Ashley Terrence
What Jim said to Shannon was really mean, but she’s such a fucking bitch that I don’t really care. I’m glad I didn’t have to fight her, because she’s so covered with spikes and studs that I would have cut myself for sure. I still would have killed her, the fucking whore. I heard she’s screwing both Christian Duke and Clark Golding.Jim presses me against the lockers and sticks his tongue down my throat. I let him for a minute, before pushing him away, because I have to go to Economics. He looks disappointed and horny. I should probably cut him off for the week, just to make him behave.
I can’t believe that Erica asked me to borrow my birth control pills. Doesn’t she understand how these things work? She’s probably not even pregnant, she’s such a fucking idiot. The only reason I've even been hanging out with her is because I know Jim wants to fuck her, and I want to keep an eye on the situation. I can’t imagine how stupid her baby is going to be.
One time she told me she thought that slavery couldn’t have been that bad, because if it was, the slaves would have just left. Every day she says something that leaves me dumbfounded. I can’t wait until we graduate, so I never have to see her again. She suggested once that we should go to the same college. I told her I didn’t think it would be a good idea, because then it wouldn’t be that special when we came home to visit each other. She didn’t understand, but agreed anyway. Once I leave graduation, I don’t plan to ever talk to Erica again.
My economics class is just down the hall past Mr. Henry’s room. He’s probably the nicest teacher I’ve ever had. He’s standing outside his door, so I wave across the crowded hall. Sara Jenkins is at her locker, so I stop for a minute to say ‘hi.’ I used to study with her all the time because she’s so fucking smart. She doesn’t really hang out with anyone cool though, so we never became friends. Jim told me once that he wouldn’t mind getting a blow job from her, but I think he’s just trying to make me jealous. It’s not like she’s that good looking. She’s kind of dumpy, and all though she has really pretty blond hair, she never does anything with it. She doesn’t even wear makeup! She looks like she’s about ready to go to work in some factory or something like that. I have way nicer breasts and am at least five pounds slimmer. Maybe if she had a little more money, or at least better clothes there would be something desirable about her. I don’t really think Jim would cheat on me, at least not with her. She must be easy though, because she did sleep with John Parker. She must have done it to get popular, not that it would be enough. I think it’s kind of funny that John dropped her like a rock right after it happened.
I go down the halls to Mrs. Hanrahan’s room. The only person in the room right now is Christian Duke, even though the bell is going to ring any second. Mrs. Hanrahan is pretty dumb, so she lets everyone get away with coming in late. The rumor is that she got hit by a school bus some time back. When the school tried to fire her, the family sued, and to avoid a costly lawsuit and a lot of controversy, the school backed down and let her keep her job. Most of the class stands out in the hall until well after the bell rings. Mrs. Hanrahan gets flustered and threatens to give them detention, but never does. They stand out there and try to upset her until she looks like she’s about to cry.
Christian is sitting with his face in his hands and his long (dyed) black hair hanging over them. He doesn’t even look at me when I come in. My dad is a gun collector, so he spends a lot of time at the store Christian’s dad owns. Our family used to be really good friends, and we used to go to Christian’s house all the time. I guess you could say we were friends, even though he has always been a little weird. I think he liked me back in middle school, but his friends were always such losers. I didn’t really stop being friends with him until I started going out with Jim though.
Warren Boyd comes in with Chuck Egan and sits a couple desks behind Christian. Talk about twists of fate! Those are two of the biggest white trash ass holes in the whole school! Warren is possibly the cruelest person I’ve ever met, even giving me shit (when Jim isn’t around, of course), and Chuck is still in High school, even though he’s turning 21 tomorrow. I would rather spend all day with Christian than ten minutes with either of them. Somehow, they are the popular ones. Oh well, Jim’s friends are my friends.
Other people are trickling in now, though no one will sit between Warren, Chuck and Christian. The two of them spend all period throwing spit-wads at Christian. Mrs. Hanrahan is about five hundred years old, and oblivious to everything, so they get away with it. She acts like an incompetent babysitter to people like Warren Boyd and Chuck Egan, while they torture people like Christian.
Very interesting characters,envirement,I like the construction of your story.I m'not comfortable with the swearing.but you do have a way of maintaining a flow and keeping my interest