Helicopter shot of DAHOOTY, flying over a thin mountaintop that overlooks a forested valley. CORTHD, VALENTINE, and CHLOE ISIS are running beneath him.
CORTHD looks over his shoulder at Valentine. CHLOE whispers to Valentine.
DAHOOTY lands between them.
CORTHD draws his scimitar.
All are quiet a moment while CORTHD concentrates.
CORTHD strikes Valentine in the chest with the flat of his scimitar, knocking VALENTINE off his feet.
CORTHD points his scimitar at Valentine.
A fist size rock flies from the woods and strikes CORTHD in the shoulder. He stumbles, but recovers, turning on the forest with scimitar and dagger drawn. A gruesome troll, taller than Corthd and twice as wide hurls himself from the branches of a tree, swinging a wood-cutting axe. He is TAKA. CORTHD sidesteps and cuts the axe in two. CHLOE ISIS and VALENTINE back away. ERBY attacks from the forest, shoving VALENTINE down and pushes CHLOE, throwing himself on Dahooty. DAHOOTY squawks and flaps his wings, but cannot get away in time. CORTHD attempts to defend, but TAKA leaps and wraps his arms around Corthd’s legs, knocking Corthd down. CORTHD breaks free and kicks Taka in the face. CHLOE ISIS kicks Erby in the side.
CORTHD scrambles up around Taka's grasping hands, stomping on one meaty fist, making the big troll cry out in pain. Wide shot looking up on CORTHD with ERBY in the foreground wrestling with DAHOOTY. ERBY sees Corthd and releases the bird, rolling away.
TAKA, is on his feet, running at Corthd. CORTHD spins and stabs Taka in the flank with his dagger and kicks Taka in the stomach. TAKA falls back but recovers, hardly wincing at his wound. CORTHD kneels and launches himself into Taka’s stomach. TAKA is knocked off-balance and cries out in fear when CORTHD raises his scimitar. CHLOE ISIS attempts to help Dahooty, whose wing is extended and clearly broken. VALENTINE defends as ERBY attacks again, pushing Valentine to the ground and grabbing DAHOOTY. CHLOE jumps on Erby’s back, punching him in the back of the head. VALENTINE kicks Erby hard in the thigh, making ERBY drop Dahooty. DAHOOTY hops a few steps, but is clearly in pain. CORTHD is caught off guard by the TAKA’s plea for mercy, and ERBY falls into CORTHD’s back, surprising him, so he cannot avoid TAKA’s punch. CORTHD is momentarily dazed.
ERBY turns on CHLOE and VALENTINE, getting between them and Dahooty. CORTHD is already on his feet, but cannot catch TAKA who scoops up Dahooty and runs for the woods. ERBY attempts to intercept Corthd, but CORTHD punches Erby in the face, knocking him down. VALENTINE runs into the woods, but is quickly entangled in the thick brush. CORTHD is stalking after ERBY, who crab walks away, pleading in his own language. CORTHD holds out his scimitar.
Cut to...
A cavernous stone chapel lit by torches and oily red fire. People are milling about and seated on blankets like refugees. HOOK, the MAYOR, and CELINE walk down the rows toward the alter.
Med shot, profile of HOOK at the left side of the screen. The Mayor walks onscreen, smiling warmly.
CELINE grabs Hook's shoulder as he takes a step.
HOOK is confused.
MAYOR is surprised.
The MAYOR advances menacingly.
There is a commotion off-screen. All three look in that direction. People start shouting.
HOOK holds out his walking stick.
The MAYOR draws two short swords from behind his back. CELINE slings a rifle over her back and draws two pistols from her hips.
All three exit running.
Wide shot of the main doors to the cavern. A group of men are scrambling to bar them. Something heavy is pounded against the other side. HOOK, the MAYOR, and CELINE run into shot.
“Ace of Spades” plays as the Mayor slaps the shoulders of two men holding the doors and motions for them to run. The wood shudders and breaks apart under the weight of a massive figure in a shapeless brown cloak. MAYOR tries to attack with his two short swords, but the MALKOOTH grabs his wrists. Behind it are the shadows of at least a dozen of these creatures. As the lyrics start, CELINE puts her arm over the Mayor’s shoulder, puts the pistol under the Malkooth's hood and shoots the creature in the face.
The MALKOOTH surge into the room, hacking down any fleeing humans they can reach. HOOK, CELINE, and the MAYOR are surrounded and stand against each others backs as they slash, club, and shoot the monsters. MAYOR somersaults through the air, swords spinning through cloaks and scaly flesh beneath. The creatures surge, wielding swords with twisted blades, but the MAYOR is too fast, parrying each attack and turning it against the attacker.
HOOK and CELINE are separated as well, but seeing HOOK overwhelmed, CELINE fights to his side, landing near the melee and shooting up into the creature over Hook's head. The last three of the creatures are all facing-off against the MAYOR. He is holding his own against them, but is wearing down. HOOK and CELINE join him. Able to concentrate on one, the MAYOR easily dispatches the creature he is fighting and moves to help Celine, cutting the monster in half at the waist. Instead of helping Hook, the MAYOR and CELINE stop to watch him fight.
The creature is armed with two serrated knives, and is faster than the rest of the Malkooth. HOOK is blocking, kicking, parrying, but the monster presses him.
CELINE looks at the Mayor. MAYOR smiles. They stand still. HOOK swings at the creature, but it moves away easily and slices for his guts. HOOK jumps back and misses being eviscerated by less than an inch. Still, the MAYOR and CELINE do nothing. HOOK is sweating. At last, he manages to land a kick into the creature’s chest, knocking it down. He somersaults, lands, straddling the creature and spears his walking stick through it's face.
Closeup of HOOK. He holds his pose for a moment, panting, and wrenches the stick free. A black oil coats the tip.
HOOK glares. Wide shot of CELINE.
CELINE runs for the alter. MAYOR stands in front of HOOK for several seconds, staring into his eyes. He looks over his shoulder at Celine, content that she is out of earshot. Zoom in until just HOOK and the Mayor’s faces are on the screen.
Zoom out to a wide shot again. The Mayor follows Celine, who has already reached one of the escape tunnels. As the Mayor hobbles away, the camera readjusts to have HOOK in the center of the screen.
Fade to white.
Fade in...
Smashed branches reach for a hole in the canopy. Track up to reveal TREMONT in the ruined tree. Branches and jagged wood pierce his body through bloody holes in his armor. Tremont’s goblin-faced helmet is upended on the ground and his sword impaled upright beside it.
Closeup of Tremont’s face. His eyes are rolled back and blood runs the length of his nose.
Wide angle beneath Tremont. There is a crashing in the brush and TEPPINS and LOKIA enter. TEPPINS stops beneath Tremont.
TREMONT wails in agony as his body is wrenched off the stump, lifts in the air and falls beside TEPPINS. TREMONT whimpers.
LOKIA kneels and touches Tremont’s forehead.
LOKIA buries his head in his chest and lays his palm across Tremont’s face. TREMONT's body is motionless a moment and then stiffens. His fingers curl and his elbows and knees fold into his chest. With a loud cry, TREMONT jerks back into a spread-eagle position and sits up. It takes him a moment to regain his bearings.
Marshal Teppins, I thank you. I saw the Bandyboo. Ophalius is alive!
TREMONT gets to his feet, rubs his head and retrieves his sword and helmet.
TEPPINS grabs TREMONT by the throat, lifts him off the ground.
TEPPINS hurls TREMONT, who slides across the ground and has only enough time to defend with his arms before TEPPINS stomps in his face.
TEPPINS picks up TREMONT by the collar of his armor and smashes TREMONT against two trees.
TEPPINS throws TREMONT down.
Cut to...
VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS are sitting at a small campfire. Corthd’s supply pack is open and Chloe is wrapped in a blanket. ERBY is tied to a tree.
VALENTINE stands and takes a knife out of Corthd’s pack.
Closeup of ERBY. He smiles, but is clearly nervous.
VALENTINE cuts a long strip of ERBY’s shirt.
VALENTINE gags Erby and returns to the fire.
Cut to...
A dilapidated shack with a candle burning in the window. CORTHD enters and approaches stealthily. He looks through the window at TAKA eating stew from a dirty bowl at a table in the center of the room.
TAKA hears Corthd and looks at the window. TAKA stands. There is a knock at the front door. TAKA picks up a club and approaches the front door cautiously. He reaches out for the handle.
CORTHD smashes through the window, lands standing on the table and vaults, kicking TAKA in the shoulder. TAKA covers his face and backs away, dropping his club.
CORTHD yells at TAKA in their own language. TAKA whimpers and points to a wooden crate by the window. CORTHD walks to the crate. TAKA smashes a chair over Corthd’s head. CORTHD falls and drops his sword. TAKA picks up Corthd and throws him against the opposite wall. CORTHD has a few seconds to regain his wits and is prepared when TAKA hurls himself into Corthd and the wall, but CORTHD is still unable to avoid. TAKA backs away, tense, and shouts in his own language.
CORTHD is kneeling. He looks up.
TAKA grins and raises a fist.
Almost too fast to see, CORTHD sweeps his leg, knocking TAKA into the table, which smashes. CORTHD pounces on TAKA before he has hit the ground and pummels Taka’s face. TAKA flails his arms to defend, but has little range of motion and CORTHD moves too quickly.
CORTHD leaps off Taka and retrieves his scimitar. He is facing Taka in a defensive crouch before TAKA has even stood. CORTHD speaks in his own language. TAKA shakes his head.
CORTHD returns to the crate and opens it. Empty.
TAKA smashes him. CORTHD is crushed against the wall again and the crate breaks apart.
TAKA does a victory dance. From OS, CORTHD punches Taka in the jaw. TAKA blinks twice and falls.
Insert of TAKA’s face, jaw slack on the floor, eyes rolled back in his head. CORTHD searches the room in the background.
CORTHD takes Taka's collar in both hands.
TAKA is unconsious
Cut to...
VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS are asleep by the fire. Slow zoom on ERBY. Tight on his face. He is grinning.
Closeup of ERBY’s hands. They are tied behind his back. He shakes his wrist and a tiny knife falls into his fingers.
Tight on ERBY’s face. His lips turn up wider.
Fade to Black.
Helicopter shot of DAHOOTY, flying over a thin mountaintop that overlooks a forested valley. CORTHD, VALENTINE, and CHLOE ISIS are running beneath him.
Corthd led them up a bare mountain where the wind scissored any tree or shrub against the blade of bared granite. Their goal, the stone keep of Poran Talen seemed very far in the distance. They stayed in the shadows of the treeline as they ran with Corthd at the head, never tiring.
We will be able to see edges of Doom City in a few hours.
What’s it like?
Now? Overgrown, probably. Emperor forbids any man to enter.
What about trolls?
Corthd led them up a bare mountain where the wind scissored any tree or shrub against the blade of bared granite. Their goal, the stone keep of Poran Talen seemed very far in the distance. They stayed in the shadows of the treeline as they ran with Corthd at the head, never tiring.
We will be able to see edges of Doom City in a few hours.
What’s it like?
Now? Overgrown, probably. Emperor forbids any man to enter.
What about trolls?
CORTHD looks over his shoulder at Valentine. CHLOE whispers to Valentine.
They don’t like to be called ‘trolls.’
We should just go into the city and stay there. It’s empty, isn’t it?
Not many people listen to Konakarse these days. There are trolls and mongrel people that move in when they see opportunity.
Are there Illithrin?
(chuckles) No Illithred any more.
Corthd told them the animals already came back to these woods in number, and the trees are working their way into the city. Nature is reclaiming the whole area one house at a time. The people that live there now don’t build, and certainly can’t do upkeep on the Illithred architecture. They will move along in a few years when the structures become unlivable. Eventually, the whole city will be gone, and the horror of the Illithred will be forgotten entirely. These people, you don’t want to bother them. The Illithred abused them and subjugated them for a very long time. It’s left them bitter and easily angered. Corthd kept them running down thin paths stomped into the sheer face of the mountains, stopping abruptly in a copse of trees.
What’s wrong?
Something not feel right.
They don’t like to be called ‘trolls.’
We should just go into the city and stay there. It’s empty, isn’t it?
Not many people listen to Konakarse these days. There are trolls and mongrel people that move in when they see opportunity.
Are there Illithrin?
(chuckles) No Illithred any more.
Corthd told them the animals already came back to these woods in number, and the trees are working their way into the city. Nature is reclaiming the whole area one house at a time. The people that live there now don’t build, and certainly can’t do upkeep on the Illithred architecture. They will move along in a few years when the structures become unlivable. Eventually, the whole city will be gone, and the horror of the Illithred will be forgotten entirely. These people, you don’t want to bother them. The Illithred abused them and subjugated them for a very long time. It’s left them bitter and easily angered. Corthd kept them running down thin paths stomped into the sheer face of the mountains, stopping abruptly in a copse of trees.
What’s wrong?
Something not feel right.
DAHOOTY lands between them.
Troll from boat hiding below.
We gotta watch out for this guy. He tried to drug us and drown us in the river.
Troll from boat hiding below.
We gotta watch out for this guy. He tried to drug us and drown us in the river.
CORTHD draws his scimitar.
(to CHLOE)
This is the part where he lops off our hands.
Must you?
I’m just kidding! (To CORTHD) I’m joking. It was a joke.
Keep mouth shut, can’t hear anything.
(to CHLOE)
This is the part where he lops off our hands.
Must you?
I’m just kidding! (To CORTHD) I’m joking. It was a joke.
Keep mouth shut, can’t hear anything.
All are quiet a moment while CORTHD concentrates.
He probably ran away while Rubin was talking.
My name is Valent...
I said hush!
He probably ran away while Rubin was talking.
My name is Valent...
I said hush!
CORTHD strikes Valentine in the chest with the flat of his scimitar, knocking VALENTINE off his feet.
CORTHD points his scimitar at Valentine.
You put me at point of Glithval sword, and I take you down before they cut me through.
Okay! Cool it. I’ll be quiet.
You put me at point of Glithval sword, and I take you down before they cut me through.
Okay! Cool it. I’ll be quiet.
A fist size rock flies from the woods and strikes CORTHD in the shoulder. He stumbles, but recovers, turning on the forest with scimitar and dagger drawn. A gruesome troll, taller than Corthd and twice as wide hurls himself from the branches of a tree, swinging a wood-cutting axe. He is TAKA. CORTHD sidesteps and cuts the axe in two. CHLOE ISIS and VALENTINE back away. ERBY attacks from the forest, shoving VALENTINE down and pushes CHLOE, throwing himself on Dahooty. DAHOOTY squawks and flaps his wings, but cannot get away in time. CORTHD attempts to defend, but TAKA leaps and wraps his arms around Corthd’s legs, knocking Corthd down. CORTHD breaks free and kicks Taka in the face. CHLOE ISIS kicks Erby in the side.
Kill him! Help us!
Kill him! Help us!
CORTHD scrambles up around Taka's grasping hands, stomping on one meaty fist, making the big troll cry out in pain. Wide shot looking up on CORTHD with ERBY in the foreground wrestling with DAHOOTY. ERBY sees Corthd and releases the bird, rolling away.
TAKA, is on his feet, running at Corthd. CORTHD spins and stabs Taka in the flank with his dagger and kicks Taka in the stomach. TAKA falls back but recovers, hardly wincing at his wound. CORTHD kneels and launches himself into Taka’s stomach. TAKA is knocked off-balance and cries out in fear when CORTHD raises his scimitar. CHLOE ISIS attempts to help Dahooty, whose wing is extended and clearly broken. VALENTINE defends as ERBY attacks again, pushing Valentine to the ground and grabbing DAHOOTY. CHLOE jumps on Erby’s back, punching him in the back of the head. VALENTINE kicks Erby hard in the thigh, making ERBY drop Dahooty. DAHOOTY hops a few steps, but is clearly in pain. CORTHD is caught off guard by the TAKA’s plea for mercy, and ERBY falls into CORTHD’s back, surprising him, so he cannot avoid TAKA’s punch. CORTHD is momentarily dazed.
Get the bird!
Get the bird!
ERBY turns on CHLOE and VALENTINE, getting between them and Dahooty. CORTHD is already on his feet, but cannot catch TAKA who scoops up Dahooty and runs for the woods. ERBY attempts to intercept Corthd, but CORTHD punches Erby in the face, knocking him down. VALENTINE runs into the woods, but is quickly entangled in the thick brush. CORTHD is stalking after ERBY, who crab walks away, pleading in his own language. CORTHD holds out his scimitar.
Don’t kill him!
I won’t let you.
He tried to kill us. Do you remember he drugged you? Go ahead, cut him in half!
What about Dahooty?
Forget Dahooty, he would have turned against us for a few scraps of fish.
Dahooty is our friend, and I won’t leave him. Erby’s the only one who can tell us where that troll went.
They don’t like to be called trolls.
I don’t like people who kidnap my friends! (To ERBY, screams) Where is Dahooty?!
Tell girl where to find her bird.
A talking bird would be most valuable. Mallik offer a high price. Maybe more with broken wing, now bird not fly away.
See, they’re keeping him alive.
Now you can kill him.
How will you find him without me?
Don’t kill him!
I won’t let you.
He tried to kill us. Do you remember he drugged you? Go ahead, cut him in half!
What about Dahooty?
Forget Dahooty, he would have turned against us for a few scraps of fish.
Dahooty is our friend, and I won’t leave him. Erby’s the only one who can tell us where that troll went.
They don’t like to be called trolls.
I don’t like people who kidnap my friends! (To ERBY, screams) Where is Dahooty?!
Tell girl where to find her bird.
A talking bird would be most valuable. Mallik offer a high price. Maybe more with broken wing, now bird not fly away.
See, they’re keeping him alive.
Now you can kill him.
How will you find him without me?
Cut to...
A cavernous stone chapel lit by torches and oily red fire. People are milling about and seated on blankets like refugees. HOOK, the MAYOR, and CELINE walk down the rows toward the alter.
How do you know who am?
How do you know who am?
Med shot, profile of HOOK at the left side of the screen. The Mayor walks onscreen, smiling warmly.
You've come to set things right.
You've come to set things right.
(Looking down, shaking head.) You've got the wrong guy.
Didn’t you think there was a reason we picked you?
I have a message...
(Looking down, shaking head.) You've got the wrong guy.
Didn’t you think there was a reason we picked you?
I have a message...
CELINE grabs Hook's shoulder as he takes a step.
It was the prophecy!
It was the prophecy!
HOOK is confused.
Believe it, Mr. Hook.
Believe it, Mr. Hook.
You have to be joking!
Aren't you a wizard?
That doesn't make prophesies real.
Reality is subjective.
You have to be joking!
Aren't you a wizard?
That doesn't make prophesies real.
Reality is subjective.
I was the one sent here to find you, but it wasn't a prophecy.
I was the one sent here to find you, but it wasn't a prophecy.
MAYOR is surprised.
No one knows I'm here.
That's not true. I came here looking for a man who calls himself 'The Mayor.' Are there others running around.
No one knows I'm here.
That's not true. I came here looking for a man who calls himself 'The Mayor.' Are there others running around.
The MAYOR advances menacingly.
Who sent you?
Who sent you?
There is a commotion off-screen. All three look in that direction. People start shouting.
They’re here! They’re here!
Damn it! I hope you came armed, Mr. Hook.
They’re here! They’re here!
Damn it! I hope you came armed, Mr. Hook.
HOOK holds out his walking stick.
The MAYOR draws two short swords from behind his back. CELINE slings a rifle over her back and draws two pistols from her hips.
Let’s go.
Let’s go.
All three exit running.
Wide shot of the main doors to the cavern. A group of men are scrambling to bar them. Something heavy is pounded against the other side. HOOK, the MAYOR, and CELINE run into shot.
Is this the only way out?
There are two escape shafts behind the alter. The rest of the people will be ushered out through those while we cover their escape.
Yes, Mr. Hook, ‘we.’ Myself, Celine, and you.
Why me?
Because if we see a Shogotta, you will be the only chance Celine and I have to survive. Now, just trust in yourself and your weapons.
Is this the only way out?
There are two escape shafts behind the alter. The rest of the people will be ushered out through those while we cover their escape.
Yes, Mr. Hook, ‘we.’ Myself, Celine, and you.
Why me?
Because if we see a Shogotta, you will be the only chance Celine and I have to survive. Now, just trust in yourself and your weapons.
“Ace of Spades” plays as the Mayor slaps the shoulders of two men holding the doors and motions for them to run. The wood shudders and breaks apart under the weight of a massive figure in a shapeless brown cloak. MAYOR tries to attack with his two short swords, but the MALKOOTH grabs his wrists. Behind it are the shadows of at least a dozen of these creatures. As the lyrics start, CELINE puts her arm over the Mayor’s shoulder, puts the pistol under the Malkooth's hood and shoots the creature in the face.
The MALKOOTH surge into the room, hacking down any fleeing humans they can reach. HOOK, CELINE, and the MAYOR are surrounded and stand against each others backs as they slash, club, and shoot the monsters. MAYOR somersaults through the air, swords spinning through cloaks and scaly flesh beneath. The creatures surge, wielding swords with twisted blades, but the MAYOR is too fast, parrying each attack and turning it against the attacker.
HOOK and CELINE are separated as well, but seeing HOOK overwhelmed, CELINE fights to his side, landing near the melee and shooting up into the creature over Hook's head. The last three of the creatures are all facing-off against the MAYOR. He is holding his own against them, but is wearing down. HOOK and CELINE join him. Able to concentrate on one, the MAYOR easily dispatches the creature he is fighting and moves to help Celine, cutting the monster in half at the waist. Instead of helping Hook, the MAYOR and CELINE stop to watch him fight.
The creature is armed with two serrated knives, and is faster than the rest of the Malkooth. HOOK is blocking, kicking, parrying, but the monster presses him.
Help me!
Help me!
CELINE looks at the Mayor. MAYOR smiles. They stand still. HOOK swings at the creature, but it moves away easily and slices for his guts. HOOK jumps back and misses being eviscerated by less than an inch. Still, the MAYOR and CELINE do nothing. HOOK is sweating. At last, he manages to land a kick into the creature’s chest, knocking it down. He somersaults, lands, straddling the creature and spears his walking stick through it's face.
Closeup of HOOK. He holds his pose for a moment, panting, and wrenches the stick free. A black oil coats the tip.
Why didn’t you help me?
Clearly, you didn’t need it.
Didn’t need it? That thing almost gutted me!
Almost. We had to be sure.
Why didn’t you help me?
Clearly, you didn’t need it.
Didn’t need it? That thing almost gutted me!
Almost. We had to be sure.
HOOK glares. Wide shot of CELINE.
Let’s go, we need to get out of here before more of the Malkooth arrive.
Let’s go, we need to get out of here before more of the Malkooth arrive.
CELINE runs for the alter. MAYOR stands in front of HOOK for several seconds, staring into his eyes. He looks over his shoulder at Celine, content that she is out of earshot. Zoom in until just HOOK and the Mayor’s faces are on the screen.
You are the one we have been waiting for. Mallik will be trembling tonight, I guarantee you that.
You are the one we have been waiting for. Mallik will be trembling tonight, I guarantee you that.
Zoom out to a wide shot again. The Mayor follows Celine, who has already reached one of the escape tunnels. As the Mayor hobbles away, the camera readjusts to have HOOK in the center of the screen.
Mallik is here?
Mallik is here?
Fade to white.
Fade in...
Smashed branches reach for a hole in the canopy. Track up to reveal TREMONT in the ruined tree. Branches and jagged wood pierce his body through bloody holes in his armor. Tremont’s goblin-faced helmet is upended on the ground and his sword impaled upright beside it.
Closeup of Tremont’s face. His eyes are rolled back and blood runs the length of his nose.
Wide angle beneath Tremont. There is a crashing in the brush and TEPPINS and LOKIA enter. TEPPINS stops beneath Tremont.
Is he alive?
I hear his Song.
I’ve heard the Song reverberating for hours after a warrior has been torn in half. Are we wasting our time looking at him?
(weak) I live!
And my day had just started getting better.
Is he alive?
I hear his Song.
I’ve heard the Song reverberating for hours after a warrior has been torn in half. Are we wasting our time looking at him?
(weak) I live!
And my day had just started getting better.
TREMONT wails in agony as his body is wrenched off the stump, lifts in the air and falls beside TEPPINS. TREMONT whimpers.
Can you fix him?
Can you fix him?
LOKIA kneels and touches Tremont’s forehead.
There isn’t much left.
Can you fix him, or can I stomp on his head and put him out of my misery?
There isn’t much left.
Can you fix him, or can I stomp on his head and put him out of my misery?
LOKIA buries his head in his chest and lays his palm across Tremont’s face. TREMONT's body is motionless a moment and then stiffens. His fingers curl and his elbows and knees fold into his chest. With a loud cry, TREMONT jerks back into a spread-eagle position and sits up. It takes him a moment to regain his bearings.
Marshal Teppins, I thank you. I saw the Bandyboo. Ophalius is alive!
TREMONT gets to his feet, rubs his head and retrieves his sword and helmet.
And here I thought the squirrels of the forest put you in that tree, Lieutenant Ayers. I told you to stay in Triangle! Where is the little wizard?
He was killed. I made him bring me here when he told me Grent was alive. It was too important to miss.
And here I thought the squirrels of the forest put you in that tree, Lieutenant Ayers. I told you to stay in Triangle! Where is the little wizard?
He was killed. I made him bring me here when he told me Grent was alive. It was too important to miss.
TEPPINS grabs TREMONT by the throat, lifts him off the ground.
I will tell you what is too important to miss, Tremont!
I will tell you what is too important to miss, Tremont!
TEPPINS hurls TREMONT, who slides across the ground and has only enough time to defend with his arms before TEPPINS stomps in his face.
Ophalius would have led that girl right to the Sword if you didn’t stick your nose in. Now they’ve split up and Grent has turned back on us. Take a listen, Tremont, can you hear the Dark Man? I can’t hear anything, even though I have no doubt he’s within earshot right now.
Does he know about the girl?
Ophalius would have led that girl right to the Sword if you didn’t stick your nose in. Now they’ve split up and Grent has turned back on us. Take a listen, Tremont, can you hear the Dark Man? I can’t hear anything, even though I have no doubt he’s within earshot right now.
Does he know about the girl?
TEPPINS picks up TREMONT by the collar of his armor and smashes TREMONT against two trees.
You say nothing about her!
You say nothing about her!
TEPPINS throws TREMONT down.
(to LOKIA)
Is he healthy enough to walk?
No less healthy than either of us.
Get up, Tremont. We travel now.
Where are we going?
We have to get between those kids and Master Talen. Keep yourself open. If the Dark Man attacks, I’m throwing you at him first.
I live to serve you, Marshal Teppins.
(to LOKIA)
Is he healthy enough to walk?
No less healthy than either of us.
Get up, Tremont. We travel now.
Where are we going?
We have to get between those kids and Master Talen. Keep yourself open. If the Dark Man attacks, I’m throwing you at him first.
I live to serve you, Marshal Teppins.
Cut to...
VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS are sitting at a small campfire. Corthd’s supply pack is open and Chloe is wrapped in a blanket. ERBY is tied to a tree.
I imagine my cousin is dead now, your friend is a great swordsman, is he not?
If you don’t shut up, I’m going to gag you again.
The boy has a strange fascination for putting things in my mouth. Do you find that strange, Miss Chloe?
I think you should listen to him.
And what will you do with me after this all? Will you take me with you while Glithvals hunt you across the land. Who knows where I told Mallik I would lead you. Killing me is really your only option. The smart thing would be to kill me here and now before my voice attracts any unwanted attention.
I imagine my cousin is dead now, your friend is a great swordsman, is he not?
If you don’t shut up, I’m going to gag you again.
The boy has a strange fascination for putting things in my mouth. Do you find that strange, Miss Chloe?
I think you should listen to him.
And what will you do with me after this all? Will you take me with you while Glithvals hunt you across the land. Who knows where I told Mallik I would lead you. Killing me is really your only option. The smart thing would be to kill me here and now before my voice attracts any unwanted attention.
VALENTINE stands and takes a knife out of Corthd’s pack.
Closeup of ERBY. He smiles, but is clearly nervous.
VALENTINE cuts a long strip of ERBY’s shirt.
I won’t have any shirt left for you to gag me if we don’t find a solution soon.
I won’t have any shirt left for you to gag me if we don’t find a solution soon.
VALENTINE gags Erby and returns to the fire.
If Corthd isn’t back by morning, we are leaving him here.
If Corthd isn’t back by morning, we are leaving him here.
If Corthd doesn't show up, we're going to get him.
If Corthd doesn't show up, we're going to get him.
Cut to...
A dilapidated shack with a candle burning in the window. CORTHD enters and approaches stealthily. He looks through the window at TAKA eating stew from a dirty bowl at a table in the center of the room.
TAKA hears Corthd and looks at the window. TAKA stands. There is a knock at the front door. TAKA picks up a club and approaches the front door cautiously. He reaches out for the handle.
CORTHD smashes through the window, lands standing on the table and vaults, kicking TAKA in the shoulder. TAKA covers his face and backs away, dropping his club.
CORTHD yells at TAKA in their own language. TAKA whimpers and points to a wooden crate by the window. CORTHD walks to the crate. TAKA smashes a chair over Corthd’s head. CORTHD falls and drops his sword. TAKA picks up Corthd and throws him against the opposite wall. CORTHD has a few seconds to regain his wits and is prepared when TAKA hurls himself into Corthd and the wall, but CORTHD is still unable to avoid. TAKA backs away, tense, and shouts in his own language.
CORTHD is kneeling. He looks up.
TAKA grins and raises a fist.
Almost too fast to see, CORTHD sweeps his leg, knocking TAKA into the table, which smashes. CORTHD pounces on TAKA before he has hit the ground and pummels Taka’s face. TAKA flails his arms to defend, but has little range of motion and CORTHD moves too quickly.
CORTHD leaps off Taka and retrieves his scimitar. He is facing Taka in a defensive crouch before TAKA has even stood. CORTHD speaks in his own language. TAKA shakes his head.
CORTHD returns to the crate and opens it. Empty.
TAKA smashes him. CORTHD is crushed against the wall again and the crate breaks apart.
TAKA does a victory dance. From OS, CORTHD punches Taka in the jaw. TAKA blinks twice and falls.
Insert of TAKA’s face, jaw slack on the floor, eyes rolled back in his head. CORTHD searches the room in the background.
CORTHD takes Taka's collar in both hands.
Where bird?
Where bird?
TAKA is unconsious
Cut to...
VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS are asleep by the fire. Slow zoom on ERBY. Tight on his face. He is grinning.
Closeup of ERBY’s hands. They are tied behind his back. He shakes his wrist and a tiny knife falls into his fingers.
Tight on ERBY’s face. His lips turn up wider.
Fade to Black.
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