Chapter 4
“You know,” Clark said, putting his arms around Andy and Shannon as they passed the main office. “Since I’m going to be there too, we should make an afternoon of it. You two should do something to get incarcerated for. You should skip class or get in a fight or something.”Andy snorted. “Are you kidding? I’m walking on egg-shells at home. My mom is already pissed about me going to a show on a weekday as it is. If I get detention tomorrow, I won’t be able to go.”
Shannon put her arm around Christian. “Cheer up, Chris. It’s not like you haven’t been there before. Let’s not forget too, that right after you get out, we’re off to see the Misfits.” She paused and shook her head. “You should have kicked that fucker in the nuts when he compared them to Marilyn Manson.”
Christian struggled against a smile, but couldn’t repress it.
“It sucks,” Andy said. “My mom is making me come to school on Friday. I’m not going to get any sleep tomorrow.”
“I’m surprised she let you go,” Clark said.
“I told her I’d kill myself if she didn’t,” Andy replied with a shrug. “It usually works, even thought she should have figured out by now that I’m bluffing.”
“But you’re momma’s wittwe baby!” Shannon cried in a falsetto voice, pinching his cheek. Andy smiled and swatted her hand away.
“I’ll be there to keep you company,” Christian said. “Even if these two jokers stay home to sleep.” He stared at the ground as he walked between the other three.
Clark furrowed his brow. “Why are you coming in? Even after you drive back?”
The four stopped at Christian’s locker and he spun the combination.
“God,” Shannon said. “If anyone can get away with staying home, it’s you. My dad almost made me get a note from every teacher saying I had no tests.” She chuckled. “It’s a good thing he didn’t, because I’m missing a test in psychology.” All around them, the halls were starting to empty.
“And now you have the weekend to study,” Clark said.
Shannon nodded. “And I need it,” she replied. “It’s abnormal psych, and I don’t know a damn thing about it.”
Christian pushed her lightly, dropping the lock in his pants pocket with his other hand. “You’re the poster-child for abnormal psychology.”
Shannon punched him lightly on the arm, but said nothing.
Christian pulled off his coat and stared at the mustard stain. “I’d love to kill that guy,” he said, scratching at the yellow spot with his thumb-nail.
Clark snorted. “You should get a gun out of your dad’s store. You could use it, return it and sell it to someone. They’d never be able to find the murder weapon.” He leaned up against the locker on Christian’s right, toying with the lock, spinning the face and tugging at it.
Christian smiled. “That’s an idea.” He tossed the coat in his locker and slung his backpack over his shoulder.
“Better yet,” Shannon said. “Get guns for all of us. We can take this whole place out.”
“Oh yeah,” Andy said sarcastically. “The latest trend.”
Christian shook his head and slammed the locker door. Above them, the class-bell rung. Christian looked up to the ringing speakers. “I guess I don’t go to gym.” He drew the lock out of his pocket and put it back on the door. “Fuck it, I can afford to skip two more times before I fail.”
“Just come to the library with us,” Shannon said. “We can plan our attack.”
“You guys would pussy-out,” Christian said lethargically. He pushed Shannon lightly as he leaned back against his locker. “As soon as I started shooting, you’d all run.”
Shannon wound up and punched him in the shoulder. “Want to see what a pussy can do, punk? You think you’re some big tough-guy?” She assumed a boxer stance and hopped up and down a couple times.
Christian recoiled, rubbing the battered spot on his arm. As he looked past her down the hall, his smile faded. “Oh shit,” he grumbled. His hands balled as he took a step forward to join the line of his friends.
“Duke, you little faggot piece of shit,” Jim Smitt shouted. He stomped down the hall towards them. “A girl is kicking your ass and you think you can fuck with me?”
“Wow,” Clark said. “I though you guys only had balls when there’s ten of you.”
Jim grabbed him by the collar, slammed him against the lockers and jabbed a meaty finger at Clark’s face. “You shut your mouth. I don’t want to have to also kick your ass today too.” He dropped Clark and turned to Christian. “And you, you little shit. Do you think you can fucking narc on me?”
Christian was taller than Jim, and had to look down into Jim's eyes.
“Huh?” He grabbed Christian and slammed him against the lockers. “You can talk before, but now you won’t say anything?” He let go of Christian and took a step away. “You’re lucky that Mr. Henry knows you’re a piece of shit. If I missed practice because of you, I’d have torn your fucking balls off!”
Christian’s eyes widened and he took a deep breath. “Because of me? You son of a bitch! You threw mustard at me!” He grabbed Jim’s arm and pushed against him.
“I didn’t throw a damn thing!” Jim whispered, smiling smugly. “For all I know, you smeared that shit on yourself and then tried to blame me.”
The door to one of the class-rooms opened. Mrs. Hanrahan shuffled out, looking befuddled. “Christian! Jim!” she whined. “What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t all of you be in class?” She asked.
Jim smiled. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Hanrahan,” he said sweetly. “We were just having a discussion.”
“Well, you boys are getting awful loud out here,” she said. “You’ve got to move along, go down to the cafeteria or the library, or something.” She gave them a disapproving look and closed the door.
Jim leaned in close. “You look, faggot. If I get detention because of you, I’ll fucking kill you.” His face hung close to Christian’s, waiting for a response.
Christian snorted.
“Oh shit,” Clark said, his eyes widening as Christian’s head drew back.
The wad of spit flew out in slow motion and exploded over Jim’s nose. He stared in shock as it rolled down his face and dripped off his chin. He reached up and ran a finger through it, looking at the green slime on the tip with disbelief. He wiped at it with his hand. “You fucking little shit,” He whispered. “You think you can get me in trouble? Well you just wait. We’ll settle this one later.” He started to back away, pointing at Christian. “Tonight, after school, you’re fucking dead!” he said and sidestepped into the bathroom.
“Let’s get out of here,” Shannon said, pulling Christian's arm.
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