Tuesday, April 8, 2014

AIN SOPH, Part 4

Episode 9 

Galvatron was someone she knew. This shook Lilly up a little. Galvatron was a robot she’d gone questing with a few times this week. They were scouting new locations for the Space Knights to build Space Hubs, after the area came under attack by the Spidron swarm. Characters on a quest together could jump in and out of a campaign as long as one original member stayed in the game at all times. This allowed characters to step out and resupply without risking permanent death. Players could also embark on shorter adventures, or even visit their jobs and take advantage of sunlight. Galvatron was always online, so the expeditions he hosted would last many game years. Lilly couldn’t even fathom when the guy slept.

The last expedition went into the Spidron swarm deeper than any players before them. There, the twisted monsters went mad with their lust for blood. The party was wiped out just short of the center swarm and the legendary Matriarchs that had never been seen by any player. Lilly published the first screen shots of the Princesses, twisted Spidron monsters that had evolved unchecked for countless game years, consuming the raw code devoured inward as the Spidron swarm crept across the Universe.

King Dagon must have made a mistake. The server must have overloaded and spit out some random answer that didn’t have anything to do with anything. It only made sense that Lilly make sure. “What did you say?” she typed.

Lilly was too shocked to catch the significance. If King Dagon’s programmer, Andy McCarthy had witnessed this interaction, he would be astounded that rather than repeating its previous statement, as was literally requested, King Dagon responded, “If you find Sita Moon, I can bring Chet back from the dead. Type what you want.” King Dagon was making tremendous leaps of logic, and he was pretty good with punctuation too. Lies were something Andy McCarthy never thought he could have engineered.

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