within the hour.Pan from wide shot of TREMONT running down the river bank to a closeup of HOOK watching. Fade to black.
Fade in on a stone doorway formed from thick sandstone blocks wedged against the edges of a portal smashed in the rock. ERBY steps out cautiously. Camera zooms out slow to reveal the grassy riverbank.
My friends, look this way. I’ve found our destination.CHLOE ISIS steps out of the tunnel.
Rubin, come on!VALENTINE
My name is Val...NARRATOR
Rubin lost his words when he stepped out the door to see the expanse of the Great River.ERBY
The Great River leads all the way through Tarnikesh to the Sea. My cousin has a home not far from here. We have a few hours of Sun, I believe I can get you to the Ox Ford.NARRATOR
The soil was the consistency of chocolate pudding, and they sank ankle deep with each step. Eventually, Chloe took off her shoes.CHLOE ISIS
I can feel the worms on my toes!VALENTINE
Don’t remind me they’re down there.CHLOE ISIS
Hey Erby, why do you think the Shogotta saved me?ERBY
You must have triggered its programming in some way. It was probably trying to kill you. The Glithval sword was pure luck.VALENTINE
Can they control the spinning swords?ERBY
They call it Blooding. The Glithval believe they have a mental link with their swords.CHLOE ISIS
That’s terrible.ERBY
My lady, it is not real. A sword is a sword. A Glithval can, however, send his sword spinning down a hallway and cut you in two pieces. The Shogotta will crawl back on the wall and stay there another ten thousand years. Shogotta retain their original paint job.NARRATOR
They passed a troll in long robes leading bison to the river for drink. He exchanged pleasantries with Erby and each bowed.ERBY
The Glithval brought my people here by boat through the mountains from Tarnikesh. The trip was hard, and the Glithval were not in pleasant spirits after the war. The Emperor made us build dockhouses, and crews were kept on hand to maintain. Only within my life has the law been lifted that one of your people must be in charge of the staff. My cousin was appointed this past fall. We were quite proud.CHLOE ISIS
Will we see how the boats work?ERBY
My lady, we will be riding my cousin’s felucca to the Ox Ford to see this junk man you are seeking. You say he is called Bandyboo?CHLOE ISIS
Yeah, I think that was the name. Rubin, what was the troll’s name?VALENTINE
Have you heard of a Bandyboo that sells junk in an Ox Ford? If so, it’s probably our guy. What is a fluker and how are supposed to get across the river.ERBY
'Bandyboo' means ‘Dark Man’ in a language no longer spoken. That's what my people called him in Tarnikesh. Look there, this is my cousin’s house up ahead.CHLOE ISIS
Rubin, have you ever seen a boat that big?VALENTINE
I’ve seen plenty of boats. At least, I’ve read about them, memorized a few details about the hull and gibbet.CHLOE ISIS
Did you wish you lived on the Sea?VALENTINE
There are sea monsters in the water!CHLOE ISIS
I thought so!VALENTINE
Great, big things with mouths full of razor sharp teeth. Some day I’ll catch one of them.ERBY
And what, may I ask, will you do with it?VALENTINE
Maybe put it on the wall.ERBY
We have a similar creature living in this river, so take care and keep your feet in the boat.CHLOE ISIS
I don’t see anyone at the house.ERBY
Mara! Mara, it is your cousin! It’s Erby!VALENTINE
Have you noticed that everyone is related?ERBY
Maybe they have a strong family pride. I heard trolls take great care to know their families.ERBY
And we prefer not to be called trolls.CHLOE ISIS
I’m sorry, Erby, I don’t mean it in a mean way.ERBY
I am a man like any other.CHLOE ISIS
I’m working on it. That’s just how I’ve known you.ERBY
I understand, my lady. Wait here a moment.NARRATOR
As they reached the edge of the yard, Erby ran ahead to the white A-frame built on stilts deep into the earth. The window frame had no glass, and Erby pulled himself up to look inside.ERBY
What’s wrong?VALENTINE
Wait here.NARRATOR
Erby dropped off the window and leaned against the wall.CHLOE ISIS
Come on, something’s wrong.NARRATOR
Chloe and Valentine ran to join Erby, who’d sat down.CHLOE ISIS
Erby! Is everything all right?ERBY
You don’t want to look in there.VALENTINE
Let e see.ERBY
You won’t like it.NARRATOR
Valentine peered through the window.VALENTINE
Oh my land! Who could do such a thing?ERBY
That was my cousin and her husband.CHLOE ISIS
I’m sorry for your loss, Erby.ERBY
We cannot worry about that right now. Do either of you know how to pilot a felucca?VALENTINE
I don’t know what that is?ERBY
That makes me captain. I’ve watched my cousin a few times. As long as we stay out in deeper waters, I shouldn’t hit anything. Quickly now, the Glithval will be right behind us.ERBY leads CHLOE ISIS and VALENTINE to the dock.
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