Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Revenge of AIN SOPH: Playable Demo

Cut Scene 3

Galaxy Knights were the hammer the Imperator used to forge peace in Known Space. He bound magick with technology to forge CybR armor, which enhanced a Knight's abilities, and allowed dynamic specialization. The Imperator's army dominated star system after star system, forging the greatest confederation the planets as any history book could recall, since the time of the Space Elf empire.

There was a rebellion, and the Imperator’s magick was used against him. The Imperator himself led the charge against the rebels, and was lost in the magickal blast that tore open the Void, allowing Space Hubs to be created. Beside him were lost all the million Brotherhoods, and the rebel legions that joined the warlord. Scientists and mechapriests agree the flash drew the Spidrons. Thousands of worlds still revere the Imperator as a leader and a god, and the Galaxy Knights remained the backbone of his church. The Steel Brethren were the most vicious of all.

The Greens were avoiding him. One Galaxy Knight was more than a match for the ramshackle vehicles some of the pirates flew. Kilgore’s battle cruiser carried enough firepower to atomize the short-jump fighters. They slingshotted between empty planets raiding precious metals and food left by refugees. These were certainly pirates.

Kilgore slipped in slow on the trail of a Tarshan Box-Fighter. Sephiroth identified this as the preferred craft of the Ospa rebels, freedom fighters that refused to consent to the Imperator’s peace. If Kilgore targeted or followed or he could lose surprise. He identified two more craft running dark. Kilgore was close enough to see the heat waves of the exhaust. He could not wait to see how many fighters were lurking out of site.

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