Erica Tanning
I think if Nick found out I was pregnant, he would leave me for sure. I was so nervous when he was talking to me, that I thought he was going to know something was wrong for sure. Luckily, he didn’t pick up on it. I give him a kiss as he leaves the classroom, going off with Jim Smitt. I knew I shouldn’t have done anything with him, or should have at least made him wear protection. He told me that he learned in Health class that you can’t get pregnant the first time. Mr. Peters is such a nice guy, he can’t be wrong. How can this happen? I only gave Jallial White a blow job, I thought it didn’t count!I feel like crying. I wonder if Miss Cataran will let me leave class if I tell her what’s wrong. I don’t understand any of this stuff anyway. I’m only passing because I have Michael Collins doing my homework for me. He’s a little nerd, but I let him look at my boobs in return. He’s so funny, he didn’t even want any money! I’m probably not even going to have that soon either, because I told Nick, and he said he was going to beat Michael up for it.
We get put in groups, and I have to work with Clark Golding and Kelly Moignahan, who are the two weirdest kids in class. Clark is such a jerk! Every time I make the smallest mistake, he throws the biggest fit.
We are learning about cults, and have to research on them. Naturally, Clark and Kelly choose the Manson family. I don’t know much about Charles Manson, so they agree to do all the work if I present it to the class. Apparently, he was a brutal serial killer that murdered Abraham Lincoln, Sharon Tate (who I’ve never heard of), and John F. Kennedy. They tell me that Marilyn Manson is also his son. It’s no wonder that guy is so messed up and wears women’s clothes. I would be crazy too if my dad was like that. When I tell this stuff to the class, they all burst out laughing, even thought I don’t think murdering two presidents is very funny, and that Sharon Tate person probably didn’t deserve to die either. We get failed because Clark and Kelly’s bloody picture of a dead person wasn’t very good.
Ashley Terrence is right outside Miss Cataran’s room when I leave. Ashley is my best friend in the whole world, and is the only person I told about my problem. She told me I should get an abortion, but even if I knew where to get one, how could I do that? That’s like killing a person! Babies are so cute, why would anyone want to kill one? I hear they shove a spike... up there and crack open its skull. That’s so mean! Don’t they ever stop to think about how that baby feels?
Jim Smitt, Ashley’s boyfriend, comes up behind her, picks her up and swings her around. She giggles and tells him to stop, but I can tell she doesn’t mean it. I asked her if Jim ever got her pregnant, but she said she was on the pill. I asked her if I could borrow some, because my mom would never let me get it, but Ashley said she thought it was a little late now.
I used to be friends with Shannon Donahue, but we haven't talked in a long time. She walks by, and Jim yells out that maybe if he raped her she would turn into a normal person. Ashley starts laughing really hard as soon as he says it. I think it’s really mean, and don’t know how that would make her normal, but I laugh anyway. Shannon looks really angry and acts like she’s going to slap him, but Ashley gets in the way. If Ashley and Shannon got in a fight, everyone would jump in to help Ashley, so Shannon backs down.
I have to go to gym class, so I leave.
Go to Ashley Terrance.
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