Saturday, September 6, 2014

AIN SOPH, Part 7

Episode 7

Several orc spawning points were near this valley, and many more throughout the mountain range. The Morgoth adventure was a way to keep too many orcs from building up in the mountains without removing a known spawning point. Will pulled up Galvatron’s planet map and scanned the surrounding area. 

If Will remembered correctly, Sita Moon had last been searching for a dwarf-made bangle in the possession of ogres at the edge of the Yartack Desert. That was two game days from here. Two game days was not much time in the real world, but that meant Galvatron was going to be left exposed. He led StarScream up a sheer cliff face where an overhang at the top provided cover. Two characters on the same account could not be logged in at the same time. Will must exit Galvatron, but he'd be killed if he went to an inn.Not much chance of finding a Space Hub around here.

Powering down to camp was most often used by players on long journeys around the rim, far from Hubs. It was a risky move, because the avatar stayed there in the game the entire time the player was logged out, capable of taking damage or being robbed.

Galvatron: I’m going to camp.

Galvatron: Might take a week to get back.

Galvatron: Sure you want to see her that bad?

StarScream: More than anything.

Lilly looked for screenshots of Sita Moon on the Sephiroth, memorizing every detail–the bronze skin and blue hair with elf-ears poking out, the appearance she'd always fantasized for herself. She changed her armor and weapons frequently, but Lilly would know the face. StarScream searched for a place from which to ambush.

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