Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ted Nugent for President

 Sunday, September 21, 2008

George W. Bush Makes Reaganomics Work

We should all hang our heads in shame this week, because the Great Communicator did not survive long enough to see the economic system that bears his name actually doing what Ronald Reagan insisted. Through the sheer stupidity of President George Walker Texas Ranger, and the uncontainable greed of his friends and hangers-on, the Government is forcing us to pay billions in bailout money to save their miss-managed corporations, and this time, might even trickle down to the rest of us.

This panda-mulching moron let business interest control the White House for the better part of a decade, and the fat, short-sighted pigs never thought they would be held accountable for their actions while they were still able to be prosecuted. Sure, Enron had a few pigs loosening their ties, but the cola war between Fox and CNN managed to cover up that escapade for free. Corporate America breathed a sigh of relief that they would not have to answer for what they've done. George saved the day! That man should be the next President. Again.

It turns out that money isn't really unlimited. You can make more and more, and call it by different names, but in the end, there is only a finite amount of wealth in the world, and these scumsuckers hoarded so much that the Market was starting to run dry. They lost respect for land and lifestyle, and even our national heritage until the only word they knew was 'MORE.' With money not growing on trees any longer, our fearless leaders are forced to take some of the money they've already fleeced out of us and given it to the people who sold it to keep us from needing to hand it over to China.

Well, the Market did what Markets do, and got a little shaken up when all of us realized at once that everything we could touch and know was now completely worthless in a global market because of a criminal gang that used 9/11 to pull the wool over our eyes. John McCain and Sarah Palin are two more of the same thieves that did it, and Barack Obama probably is too. We can't count on him to be a white knight to save us just because the Senator tells us he is. One must do quite a bit of lying to achieve what Barack Obama has already done. The Senator is young though, doesn't stink of death like Senator McCain. Sarah Palin is like the White Witch of Narnia, coming down from the frozen north with news that God wants war and a pipeline! I think I smell the money budding! Burn, baby, burn! It's time for an America that makes sense.

    Currently watching:
Rockin’ the Corps
Release date: 2005-09-06

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