Thursday, August 7, 2014

AIN SOPH, Part 6

Episode 8

 All new data on the pair confirmed with Andy they didn’t stand a chance against the Grimlox. Ten minutes and both would be out of the TAO Fantasy star system.

While private dialogue boxes–lovingly referred to as ‘whispers’–were the preferred communication of players, everyone was connected through a central chat system known as the Com, which could be ‘overheard’ by any nearby player. SpectraCom was unmoving on messageboard demands to remove the feature, which provided the only means for more than two players to talk at once.

Grimlock: This is restricted airspace, turn back now.

No answer. The two ships continued on their course. Andy turned off the Grimlox listening equipment and equipped the guns.

Will Whatley shouted out loud and closed the Com without reading. This guy wasn’t even a Mod, and he was making demands across open channels. Even if he managed to take down Galvatron and StarScream, the Grimlox had made itself a target for anything else that may be lurking. This dude wasn’t even worth shooting down.

StarScream: Who is that?

Galvatron: Who cares

StarScream: He says it’s restricted.

Galvatron: He’s not a Mod

Galvatron: He can try and make us leave

Will engaged Galvatron’s main cannon and locked on the unidentified ship.

Andy opened a Com box with Galvatron.

Grimlock: If you do not comply, I will be forced to use deadly force.

Galvatron fired first, catching Andy McCarthy completely off guard. The Grimlox spun out of position, and Andy thought he wouldn’t get control before the ship spun into the atmosphere of the moon. He recovered though, and still had enough hit points left for a few more rounds of combat without breaking off to repair. He programmed an intercept course and reset Grimlox targeter.

StarScream: He’s coming back!

Galvatron: Keep going.

Galvatron: I’ll take care of him

Galvatron: and catch up to you

If the Grimlox wanted to intercept, then Will would give him something to think about. Not likely his ship was any good in hand-to-hand combat. Galvatron scanned their trajectories and calculated where they would meet. Galvatron’s shields automatically tracked the single ship a well, and when the Grimlox opened fire, Galvatron launched a pod of decoys to draw away the missiles. Only one wasn’t drawn away from Galvatron, and it exploded harmlessly on his shields. The Grimlox tried to alter its course and lock with a laser cannon, but those required a more or less straight line. When Galvatron changed to robot form, he became far more agile.

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