Thursday, October 9, 2014

Two Winters Past

Scene 12


HOOK is at the start of the driveway, leading into the woods. He leans on a walking stick with a knobby head. HOLT enters from inside the house, walks to HOOK.

HOOK: Everyone ready?

HOLT: Twenty-minutes. The women-folk are cooking pancakes for the road. That kid is loading up saddle bags with Aiden.

HOOK: You don’t trust him either, do you?

HOLT: Not any further’n I can throw him. I didn’t trust you or your big-city rockstar neither, and I still don’t trust your girl.

HOOK: I hope you’re wrong again.

HOLT: Sounds too good to be true, about Hancock.

HOOK: I haven’t heard of any towns that survived, at least not around Manhattan. Until the bridges were cut, those zombies were pouring out everywhere. Brooklyn went to shit in three days.

HOLT: Could been controlled up here. People ain’t packed in so tight. Once we cleared out of town, those psychos moved on. If Hancock did quarantine, maybe they held together.

HOOK: Either way, that many people turn into psycho cannibals you can’t lock them up fast enough. No one alive on Manhattan Island by the end of the week. 

HOLT: You look at the map? There another way past Hancock?

HOOK: Not without eating up all the food we just came into.

HOLT: Last thing we need right now is another mouth.

Swell music. HOLT looks to AIDEN approaching, who looks at HOOK. TIFF, LOGAN, and MARY JANE follow from around the house.


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