Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Here in this Sorrow

Emily Mann
Robin Tyrell is waiting outside the locker room when I come out. She has lunch this period too. As we walk up the stairs, I tell her what happened with Shannon. She tells me that it wasn’t cool to ruin Shannon’s stuff like that. I didn’t do it though, so why should I feel bad?

Anthony Bysell is already at our table when we get there. Anthony is like the hottest guy in this whole school. Robin and I both want him so bad. He is so beautiful, delicate and soft-spoken. He is so sweet too, he’s always got compliments for us whenever he sees us. I think he likes me more than Robin, but he is playing hard to get.

We have a table next to the one that Jim Smitt and all the jock guys sit at. Robin and I used to sit with them too, until we started hanging out with Anthony. Jim and I used to date before he started going out with Ashley Terence, but we broke up because I wouldn’t have sex with him. He doesn’t like the fact that Robin and I sit with Tony, and is always asking why we would want to be seen with a fag like him. Anthony can’t be gay though, I would know. After all, my uncle is gay, I can spot those people a mile away!

At least we got Jim to stop beating on Tony. Jim is always beating somebody up. I can’t stand it, it’s most of the reason I try not to hang around with him and his buddies. If it’s not them looking for a fight, it’s John Parker with coke-dust around his nose trying to seduce you.

Rumor has it that Robin slept with John, but she has never admitted it. Not that I can really blame her for doing it, John has everything. He is a really nice guy, if you can get past the drugs. His family is wicked rich, and he has been talking about going to law school and joining his father’s firm since we were in middle school. Hell, I think I would sleep with John if he asked me, but we’re too good of friends for that. Besides, he has apparently slept with a lot of girls, and I know a lot of them don’t use protection, so he might not be safe. I guess now he’s going after some sophomore girl.

Shannon Donahue walks in and glares at me hatefully. She walks over to where her other friends are sitting by the wall. Her, Clark Golding, and Christian Duke make a perfect trio. They are all punked-out and weird, like they are straight from some Marilyn Manson concert or something. Andy McCarthy is completely different though. He is really clean-cut and quiet. He doesn’t cause nearly as much trouble as the rest of them. He looks so out of place with his white-button-down shirt and black slacks. I understand that he has been friends with Christian Duke since elementary school, but doesn’t he realize what it’s doing to his reputation? Everyone hates those three, so no one wants to hang out with him either. If I were him, I would drop those three like a bad habit. I hear that Christian and Clark are fags, and someone saw them kissing in the library.

They are all laughing and yelling about something, and really disturbing everyone’s lunch. I wish Mr. Henry would tell them to stop, like he has to every day. Christian and Clark are putting rubber gloves on their heads and inflating them. About half way through, they start singing really loud. “I’ve got something to say! I killed your baby today!” It’s so disgusting. I think it’s that Metallica song. How can they listen to garbage like that? “I’ve got something to say! I raped your mother today!” Those kids make me sick.

Finally, Mr. Henry comes over and tells them that if they don’t quiet down, he will send them to detention.

Go to Anthony Byssel

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