Jennie Dix
Steve Valentine, who has been obsessed with me since the sixth grade, is staring at me again. He seems like a nice kid. He’s really shy and kind of goofy though. He’s almost six and a half feet tall, and as skinny as a rail. He seems like he’s going to fall over at any moment. I talked to him a couple times earlier this year. He said something really funny, and it made me laugh so hard. He got so nervous and quiet. I think he thought I was laughing at him.
Brendan Davis usually gives me a ride to school, but he's sick today. I made my mom drive me, so I didn’t have to take the bus. I hate taking the bus. I have to get up so much earlier to take a shower and put on my makeup.
Brendan was my boyfriend last year, but I broke up with him because I thought my neighbor, Kevin Bateman, who is going to college, liked me. During the summer, he would always come over to my house to go swimming. I noticed him checking me out all the time, so one day I asked him out. He said he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life in jail for doing anything with a sixteen year old. I told him that it only mattered if we had sex, and he just laughed. I was really hurt, and haven’t talked to him since. It’s not like I wanted to have sex with him, I’m waiting for someone I’m in love with. I thought Brendan and I were about to get back together, but then I found John.
John Parker is a senior, the student body president, and on the baseball team. Everyone knows who John is, but the first time I met him was at a party after a baseball game the school had just won. I didn’t really want to go, but Shelly talked me into it. John was hitting on me all night. At first, I thought it was because he was drunk, but then he started talking to me at school the next day. I really like John a lot, and I think he likes me too. He’s so sweet, on my birthday last month, he bought me flowers, and on the card was a poem that he wrote. He told me he’s trying to get into Harvard for college next year, and is waiting for his acceptance letter. That would be so great to have a boyfriend that goes to Harvard.
We walk past the main office, where John is getting ready to read the morning announcements. He’s so hot, and wears the best clothes. Today, he’s wearing a sweater-vest over a long-sleeve white T-shirt and tan khakis. He looks like he just got a haircut.
He sees us and smiles. He has such a gorgeous smile. He mouths “hello,” and I can’t help but giggle with delight. Shelly is quiet though. She is probably hungover.
Yesterday, John told me there is a party Thursday after the baseball game. He asked me if I wanted to go to both and when I said I did, he told me he would hit a home run just for me! I haven’t seen him play before, but I bet he’s really good.
I stop in front of Mrs. Holowinski’s class, where I have Spanish this period. Shelly has English down the hall, so she says goodbye quietly and walks away.
Go to Shelly Marcone
Brendan Davis usually gives me a ride to school, but he's sick today. I made my mom drive me, so I didn’t have to take the bus. I hate taking the bus. I have to get up so much earlier to take a shower and put on my makeup.
Brendan was my boyfriend last year, but I broke up with him because I thought my neighbor, Kevin Bateman, who is going to college, liked me. During the summer, he would always come over to my house to go swimming. I noticed him checking me out all the time, so one day I asked him out. He said he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life in jail for doing anything with a sixteen year old. I told him that it only mattered if we had sex, and he just laughed. I was really hurt, and haven’t talked to him since. It’s not like I wanted to have sex with him, I’m waiting for someone I’m in love with. I thought Brendan and I were about to get back together, but then I found John.
John Parker is a senior, the student body president, and on the baseball team. Everyone knows who John is, but the first time I met him was at a party after a baseball game the school had just won. I didn’t really want to go, but Shelly talked me into it. John was hitting on me all night. At first, I thought it was because he was drunk, but then he started talking to me at school the next day. I really like John a lot, and I think he likes me too. He’s so sweet, on my birthday last month, he bought me flowers, and on the card was a poem that he wrote. He told me he’s trying to get into Harvard for college next year, and is waiting for his acceptance letter. That would be so great to have a boyfriend that goes to Harvard.
We walk past the main office, where John is getting ready to read the morning announcements. He’s so hot, and wears the best clothes. Today, he’s wearing a sweater-vest over a long-sleeve white T-shirt and tan khakis. He looks like he just got a haircut.
He sees us and smiles. He has such a gorgeous smile. He mouths “hello,” and I can’t help but giggle with delight. Shelly is quiet though. She is probably hungover.
Yesterday, John told me there is a party Thursday after the baseball game. He asked me if I wanted to go to both and when I said I did, he told me he would hit a home run just for me! I haven’t seen him play before, but I bet he’s really good.
I stop in front of Mrs. Holowinski’s class, where I have Spanish this period. Shelly has English down the hall, so she says goodbye quietly and walks away.
Go to Shelly Marcone
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