Friday, January 3, 2014


Episode 4

Corinth was a ghost city. King Dagon and the ScornFish had smashed the buildings and walls, and any PC's that had not fled could not have survived long. Sita Moon came across several pockets of ScornFish that had been trapped in holes too steep to climb, but she didn't have time to put the monsters out of their misery. Gollum’s equipment lay where Gollum fell, in the remains of an alley between a tavern and weapon store. Sita Moon took all 412 items and did a quick inventory.

The only item Will noticed missing was the CTHULHU DAGGER that could kill any PC, NPC, or monster with a single strike. Will was furious. Why leave so many rare and valuable items to take one bootlegged dagger? Like most bootlegged weapons, the dagger was password protected. He’d never told anyone what the dagger could do, and only the most die-hard players knew the dagger’s origin in Fantasy Quest 3. There was no reason to take it but aesthetics.

In a sea-side hut, Will paid a NPC witch for a homing spell. Sita Moon received a magic compass that pointed her south, leaving a flashing yellow beacon on the OverWorld map. The weapon was on the frozen island of Char in the south seas. Ancient monsters ruled this land during tropical climes, and their buildings honeycomb the ice sheet. If a PC stands too close to a frozen section of the dungeon, the rage of the Star Things will melt the ice, and the monsters are close to unbeatable. A vast array of rare items wait to be recovered, especially in the deep levels.

Will had erased FQ3, and would have to download and translate the code again to write a new CTHULHU DAGGER into TAO. That could take all day. The crisis could be over by then. and Will might have to go back to work. Sita Moon was low level for such an endeavor, but the remains of Gollum’s equipment left her equipped for the journey south.

Episode 5

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