Sunday, April 6, 2014

AIN SOPH, Part 4

Episode 7

Itself only a series of ‘1's and ‘0's, King Dagon passed easily through other websites, studying their makeup and effectiveness. Simplicity was the key to success. No pictures or colors or bells or whistles or dancing babies or any other flash icon to distract readers from the task at hand. King Dagon generated itself a plain, white page with a box to write in and the command, “Type what you want.”

From that, the monster could compute a request and arrange delivery. Food? Clothing? The new hot movie everyone wants to see? None of these were a problem for King Dagon. Users still needed to arrange payment, unless they offered King Dagon permission to manage their finances. Then King Dagon made sure they had everything they needed without exceeding their available funds. Using statistical analysis, it could approximate delivery time to the minute. With incomplete programming, some things were beyond Dagon’s reach, but in initial tests few visitors asked for something undeliverable. Dagon took note of those requests and continued to work at the problems until it could find a way to provide.

Lilly Katt was the first to ask King Dagon’s name, and the monster responded honestly. So far, it could only operate while Will Whatley was online, which was most of the time. The monster could only interact with players on the TAO network. The monster tracked Lilly’s IP address, learned her history, and marveled over the popularity of her website.

For all King Dagon could tell, the pictures were only Lilly lounging about her home or other locations, such as cemeteries, baseball fields, parks, forests, and restaurant bathrooms. Dagon had long ago registered the human attraction to clothing, and understood that clothing was used to hold in warmth in place of fur or thick layers of fat lacked by humans. Lilly’s pictures had little clothing.

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