Agent Martin
I’m lighting a cigarette as I climb the stairs of the abandoned tenement. Even thought the building is still supplied with power illegally, my lighter provides the only light in the stairway. I rap loudly on the first apartment on the third floor and wait until I hear wary footsteps approaching.“Who is it?” demands a harsh voice on the other side of the door.
“Mr. Hammer, my name is Special Agent John Martin with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I’d like to ask you some questions, please,” I say, leaning against the door-jamb.
“No Hammer here!”
I push the door open and snap the security chain like a string, catching him completely off guard, so he doesn’t go for the gun on the book shelf by the door. I wag a finger at him and say, “Keep in mind, Mr. Hammer, I’m not here for you, so don’t give me any reason to get angry.” I straighten my trench coat and say, “Mr. Hammer–I believe you prefer to be called ‘RatDawg,’ correct?” Without giving him a chance to answer, I say, “I’m here to ask you some questions about Anton Lazarus.”
He is sizing me up. We are both tall, but he is a little brawnier than me. He believes if he moves quickly he can take me out, so he is waiting for me to move first. He is nervous that I am here alone though. He can’t see my gun, but has correctly assumed that I have one under my arm pit. He is only a step and a half away. “I don’t know who you are talking about.”
I scowl. “Mr. Hammer... Sean... 'RatDawg,' you need to know that lying is the worst thing you can do right now. I can tell when you do it, and if you do it again, things will not be pleasant.”
He hesitates. “Yeah... I know him, dumb rich guy. Friend of mine.”
“Client of yours,” I push back at him. “You sell him drugs.”
“I don't know nothin' about that,” he snaps. “What the fuck do you want.”
“I want Mr. Lazarus. I want you to answer some questions about him.”
“I don’t know nothing.”
“Double negative,” I point out. “You do know something.” I open my briefcase and hand him a manila envelope. “I have a lot more than these photos.
RatDawg's mouth is hanging wide when he withdraws the black & whites.
"The man you killed tonight was Detective Simon Wheaton, who was building a case against you. You were tipped off to this and tortured and killed him. These are photographs of Detective Wheaton getting into a car with your two friends, Chico and Pablo three days ago, as well as photographs of the three of them coming in here. You know perfectly well that with this evidence, your companions will quickly point the finger at you to avoid a capital murder case. If you cooperate with me, no one but you and I will will ever see these photos.”
“Look, man!” he says defensively. “You ain’t got nothin’ on me. No one even knows I’m here!”
I produce a cassette tape from my pocket and wave it menacingly in front of him. “The room was bugged. Every word is on here as well as you firing the fatal bullet.”
“You just try and get out of here alive with that,” he snarls with faux-confidence.
“You just try and kill me,” I hiss, extending a force of will that puts him on the floor. “Now, Mr. Hammer, I suggest you cooperate and tell me what you know about Mr. Lazarus.” I look thoughtfully through the manila envelope. “The life of this cop means absolutely nothing to me. Neither do you. If you are caught, it will be dealt with by the proper authorities without any of my involvement. All I want is Lazarus.” I smile. “Understand?”
“I don’t know much about Lazarus. He blows into town occasionally, buys large amounts of drugs from me, and disappears. I used to think he was selling them, but half the time, I sell him baking soda, or flour, and at the prices I give it to him at, there is no way he could turn a profit.”
I shake my head. "Are you afraid of Mr. Lazarus?”
He sits up defensively. “No, I...,” but sinks down and sheepishly says, “He knows things. He knows things he shouldn’t know. Tonight, he knew that cop was in the other room. He demanded to watch me do the guy...”
“He was here...? Tonight?” I look around wildly. Normally, I can smell him. “I missed him? Fuck!” I planned to be here when Lazarus arrived. “A girl... A teenage girl, was she with him?”
“Yeah, he said he wanted the bitch to see me kill the cop. She was screaming so loud I thought someone would hear.” He is terrified now, and his eyes are hardly leaving where the gun is hidden.
“Was she fine? Was she injured?”
“No, man, she was fine! I didn’t do anything!” He lunges in an attempt to knock me out of the way. His left arm is already outstretched towards the gun. His right elbow snaps when it connects with my chest. He cries out in pain and falls.
“So brittle,” I whisper. I pick him up by his hands and he wails again. “I told you this would have gone well if you cooperated. That was true.”
He isn't listening. No one outside can hear the screaming.
Go to Chapter 26
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