Tracking shot of a small, filthy town with dirt roads and paint peeling off the small wooden buildings.
Tracking shot of a small, filthy town with dirt roads and paint peeling off the small wooden buildings.
A few merchants set up shop in Tiphereth, but it was more of a trading post for the farms that carved out a living on the grasslands. Built at the edge of a tiny lake that was no more than a deep swimming hole in the stream, Tiphereth was an open invitation for the troll war bands, many of whom had even given up raiding and killing in Tiphereth all together. They just walked into town, took the food they wanted, took the drink they wanted, and if they were in a really good mood, they would break a window or two.
Camera settles on VALENTINE, CHLOE ISIS, entering Tiphereth, looking around in wonder. DAHOOTY hops behind them.
Can we really just walk into town with a talking bird?
Closeup of DAHOOTY. His gold eyes narrow.
Dahooty knows how to behave in civilized culture.CHLOE steps defensively in front of Dahooty.
Stop being so oppressive.
Where do you think those Glithvals went? Did you see them at all when you were flying?
Dahooty would have told you if he saw riders. Give Dahooty a little credit.
I mean... we don’t really know you.
And I’m starving. That sounds like a perfect opportunity for Dahooty to fill us in. Shall we buy him lunch?
I only have six dollars.
It will work its self out.
I wish you'd stop keep saying that.
INTERNAL: BOAR’S BREATH INN. Lighting: Dim from fire and candles scattered around the room. WENCH and COOK are behind the counter. No one else present. Enter CHLOE, VALENTINE, and DAHOOTY.
Valentine, Chloe, and Dahooty went to the first restaurant they could find, a tough place with wood floors slick with dirt, grime, and spilled drink. It was still early in the afternoon so there weren’t any patrons, and the staff was clearly enjoying a little peace and quiet. A tall, round woman with thick arms was leaning on the counter gumming a piece of red candy that stuck out between her stained lips. Her dirty-blond hair was tied up in a top-knot that bobbed around her head as she chewed. Behind her, a tall, wispy man with a warty face had his back to them at the grill, looking over his shoulder occasionally.
Horses run if we come within reach of them. They are scared of the Glithval Song.
You wait and see.
Yes, Mister Ayers.
Lokia came on his own. He’s been with Teppins since the war. He’s utterly loyal.
I left home when I was sixteen years old to join you. I came to Old City and was given audience with the Grand Master himself, and he turned me away.
We’re close to Doom City.
So, what’s your plan?
All the easier to pick our pockets, huh?
Whatchu want?CHLOE
Food to eat. Anything.WENCH
Can’t have no bird in here. He’s gotta stay outside.VALENTINE
Oh, he’s okay, he’s a friend.WENCH
I don’t care, he’s no friend of mine. Now get him out.CHLOE
We’re sorry, Dahooty. Just wait for us by the door. We’ll bring you something when we’re done.DAHOOTY
We promise.Exit DAHOOTY
You two come to eat?CHLOE
Yes, please.WENCH
New around here?COOK chuckles.
We’ve been around.WENCH
Not long enough to know about that bird, you haven’t.CHLOE
Whatever he calls hisself. He’s trouble.VALENTINE
We met him on the plain. He saved us from a troll.COOK chuckles.
Saved you from a troll? Is that what he told you?CHLOE
He did.WENCH
Led that troll right to you is what he did. That bird is a scoundrel. He and that troll have a racket.VALENTINE
What do you mean?WENCH
They find people out on the plain and scare them out of camp. That bird flies in crying and carrying on about trolls. Then when you run off, the troll walks in and picks through your stuff. Most people around here have stopped buying from those two. Too many travelers come to town and are not to happy about buying back their junk, if you know what I mean.CHLOE
Trolls love junk.WENCH
Where’s that troll now? Waiting outside of town to steal whatever you buy, no doubt.CHLOE
You’re making that up.WENCH
Go ask him. I bet you yer lunches that the bird is already gone. He probably scadaddled the moment we recognized him.VALENTINE looks out the door.
He’s gone!WENCH
I just saved you some trouble. Why don’t you sit down and enjoy some of our famous stew as my reward.CHLOE
Do you have anything else?WENCH
How much more do you need but stew?COOK chuckles.
CHLOE and VALENTINE take a seat in the corner booth and WENCH brings them two bowls and two cups of yellow, frothy juice. CHLOE picks through the bowl.CHLOE
Um... I don’t eat meat.WENCH
What, are you sick?CHLOE
I’ll just have some bread.CHLOE pushes her bowl to VALENTINE. WENCH exits.
You need to eat something.CHLOE
I’m not eating that.VALENTINE
What are you going to do, then? Starve? We don’t even know how much longer we’ve got until Wicked City. You can’t just survive on trail mix and bread.CHLOE
And juice. (Drinks) Can you believe that bird was out to get us? We certainly got lucky, didn’t we?VALENTINE
Yeah, lucky.CHLOE
Come on, Rubin, cheer up. Aren’t you having fun? It’s an adventure.VALENTINE
Well, I’m tired. We’ve been walking for three days now. You told me this would take an afternoon.CHLOE
How was I supposed to know how long it would take to reach Wicked City? Last time I went there by train.VALENTINE
There’s a train?CHLOE
It’s a huge city, of course the trains go there. It’s where sauerkraut comes from.VALENTINE
I can’t believe this.CHLOE
It’s true! I mean, not all of it comes from Wicked City, but quite a bit. The whole city just stinks of pickled cabbage. It’s gross.VALENTINE
Why did we hike all that way through rough terrain when we could have just hopped on the train?CHLOE
Well, when I went, they wouldn’t let me off the train. Said I’d upset the trolls. Besides, you keep carrying on about how you only have six dollars. I thought this would be more fun.VALENTINE
We’ve slept in cold wet grass for two nights.CHLOE
You’re such a party-pooper, Rubin.VALENTINE
It’s Valentine.WENCH enters with a basket of stale bread. She tosses the basket on the table before Chloe.
How’s the stew? Need more drinks?VALENTINE
It’s delicious. I think we’re fine for right now.WENCH exits.
Will you eat your stew? You’re going to need your strength, we don’t have anything left.CHLOE
I’m not eating this.VALENTINE
Fine, then starve. Maybe if we’re lucky we can get to Wicked City before dark and you can get some sauerkraut.CHLOE
Ew, I don’t eat sauerkraut. And besides, I think we should stay here tonight.VALENTINE
I mean, we don’t know how much farther it is to Wicked City, and we’ve been walking for days. I’d like to sleep in a real bed for once.VALENTINE
And how do we afford this? I only have...CHLOE
Only have six dollars, I know, I’ve heard you. Look, we’ll figure something out. Wait here.CHLOE goes to the bar and talks to WENCH for several minutes, unheard while VALENTINE watches, eating his stew, face distraught. CHLOE returns, smiling.
Oh, ye of little faith.VALENTINE
What did you do?CHLOE
I got us a room.VALENTINE
How did you pull that off?CHLOE
A little ingenuity and a lot of know-how. I told them we're securing a place for a duke we work for, and he'll be coming tomorrow to pay for our room and board.VALENTINE
And it worked?CHLOE
Oh yeah, these townsfolk are as dumb as posts. They believed every word of it. Now, if you’ll join me, I’d like to see our rooms... If you’re done eating, that is.VALENTINE looks at his bowl.
I’m done.CHLOE and VALENTINE exit.
TREMONT AYERS and HOOK are walking down a wide, dusty road with pale green trees on either side.
So why aren’t you in Old City?TREMONT
Because this is more fun.HOOK
You’ve kept me prisoner, dragged me out of my home, and made me walk more than a day. Forgive me if I want to make a little conversation to pass the time.TREMONT watches the road.
I still don’t understand why we couldn’t take horses. I could have gotten horses for us.TREMONT
(flat tone, watching the road)Horses run if we come within reach of them. They are scared of the Glithval Song.
We don’t see many Glithvals any more. They say you don’t even leave Old City. What were you doing in Triangle? Why does Teppins want that coat so bad?TREMONT is quiet a few seconds. He looks at Hook, back at the road, takes a deep breath.
We were banished.HOOK
Such great heroes of the Empire?TREMONT
There’s been no Empire to speak of for years. The Emperor sits alone in Old City waiting for his subjects to come praise him. If it wasn’t for the Glithvals, he'd have no one to defend him.HOOK
You’re dodging the question.TREMONT
Do you hear the drone of flies? Or birds, or some other wild animal that doesn’t realize it’s too close to a sword?HOOK
Touchy subject.TREMONT
We were banished because Teppins can’t keep his fool mouth shut. He’s always going on and on and on about how no one else knows what they are doing, and that he should be the one on that throne. After all, his troops that did the bulk of the fighting, while Konakarse stepped in and took the credit.HOOK
He told off the Emperor?TREMONT
Not directly. They were friends once, before the war. They don’t talk much now. I imagine this has to do with Teppins constantly whining.HOOK
What did he do?TREMONT
Let’s just say that if Bandyboo is who I think he is, the Marshal is going to have some fun before this is all over.HOOK
Hey, do you think we can stop at that river a few minutes. I’m out of water.TREMONT
If we must.Cut to...
The ground slopes steeply to broken stone at the edge of the water, with massive shale boulders where weather has worn away the dirt, and only scant moss has dared to take hold. A few saplings poke out between the rocks. Heavy overhang of foliage on either side of the river. A dam has formed a swimming hole, and the opposite bank is torn away with a rope swing dangling from a tree above it.
TREMONT and HOOK enter at the top.
What, don’t you drink? (Looks around bank for a way down.) I’ve barely seen you put anything in your body at all the last couple days.HOOK tries his footing on the bank, but slips on his first step, sliding down on his back.
The Glithval Song helps us conserve energy. We don’t eat often.HOOK sits down on a large rock and unbuckles his boots.
What is that, some kind of magic?TREMONT
The most powerful magick in the world.HOOK
I’m a wizard too, you know?TREMONT
I bet.HOOK
You don’t believe me?TREMONT
Do you shoot fire, or are you just the type that can disconnect his thumb and put it back on.HOOK
I’ll be holding my breath. Weren’t you going swimming?HOOK digs his canteen out of his pack and takes off his shirt.
If I’m not back in an hour, wait another hour.TREMONT
If you leave my sight, I’ll skewer you like a pig.HOOK
(salutes)Yes, Mister Ayers.
That’s Lieutenant Ayers.HOOK
How could I forget?HOOK wades into the river.
This is amazing! You sure you don’t want to peel off that armor and join me?TREMONT
The day you see me out of armor will be a cold day indeed.HOOK
What, do you sleep in it too?TREMONT
I don’t sleep.HOOK fills his canteen, splashing water on his face, immersing his head.
So they threw all of you out? Just because Teppins mouthed off?TREMONT
(sits on rock)Lokia came on his own. He’s been with Teppins since the war. He’s utterly loyal.
They called me arrogant, said I must learn the lesson of Teppins with him, or teach him in the process.HOOK
Now you have my interest peaked.TREMONT
Morgan Lithes. General Morgan Lithes. Right hand man to the Emperor himself. He’s a pompous old bear that spent his time burning and attacking Illithred civilians during the war.HOOK
Any Illithred is an enemy.TREMONT
But enemies with no weapons don’t put up much of a fight as they run away. The General’s favorite tactic was to burn the villages ahead of the Glithval advance, attracting the Illithred armies to defend, and leaving us with no replenished supplies. He called himself a hero, claimed he broke the spirits of the enemy. I’d be surprised if he even crossed swords once. He’s a human, just like you. Just like the Emperor.HOOK
I’ve tried and tried, but I can’t seem to change that.TREMONT
It should be a Glithval by his side. Be it Adeal Teppins or anyone else, it should be a Glithval before Morgan Lithes.HOOK
Is this what you told them?TREMONT
I was not so greedy. I told them I felt I was quite capable of filling Adeal’s role as Marshal of the Third Wall while he was seeking redemption. After all, I am the most qualified candidate. Apparently, no consideration was given to my record before a decision was made. I should be at home right now, watching the flags blowing over the fields. Have you filled your canteen yet?HOOK
Just about. It’s one of those slow-filling models.TREMONT
Well, hurry up.HOOK puts his canteen in the water.
How far to this Ox Ford?HOOK
Probably get there tomorrow, depending on how often you need to stop and rest.TREMONT
Teppins and Lokia are close, I can hear their Song.HOOK
That’s sweet.TREMONT
You don’t want to survive this, do you?HOOK
Did I see a little smile? Mr. Glithval, are you starting to enjoy yourself?TREMONT
The Song comes second nature after a while. Most of the time, we don’t even realize it, but to the right ears, it can be heard for miles. A dull hum. It can lead us right to each other.HOOK
I wanted to be one, you know? A Glithval. When I was little, that’s all we ever talked about. In my town, we’d run through the streets replaying your battles with the Titans, and the overthrow of the Illithred.TREMONT
You’re not allowed to discuss those times now. I’ve been ordered to kill anyone that does.HOOK
I was real little, just a baby. All I remember is red. And noise. Then it stopped. (Climbs out of the river.) The Glithvals are heros, the Glithvals saved the day.TREMONT
Is there a point to this story, or are you just trying to make my ears fall off?HOOK
(sits on rock, dries his feet with his coat.)I left home when I was sixteen years old to join you. I came to Old City and was given audience with the Grand Master himself, and he turned me away.
We have accepted no new recruits since the war.HOOK
Why not? There can’t be to many of you left. You guys die, don’t you?TREMONT
The Emperor closed our ranks, which are sufficient to fulfill our duties...HOOK
Yeah, yeah, whatever. The wizards were happy to take me.TREMONT
The wizards are con artists.HOOK
Most of them, but I learned a thing or two you wouldn’t expect.HOOK climbs up the bank.
Like what?TREMONT helps HOOK over the edge when HOOK reaches the top.
I got pretty good with a staff, but try to find a quality quarterstaff these days. Everything is ‘Swords! Swords! Swords!’TREMONT
Are you ready to go yet?HOOK
Let me just buckle my boots.TREMONT
I trust you know this area well.HOOK
I grew up not far from here. Right up that hill is where we staged several splendid recreations of the capture of Karaak Kether, where the Illithred had been dug in for weeks...TREMONT
I was at Kether, you don’t need to describe.HOOK
And I played you a few times. It was epic. Quite a few years ago though, I’m not sure how well I remember the terrain.TREMONT
This was before you attended wizard school.HOOK finishes adjusting his clothes and stands.
Laugh if you want.TREMONT
As long as this road leads to the Ox Ford.HOOK
It’s the most direct route I know.TREMONT freezes and holds out his hand for HOOK to stop.
What’s wrong?TREMONT
What do you hear?TREMONT
You. (beat) What lived in this forest?HOOK
I don’t know, woodchucks? Squirrels? Maybe a bear.TREMONT
Monsters? Ghosts? Legends?HOOK
Do you want to tell campfire stories?Closeup of HOOK’s face. He smiles, then his expression changes to horror. Zoom out as a black shape crashes into Hook, knocking him off the bank onto the rocks below where they both roll into the water.
Help!TREMONT draws his sword and jumps down, landing at the water’s edge.
The creature stands to its full height and turns on Tremont. Slow pan up the creature. It is a SHOGOTTA. It resembles a massive newt or lizard, 8 feet from nose to tail with oily black skin plastered with wet brown leaves and fragments of branches and twigs. It has uneven, iris-less milky eyes that protrude from its head and look like fragments of rose quartz, glowing from within. Its teeth are blue-grey color and resemble broken fragments of shale. The SHOGOTTA lets out a low growl and takes a step toward TREMONT with one of it’s flabby, shapeless front arms.
SHOGOTTA lunges at Tremont and claws at him with its seemingly boneless appendages, and snaps at him with its jaws.
TREMONT lifts the SHOGOTTA over his head and hurls it into the deeper part of the water, where it splashes about at the surface, leaving a film of oil and dead leaves spreading out as the monster clumsily swims to shore. HOOK scrambles up the bank while TREMONT stands in a defensive crouch, braced for attack. When the SHOGOTTA gains footing on the rocks, it hurls its self at TREMONT again, knocking him down with a clank and crunch of his armor. Both flail madly until they regain their footing.
TREMONT narrowly misses the Shogotta with his sword. SHOGOTTA bites his arm as Tremont passes, cracking the metal plate. TREMONT cries out, tearing his arm free with a splash of blood marking its trail.
TREMONT hits the Shogotta with the butt of his sword, knocking out one of its eyes, which cracks open on the ground. SHOGOTTA turns back on Tremont, jumping at him and impaling itself on his sword. SHOGOTTA flails three times and goes limp. TREMONT lets the body slide off his blade into a widening black puddle on the rocks in front of him.
What was that?TREMONT
(picking up broken stone eye, turning it over in his hand.)We’re close to Doom City.
Hey! Are you listening? What was that thing?TREMONT
Probably a bear. Thank you for your help.TREMONT climbs up the bank, brushes himself off at the top.
You had it under control. I never seen a bear like that before. Are there more?TREMONT
It was a Shogotta.HOOK
Servants of the Illithred. Guardians. They were spawned in Malkooth... Doom City.The oily remains of the Shogotta are absorbing into the rocks and dirt.
We have to go.HOOK
Are there more?TREMONT
Hopefully just the one. It won’t be gone long.HOOK
You killed it.TREMONT
It’s regrouping. It’ll follow us down under the ground. When we aren't paying attention it will attack again.HOOK
How do we kill it?TREMONT
You’re a wizard, figure something out.TREMONT starts down the trail until they reach a fork leading away from the river.
Do you know this road?HOOK
Sort of. It goes up the hill.TREMONT
Will it go where we want?HOOK
It’s long. Longer. We should stay by the river.TREMONT
The harder ground will slow it down. We might be able to lose it, at least for a while. Shogotta don’t give up easily. If there’s a town, we might be able to confuse it.HOOK
There is a town called Tiphereth to the north. Are we going to walk all night?TREMONT
Unless you'd like to face that thing again. Let's move.Wide shot of forest as TREMONT and HOOK walk off-screen.
Sunlight comes in through the thin yellow-white curtains hanging on the single window above the rickety bed. VALENTINE is asleep under the blankets. CHLOE is beside him, propped up on her elbow watching him. VALENTINE wrinkles his face and opens his eyes, blinks a few times and looks over at Chloe.
What are you doing in here?CHLOE
Couldn’t sleep.VALENTINE
Me either.CHLOE
Think we should go?VALENTINE
Probably, get ourselves out of town before anyone gets themselves woken up enough to chase.VALENTINE sits up, rubs his eye with the heels of his hands.
How long were you sitting there?CHLOE
A while. Before the sun came up.VALENTINE
Why didn’t you wake me?CHLOE
You looked peaceful.Tapping on the window. DAHOOTY is outside. VALENTINE waves him away.
Get lost.CHLOE
We don’t want to see you.DAHOOTY pecks again.
You’re a thief.CHLOE
Go back to your troll.DAHOOTY taps again.
If we don’t let him in, he’ll wake the whole place up.CHLOE opens the window.
Go. Get lost.DAHOOTY hops in.
Must listen to Dahooty. You are in mortal danger!VALENTINE
We’ve heard that before.CHLOE
They told us about you and your troll.VALENTINE
Is he down in the street to catch us when we run out?DAHOOTY
No, but Wench is.CHLOE
Dahooty heard them talking. They’ve been waiting downstairs all morning to catch you when you try and run. They want to put you in chains and sell you to trolls.CHLOE
And why should we believe you?DAHOOTY
Dahooty had no choice but to work with troll. Troll give food and money. Nobody else would do that for Dahooty.CHLOE
Stolen money.VALENTINE
Where is he now?DAHOOTY
Troll is no more. Glithvals did him in first thing. Now Dahooty is alone.CHLOE
Serves you right, wretched thing.VALENTINE
Go on, get.DAHOOTY
No! Dahooty will help. You can be new friends for Dahooty. Dahooty help you escape. Can’t get past wench and cook without Dahooty’s help.VALENTINE
The cook probably isn’t even there.CHLOE
Or the wench.DAHOOTY
See for yourself.VALENTINE
I will.VALENTINE quietly opens the door and steps out into a long hallway with brown wooden doors every ten feet. At the end of the hallway is a stairwell going down. Red shag carpet is on the floor. VALENTINE, still barefoot, tip-toes down the hall and peeks around the corner. Slow reveal of the landing and...
...The cook with arms folded and a giant meat cleaver.
VALENTINE gasps and ducks into cover. He catches his breath and tip-toes back to the room.
He’s there, holding a big, big knife.DAHOOTY
Well, we don’t know if he’s going to capture us.DAHOOTY
Dahooty says you should go ask him. Dahooty bets he’d be happy to answer.CHLOE
(to DAHOOTY)So, what’s your plan?
Sure, once you see knife you want to be Dahooty’s friend.CHLOE
Simplicity. Dahooty says, the beauty is simplicity of the plan.CHLOE
Well? What is it?DAHOOTY
Wouldn’t you like to know?VALENTINE
Yes we would! You’re the one saying we’re in so much danger, so you’d better tell us your plan or I’m going to toss you down there.DAHOOTY
Fine. Be that way. First, the distraction. Dahooty flies through the front door, flapping wings and squawking, pecking them with beak. You jump out this window and run like crazy.VALENTINE
That’s it? That’s your plan? Run like crazy?DAHOOTY
Simple, isn’t it?CHLOE
Jump out the window?DAHOOTY
Aim for the bushes, you’ll be fine.CHLOE sticks her head out the window. Two short, fat shrubs are there to break her fall.
You want us to break our legs?VALENTINE
(putting on his shoes)All the easier to pick our pockets, huh?
Footsteps in the hall.
That’s it! You’ve got no chance! Jump for your life!The doorhandle jiggles as a key is slipped into the lock on the other side.
Go! Go!The door opens and COOK bursts in, meat cleaver raised over his head.
I knew it! I knew it!DAHOOTY starts squawking and flapping his wings, flying at COOK, who covers his face with the cleaver.
Go! Go! Jump!CHLOE climbs onto the window jamb and...
CHLOE crashes down into the bushes, bouncing immediately to her feet and brushes off the stray needles and branches.
Move!CHLOE steps back and VALENTINE falls in, crushing the last life from the bush. Above them, DAHOOTY flies out the window.
Go! Go!The front door bursts open and WENCH runs out with a carving knife raised over her head, screaming like a banshee. CHLOE and VALENTINE race down the street, putting distance between themselves and WENCH, who quickly grows winded. It is still early, and the streets are empty, no one else is around to join the chase. When enough space is between them, VALENTINE rounds a corner and ducks into an open shed, pulling CHLOE with him.
Shh!Outside, WENCH thunders by, still wailing. CHLOE and VALENTINE are quiet a few seconds until she can no longer be heard.
Well, I guess we don’t have to worry about paying.CHLOE
But we do have to worry about eating... and getting out of town without being seen. How do you propose we do that?VALENTINE
I don’t suppose that bird will have anything for us.CHLOE
Simplicity! Let’s see if we can get out of town without him seeing us.NARRATOR
With great care and quiet, Chloe and Valentine slipped out of Tiphereth to the edge of the lake, across a bridge and into the hills where they paused to catch their breath. Both were unsurprised when a shadow fell upon them from the air.Narrow shot of CHLOE and VALENTINE looking up in horror.
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