Sunday, June 1, 2014

AIN SOPH, Part 5

Episode 2

Will had been playing Galvatron a few weeks now. He’d piloted many characters since the TAO Universe first expanded from a single world of fantasy combat to a multi-world Sci-Fi epic where a player could now take their elves, dwarves, and dragons into space and equip them with laser cannons and rail guns. In TAO Fantasy, death was permanent, but the weapons in TAO Sci Fi were so devastating that even an accidental shot fired from astral leagues away could kill a moderate level character. Membership planed quickly, prompting SpectaCom to respond with a machine that allowed players to “copy” themselves at a Space Hub. The copy would be activated as soon as the original player was slain. At first, this process was expensive, but prices were eventually dropped and discarded.

Space Hubs enabled Will Whatley to maintain a cache of weapons, potions, and armor that could be easily transferred between characters. Galvatron was one of many icons Will Whatley had worn since he’d gone Sci Fi. Galvatron’s profile said he was once a king of a robot race until he’d been betrayed. Now he wandered the galaxy seeking revenge.

The Space Hub was the central social scene of the TAO Universe. Each world and space station had it’s own hangouts where PC’s could meet up during long journeys, but the addition of warp technology allowed floating satellites across the galaxy to send PC’s to a market planet at the center of the Universe where new equipment could be purchased, research parties and battle squads could be formed, and PC’s could copy themselves. PC’s can also hang out, chat, trade, and bolster their image.

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