Monday, July 28, 2014

The City From Another Universe

 From the pages of:
Originally published, September 2012

Recently I had the privilege to sit down with Deputy County Exec Bijoy Datta over lunch to answer allegations of racism. Democratic Candidate for Broome County Executive, Tarik Abdelazim played the card when news broke his campaign fund accepted nearly $250 in contributions from foreign nationals. This is fine for a potential President of the United States of America, but when you get down to the battle for Broome County that kind of behavior is unacceptable. Abdelazim claimed he was singled out for his funny last name. Datta responded, "My name is Bijoy Datta." 

I tell you, Abdelazim could not have hit the nail harder. Datta is a compassionless psychopath that should never be given a taste of power. I met Bijoy when I carried equipment for several punk rock bands he played in. I can't repeat in decent society the names we've called each other across crowded rooms. These sweaty punk rockers with greasy hair and once-black clothes are only happy when they're angry, and they love nothing more than a good racist joke. Datta was Senator Libous's press liaison at the time, and the only right-winger in attendance, so the kids were happy to dislike him for any reason they could. In addition to being a virulent racist, Datta is a horrible singer.

I myself asked him to run a mayoral campaign for me, but he was convinced Joe Merrill could easily unseat the Party Mayor. The decorated Democrat war-hero went running down the street screaming for mercy and withdrew from the race the first time he encountered one of Mayor Ryan's drunken lunch rages. I myself swore I could never take the campaign seriously, so Datta declined and assembled Debbie Preston's County Exec campaign instead. Clearly I should be Mayor of Binghamton right now. I won't go snooping about on my friends, but I'm certain Preston pays better than I would.

Abdelazim is a second generation Binghamton native, whose father restarted my own grandmother's heart on multiple occasions, so I must admit I'm biased. However, I will not let my long-time friendship with Datta color my views in his favor. I've never voted for Bijoy, even during his Libous days, but only because I do know him so well. At weddings, we are regulated to the back corner of the balcony, as the most likely to misbehave. Rightly so, but to our credit we didn't flip our table over the edge, no matter how much of a constant embarrassment we were for our ladies. Antics like this are rare these days. Bijoy is a father if two, so no more kamikaze trips across the country for July 4th fireworks over the Pacific. California to North Carolina in 49 hours is possible, but I don't recommend it. 

But for the occasional holiday party, these lunches are the only time we can get together to lose ourselves in our youth, rapping about music and movies. I still drink Guinness at these lunches, but he has switched to water, at least while on the public clock. Like all Preston's people, Datta drives his own car, making good the example she set by seizing hundreds of vehicles misused by County employees. Whomever sits in the County seat this time next year, these are the exact measures that need to be taken before we all must sell everything we own and move away. However, I would never vote for a pro-hydrofracking candidate.

Bijoy's life isn't all photo shoots like the Libous days. He's organizing emergency services and milking a few more dollars out of a strained budget to keep Broome County afloat. I could see boiling in his eyes that no one had been willing to talk Batman with him since he'd seen the new film. Few know under that finely pressed suit and bold tie is a bat tat on his shoulder. I won't bore you with details on the Bale v. West for worst Bat argument. As we chatted, the Party Mayor and Tarik burst forth from the bar shielding their eyes from the daylight. Bijoy waved. They went back to work. I couldn't tell you what either drank.

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