It is raining. TREMONT and HOOK are walking the dirt road. Both are cloaked and hooded. Tremont's heavy armor is clearly visible beneath his purple cape.
It is raining. TREMONT and HOOK are walking the dirt road. Both are cloaked and hooded. Tremont's heavy armor is clearly visible beneath his purple cape.
I’m still hungry, you know.
We’ve been walking and fighting all day and night. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.
I’ve been fighting. You stood and watched.
I tried to help you before that thing ripped the building out of the ground. I don't think I'd have survived if that slammed down on top of me.
When you can match a Glithval in resilience, you can think about becoming one.
My point is, the Shogotta destroyed the inn before I got my lunch.
I’m not hungry, what is your problem?
I'm human.
I’m fairly certain my parents were as well.
Well, when we get to Wicked City, I’m eating some grease-fried chicken. And maybe some grease-fried fish. And don’t think I’ll miss the grease-fried sausage, or you’ve lost your guide.
I can not bring myself to watch you eat Troll food.
Then you can wait outside.
They walk south across rolling flatlands. The landscape is entirely dark. A sliver of moon hangs above them. TREMONT walks ahead of HOOK, strong and determined.
If I knew I’d have to visit Trolls... They don’t like Glithvals, you know.
I can’t imagine why.
We’ll probably be attacked on sight.
My father said there were no trolls when he was a boy.
The Illithred brought them in, used them as servants and fighters. This was towards the end, when it became clear the Glithvals had a mind of their own. Some would say it was the Troll rebellion that made the overthrow of the Illithred even possible.
Is that true?
The Glithvals saw the hardest fighting. I never saw a Troll attack a Titan.
The trolls fought beside you?
Occasionally. Eventually. Once the Illithred were gone, the Trolls were left on their own. They weren’t even sure where they'd come from, so we couldn’t send them back. We drew up a few hasty peace treaties, stuck them in an old Illithred city, and tried to forget about them.
Were the raiding parties included in those treaties? The people of Triangle are not fond of the raiding parties.
The Trolls never worked hard to uphold those treaties, but their leaders never hesitate to cry foul when we move to attack.
Can you feel that tar monster anywhere?
(looking over his shoulder at HOOK.)
Barely. It’s moving fast, we’re not keeping up.
Barely. It’s moving fast, we’re not keeping up.
It’s running away?
Doubtful. If it’s not following the Marshal, it’s looking for some place to ambush us.
I’ve never seen a creature like that, in all my life here.
There were no monsters in these woods? Nothing that lurked and ate little children that strayed too far from their mommy’s reach?
There were no monsters in these woods? Nothing that lurked and ate little children that strayed too far from their mommy’s reach?
Well yeah, all the time, but it wasn’t a monster. Kids get lost, they fall in streams.
That wasn’t good enough for the Illithred. They couldn’t find enough ways to break us down and pull us apart, so they built the Shogotta. I don't believe it's even alive, at least not like normal people think of it. They can reshape themselves to accomplish any task. Have you ever seen a Titan?
Once. There weren’t many still walking at that point. Those that still lived were off facing the enemy. We heard thunder that wouldn’t end, and my friends climbed a hill to see the lightning. It was a Titan, miles away, attacking a city. It was behind a mountain, I saw the head, the arms, not much else. Did these things build the Titans?
Shogotta powered them. Real life flesh and steel monstrosities. The Shogotta could hold anything together. You think it’s impressive that thing lifted a house? You could only have seen the burning of Tarnikesh. The great defeat of the Glithval. It was powered by Shogotta.
Silence as they walk.
I’m hungry.
TREMONT and HOOK walk out of shot, which lingers on blackness a moment.
Closeup of VALENTINE’s face, smiling in his sleep. Wrinkles his eyes and nose as camera zooms out to overhead of him curled beneath a thin blanket. ERBY enters and shakes Valentine’s shoulders. CHLOE ISIS walks into shot.
Closeup of VALENTINE’s face, smiling in his sleep. Wrinkles his eyes and nose as camera zooms out to overhead of him curled beneath a thin blanket. ERBY enters and shakes Valentine’s shoulders. CHLOE ISIS walks into shot.
Mister, you need to awake.
Mister, you need to awake.
VALENTINE sits up and covers his brow with his forehead.
What do you want?
It’s nearly dawn, and we need to be moving.
All right, give me a minute. Let me remember where I am.
Rubin, there’s Glithvals in the building.
Tight on VALENTINE. Horror on his face.
How do you know?ERBY
They spoke with the guardians in the lobby. They are searching floor by floor. Most between us are empty. We don’t have very long.VALENTINE dresses quickly and collects his belongings.
The guardians sold us out?ERBY
Those men have no concern for a pair of street urchins here to see the sights.ERBY leads them into the lobby with the stairs and two steel doors for the elevator.
There was no one in the lobby. Erby pushed the elevator three times with greater force each time he jammed his thumb on it.CHLOE ISIS
We’re not urchins!ERBY
To them you are. Your people feel bad for what they allowed to be done to us, so they come here, look at the Illithred carvings, spend their money on trinkets, and treat my people like we are lower forms of life. Most trolls aren’t excited to have you here.VALENTINE
But that’s not us. We’re here on a mission.ERBY
You’re all on a mission. Now come with me.The elevator doors open, and ERBY steps inside. Camera is low, looking up at the three in cramped, carpeted surroundings.
Where are you taking us?ERBY
I’d recommend you save your strength and concentrate your thoughts on moving quickly when we’re outside this box.Cut to...
Medium shot of HOOK walking and looking down. TREMONT is behind him. HOOK glances up, narrows his eyes and points.
Medium shot of HOOK walking and looking down. TREMONT is behind him. HOOK glances up, narrows his eyes and points.
Is that a light?TREMONT
The Moon?HOOK
No, up there. Do you see it?TREMONT
To small to be a house.HOOK
Can you smell it, or something?TREMONT
Pretty far off, I can’t really tell.HOOK
Sing to it. Find out what it is.TREMONT
It doesn’t work like that. Whatever’s up there is just a man. Maybe a few. The more normal something is, the less it’s tuned into my Song.HOOK
Two or three of them?TREMONT
A handful.HOOK
How am I going to get a feel for this group if you keep flapping your lips?HOOK
Group? How big.TREMONT
Not sure. Big.HOOK
How far?There is a terrible roar and they are charged by an army of Trolls suddenly screaming and waving crude weapons and tools over their heads. TREMONT and HOOK are quickly surrounded. TREMONT tries to keep an escape route open. TREMONT parries attacks and strikes down three Trolls. TREMONT fights in a dance, stepping over and around HOOK, slashing over Hook’s head and diving in to deflect.
HOOK breaks free of combat, rolling between the legs of 2 trolls while TREMONT fights them. TREMONT cuts down two and is leapt upon by a third, who wraps his arms around Tremont’s neck. TREMONT is pulled down and buried beneath the pile of trolls.
Cut to...
Bell rings and left elevator door opens. ERBY, CHLOE ISIS, and VALENTINE spill out. The lobby is empty.
Bell rings and left elevator door opens. ERBY, CHLOE ISIS, and VALENTINE spill out. The lobby is empty.
It seems the guardians left as soon as they'd notified us.CHLOE ISIS
What are the Glithvals going to do to us?ERBY
Nothing I can think of that would be lucky.VALENTINE
We haven’t done anything wrong.ERBY
I don’t care one tiniest bit what you’ve done my friend. I care for nothing more than getting you out of my city before there is any more bloodshed. Those Glithvals think nothing of cutting us down where we walk. Lord Altemont’s office has already been notified of the intrusion. He will most likely respond with a militia.CHLOE ISIS
With Mellisa?VALENTINE
I’m taking you to the Tombs. We can hide there until dark.CHLOE ISIS
I’m not going to any creepy tomb!ERBY
Miss please. There will be more of your people at the Tombs than anywhere else in the city. The Glithvals won’t dare move against you when the word can reach the Emperor. Now come.Fade out on ERBY leading VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS out of the building.
Cut to...
Closeup of TREMONT’s face as a burlap sack is yanked off. He is bruised and bleeding. Camera pulls back to reveal TREMONT has been stripped of his armor and is on his knees with hands tied behind his back. Heavily armed trolls surround him. They are in a leather tent lit by filtered sunlight. A hefty, hooded thing in brown robes enters. He is MALLIK. He speaks with a croaking, frog-like voice and keeps himself covered at all times. In the shadows of his robe, Mallik’s skin looks green.
Tremont Ayers...? The Tremont Ayers? What an honor to have you among us.Tight on TREMONT, glaring hatefully.
Trying to sing to me? It ain’t gonna work.MALLIK nods to one of the trolls, who slugs TREMONT in the jaw.
I don’t have a whole lot of patience, not now. Your best bet is to tell me what I want to know.TREMONT
Who are you that talks to me?CLOSEUP of MALLIK’s hood. Wide, rubbery lips curl up into a smile, revealing the tips of pointed teeth.
The King of Wicked City.TREMONT
Never heard of you.TROLL GUARD punches TREMONT again, knocking him down. TREMONT worms his way back to a kneeling position.
Don’t you stinking Glithvals keep up with politics?TROLLS laugh. MALLIK chuckles a deep, guttural laugh.
Altemont know you make that claim?MALLIK
Altemont knows what I what him to know. What do you want here?TREMONT
To cut my way through a thousand trolls.TROLL guard kicks Tremont in the stomach. TREMONT doubles over, gasping.
But yet, you had so much trouble with these few. If you tell me what you’re doing in my town, maybe we can work something out. Maybe we can even help you out. Course, that ain’t too likely after what your friends did yesterday afternoon.TREMONT
I don’t have any friends.MALLIK
(circling TREMONT)Here all by yourself? What a coinkydink that three Glithvals come to my city on the same day and don’t even know each other. I might think that’s funny if you didn’t start chopping up my soldiers. What was that, a little recognition? Were you there? No, I don’t think so. Why don’t you go ahead and tell me what those kids were doing wandering around by themselves...? Don’t want to talk? We can just wait to get our hands on the little guy then. I bet I’ll only have to pull of one of his arms before he spills his guts... so to speak. I’ll save the real thing for later.
Why don’t you go ahead and tell me what you want.MALLIK leans close, studying TREMONT.
CLOSEUP of TREMONT staring defiantly into MALLIK’s hood.
Still singing to me? Ain’t gonna work.MALLIK pulls back his hood, revealing a bald, flabby face with wide lips and grey-green, rubbery skin. ZOOM on MALLIK’s bloodshot, yellow eye.
See, I spent a lot more time in those basements than you. It don’t work to Sing on me, or any of these good fellows with me.MALLIK puts up his hood and stands, turning away from TREMONT. Trolls chuckle and nudge each other.
(Circles TREMONT)Those kids? What do they have...? Hmmm? Your friend asked me to kidnap them. You ain’t got no idea why? Isn’t there only five a you left? You trying to tell me you don’t even know these guys? You are Tremont Ayers, right? Down in Tarnikesh we called you ‘Tremont the Butcher.’ Come on, tell me, I’m going to find out why. Tell me that the last thing I’ll ever see is the blade of ya sword coming down to split me right in two. Hmm? Am I right? Well, I tell you what: do it. If ya so tough you gonna knock me around, you stand up and do it. It will all be worth it for me if you can.
MALLIK stares in TREMONT’s eyes.
Boys, put him in the otha tent, I’m sick of looking at him.Two TROLLS pick up TREMONT by the armpit and drag him out of the teepee. Cut to...
Enter two TROLLS dragging TREMONT, who makes no move and keeps his head down. They shove him into a nearby tent, just leather draped over a rope and no more than two feet high. TROLLS laugh and wander off.
TREMONT’s eyes look back and forth. TREMONT closes his eyes. Shadows of the ropes loosening and lifting can be seen inside the tent until TREMONT can get his hands free and roll himself over to untie his feet. TREMONT crawls out of the tent.
Crouched low, moving carefully, TREMONT walks through camp, keeping in cover of tent and shrub. TREMONT is on lookout, peering over and around every obstacle as he advances. There are six large tents around. MALLIK’s teepee is in the center with a rope strung between two of them for the shelter they gave TREMONT. The tents are all closed, but light flickers through the cracks. A few trolls are outside in the distance, but they don’t notice Trement. TREMONT gets past the troop tents. He kneels, preparing to bolt across the plain to the rolling hills in the distance. TREMONT tenses, takes a deep breath, looks down, closes his eyes, looks over his shoulder, exhales.
TREMONT stands, black close to a barrack tent with grunting, laughing, growling trolls within. Walking on his toes, TREMONT returns to the inner circle.
When TREMONT enters the circle, MALLIK’s tent is open, and MALLIK is silhouetted from within, holding up Tremont’s sword.
Enter two TROLLS dragging TREMONT, who makes no move and keeps his head down. They shove him into a nearby tent, just leather draped over a rope and no more than two feet high. TROLLS laugh and wander off.
TREMONT’s eyes look back and forth. TREMONT closes his eyes. Shadows of the ropes loosening and lifting can be seen inside the tent until TREMONT can get his hands free and roll himself over to untie his feet. TREMONT crawls out of the tent.
Crouched low, moving carefully, TREMONT walks through camp, keeping in cover of tent and shrub. TREMONT is on lookout, peering over and around every obstacle as he advances. There are six large tents around. MALLIK’s teepee is in the center with a rope strung between two of them for the shelter they gave TREMONT. The tents are all closed, but light flickers through the cracks. A few trolls are outside in the distance, but they don’t notice Trement. TREMONT gets past the troop tents. He kneels, preparing to bolt across the plain to the rolling hills in the distance. TREMONT tenses, takes a deep breath, looks down, closes his eyes, looks over his shoulder, exhales.
TREMONT stands, black close to a barrack tent with grunting, laughing, growling trolls within. Walking on his toes, TREMONT returns to the inner circle.
When TREMONT enters the circle, MALLIK’s tent is open, and MALLIK is silhouetted from within, holding up Tremont’s sword.
Couldn’t leave this behind? It started to hum and scream just as soon as you crawled out of that tent. Boys!Barrack tent flaps open and trolls step out with scimitars drawn.
We was takin’ bets when Tremont the Butcher would come back for his best friend. Are you ready to sit down and talk to me?Cut to...
TREMONT sits at a wooden chair with his feet up on a desk. MALLIK, robbed, paces behind Tremont. Tremont’s sword is on the table.
TREMONT sits at a wooden chair with his feet up on a desk. MALLIK, robbed, paces behind Tremont. Tremont’s sword is on the table.
Teppins thinks the coat will protect him from the Shogotta?TREMONT
He says he saw it himself in the basement of Set.MALLIK
I never saw no coat like that.TREMONT
Personally, I think it’s an old man’s fantasy. The Marshal is not nearly the strategist he once was.MALLIK
Nothing protects from the Shogotta.TREMONT
The Marshal has a plan, says it’s fool proof.MALLIK
What’s his plan? (Turns away from TREMONT.)TREMONT
Now, I need to guarantee my own survival, don’t I?MALLIK
You are most shrewd, Master Glithval. I swear to you, if you bring me the Shogotta, I will make you the head of my armies. You will command each and every troop who ever felt cheated and wrong by that monster, Konakarse. It will be glorious. We shall build the Empire that should have been, tearing down any that stand in our way, and...TREMONT (OS)
Your Majesty?MALLIK looks up to see TREMONT standing, sword in hand, smiling.
The day I serve a troll...TREMONT charges MALLIK, chopping and slashing, driving MALLIK over a table. Both fall in a struggling heap. MALLIK’s robes blow open enough to see his slimy, writhing body beneath. MALLIK is up in a moment, hurling the table at TREMONT, who cuts it down as he pounces, narrowly missing MALLIK’s chest as Tremont stomps the ground. TREMONT sweeps a lantern to the wall, where it bursts and catches the tent flap ablaze. MALLIK grabs TREMONT’s leg as it rises, sending TREMONT sprawling, but still able to swing up past Mallik’s face and drive him back. MALLIK does not let go. MALLIK spins and throws TREMONT into the burning wall, blowing TREMONT outside.
Cut to...
Flames shoot up Mallik’s teepee as TREMONT flies out and rolls across the ground, with MALLIK following. TREMONT gains controll of his roll and gets to his knees in time to catch MALLIK flying at him. They wrestle, exchanging blows and tumbling while a ring of trolls form around them, weapons drawn. Trolls roar in enjoyment as TREMONT and MALLIK struggle to their feet. MALLIK flips TREMONT over his shoulders, sending him flying into the trolls who kick him until TREMONT is able to stand and shove them off, waving his sword to keep them out of reach. TREMONT braces and the two circle each other a moment before TREMONT charges, chopping low, striking MALLIK below the knee. MALLIK cries out and falls, leaving two blunt, grey stumps on the dusty ground. TREMONT turns on the trolls and dives into their midst, slashing and swinging his sword to clear a path. TREMONT throws himself through the gap and dashes for the line of tents. The trolls rally and give chase, finding TREMONT stopped between the tents.
Flames shoot up Mallik’s teepee as TREMONT flies out and rolls across the ground, with MALLIK following. TREMONT gains controll of his roll and gets to his knees in time to catch MALLIK flying at him. They wrestle, exchanging blows and tumbling while a ring of trolls form around them, weapons drawn. Trolls roar in enjoyment as TREMONT and MALLIK struggle to their feet. MALLIK flips TREMONT over his shoulders, sending him flying into the trolls who kick him until TREMONT is able to stand and shove them off, waving his sword to keep them out of reach. TREMONT braces and the two circle each other a moment before TREMONT charges, chopping low, striking MALLIK below the knee. MALLIK cries out and falls, leaving two blunt, grey stumps on the dusty ground. TREMONT turns on the trolls and dives into their midst, slashing and swinging his sword to clear a path. TREMONT throws himself through the gap and dashes for the line of tents. The trolls rally and give chase, finding TREMONT stopped between the tents.
Attack!!Closeup of TREMONT. He smiles. Something rips OS. Zoom out as Tremont’s armor flies to him and arranges its self on his body from his boots to his helmet with goblin face plate and long red beard. Trolls charge and TREMONT braces to receive. The first is hurled over his shoulder, collapsing the tent beside them. The next is cut down as TREMONT spins to meet a new group of trolls rushing in from outside the circle of tents. TREMONT leaps forward, breaking the charge, and the new trolls back up a step. TREMONT chops down the first and uses the shield of the second as a springboard into a spinning roll over them, cutting down two trolls on the outside as they turn in shock to see him. He wrenches free his sword, holding it upright to glint in the sun, before he sweeps it wide to keep back the trolls advancing on him for vengeance.
MALLIK is up, pulling himself into the horde.
Don’t let him get away!The trolls press in, scimitars waving and slicing and bouncing off iron plates. TREMONT chops and cuts and reaves his way through the mass of bodies until he stops suddenly, sword held over his shoulder in both hands, suspended, ready to come down on HOOK’s bald head.
What are you doing here?HOOK
I came to rescue you.TREMONT looks around at the recovering trolls. TREMONT points west.
That way.TREMONT runs. HOOK follows.
Cut to:
ERBY leads VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS down an empty side-street.
ERBY leads VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS down an empty side-street.
I need to warn you about the cabbies. You’ll always be told the cabbies will bump up the price. The cabbies will get you. The cabbies are bad. Watch out for the cabbies. As long as I’ve known, cabbies will be the only people that give what they promise at the price you agree. They are always willing to work around your language barrier to get where you need.FADE IN on helicopter shot of Wicked City. The buildings are broken and dusty with a few spires reaching up amid valleys of desolation.
People come here to see the Tombs and the Illithred monuments that remain, but Most find their informative tours degenerating quickly to the mulling of the junk shops that line every major street and intersection in Wicked City. You don’t know where you’ll end up. We leave Tremont and Hook to flee and rejoin Valentine and Chloe as Erby flags down a carriage.ERBY leaps in the road, arm extended, waving to a carriage that nearly runs him down. It stops, and ERBY opens the back door for VALENTINE and CHLOE ISIS.
Trust me, I know. I worked as a tour guide for a season or two. We’d lead people to any random place and make up whatever story we could imagine of the terror of the Illithred and heroism of the Great War. We do not live as long as your people, and very few of us have seen what they look like, but your people give their full attention. I one time led nearly a dozen around my grocery list recalling pitched battles. Your people pay better when I talk about the Glithvals.NARRATOR
Erby flagged down a carriage that appeared to have been rolled. There were no traffic lights, only the occasional soldier to direct. Lanes were more like suggestions and went from three to five at the blink of an eye. Cabbies communicate with pedestrians and other cabbies through a series of beeps. A short beep means “I’m not stopping for you,” so the beeped-at had better move quick. Pedestrians weave in and out of heavy traffic which may be running without lights in the dead of night down an unlit street. Pedestrians get the same warning beep as another car, but pedestrians are just as pushy as a vehicle. If there is an opportunity, you take it. If that opportunity involves driving the wrong way down the side of a one-way street, you do it. Pedestrians walk when there is an opening. When there is no opening, they walk faster.ERBY
Troll driver belches something unintelligible and reaches into the back seat with an upturned hand.
He’d like you to pay him now.VALENTINE
Pay him? This was your idea!ERBY
And I’m going to great pains to keep you safe. Now please, pay this man.The troll driver belches.
One hundred dollars.VALENTINE
One hundred?! I only have six.TROLL belches.
Six dollars.VALENTINE
I’m not paying my only six dollars for the most terrifying ride of my life!CHLOE ISIS
Why didn’t you ask if there was a fee before you got in the carriage, Rubin?VALENTINE
Why are you against me? Do you even have any money.CHLOE ISIS
I’ve been supporting you this entire trip, scoring you meals and lodging!VALENTINE
Fine. I hope you’ve got something figured out for lunch.VALENTINE hands a bill to the driver, who smiles and tucks it in his shirt. ERBY helps them out of the carriage.
I know a place that serves wonderful grease fried fish.CHLOE ISIS
Why are there so many cats?ERBY
The cats witnessed the decline of the Illithred.VALENTINE
(pointing)Is that one missing an eye?
Step this way, please.NARRATOR
They skirted a market, hassled only by a few trolls in loose smocks, smiling through broken teeth, offering whatever they needed at whatever price was decided fair. Erby took them down an alley where the sun broke at the end of the canyon, illuminating a busy street and a park at the edge of the river.VALENTINE
We should go to the river.CHLOE ISIS
We’re not going to the river.ERBY
We have nearly reached the Tombs.CHLOE ISIS
Erby thinks it would be safer.VALENTINE
Everyone knows Glithvals can’t cross moving water.CHLOE ISIS
That isn’t true.VALENTINE
You know that it is.CHLOE ISIS
I don’t know anything, and you know that.VALENTINE
I’m well aware.ERBY
Is that true what you say about Glithvals?VALENTINE
Yeah, I guess so.CHLOE ISIS
He’s making that up. Stop telling jokes, Rubin.VALENTINE
I just think it would be smart if we avoided large crowds. We do have someone searching for us. Does no one else remember that?CHLOE ISIS
Erby thinks it would be safer in the Tombs.VALENTINE
Of course he does, he’s our tour guide!CHLOE ISIS
That isn’t true, he’s a terrier.VALENTINE
That's courier, and he couldn’t say it any better than you. All this guy cares about is getting us up to these crypts and letting as many of his friends as he can shake us down along the way.CHLOE ISIS
Rubin, will you trust him? Erby’s our friend.VALENTINE
Like Dahooty? Remember him? The bird you said we should trust, who ended up selling us to trolls? I’m not even convinced this guy wasn’t sent here by Dahooty to help take everything we’ve got. Joke’s on you, buddy. I’ve don't even have six dollars any more!CHLOE ISIS
Rubin, stop.ERBY
(gravely)He’s telling the truth. I am just a tour guide. There never was any message.
I told you! Come on, Chloe, we’re better off finding our own way out of here.ERBY
But I saw the fight that made the dead bodies on the floor above you. I saw two Glithvals take down more of my people than I could count. The Glithvals think our lives are worthless. Your Emperor thinks the same. I went in that house to investigate, and I had no idea what I'd find in that basement I decided to explore.CHLOE ISIS
What were you doing there?ERBY
Just walking by. Looking for a job. If you'd prefer I'd left you tied up, Mister, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do to rectify the situation.I saw two people, innocent and out of their element, and I decided to help them from falling prey to bigger trolls with smaller consciences.VALENTINE
(turns away)I'm sorry. Thank you for rescuing us.
I’m not asking for your money, mister.CHLOE ISIS
Most of the time.ERBY
With your permission, I’d like you to follow me.VALENTINE
No!VALENTINE puts up his hands just in time to deflect Erby, who is knocked off his feet by TEPPINS. LOKIA grabs Chloe's wrist, but she yanks free and falls beside VALENTINE. Teppins looks down on Valentine and Cloe Isis.
I’m hoping you give me what I want.TEPPINS towers over VALENTINE who crawls backwards.
We don’t have what you’re looking for!Closeup of TEPPINS, grinning.
I’m wondering how you know what it is.TEPPINS reaches for VALENTINE. A garbage can is crushed against his helmet, knocking TEPPINS to the side. Camera pans around him to reveal CHLOE ISIS, hands in fists. LOKIA steps between them to intercept. VALENTINE gets to his feet. ERBY is already running.
This way, mister!VALENTINE hesitates a moment before he follows.
CHLOE ISIS runs to catch up. In the background, we see LOKIA take a step in pursuit but is stopped by TEPPINS.
Chloe, come on!Medium shoot looking up on TEPPINS with his arms crossed. His red cape blows out behind him.
Don’t be so quick. Those children haven't found any coat. Altemont was so quick to give them up before, he'll be more than happy to let us have them once they've broken a relic in the Tombs. The Witch King's Sword isn't going anywhere. We can spare a few minutes.LOKIA
Should we send word to the Lieutenant we have them?TEPPINS
The Lieutenant is busy, Sergent. I'm in no more hurry to see him than you are. Now come on, let's see what that Troll wants them to see.Zoom out on TEPPINS and LOKIA. Fade to Black.
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