Sunday, August 31, 2014

AIN SOPH, Part 7

Episode 1

As robot Galvatron tumbled through free space, the friction also made it difficult to control such an unstreamlined vessel. Will Whatley could not open his controls fast enough to set his shields before he a damage window opened and forced his menu closed. Will couldn’t see StarScream, or locate her green dot on the All-Space map in the corner of his screen. She wasn’t speaking, and Will couldn’t take the time out to find her. Will was a warrior, and if a goddess like Lily Katt was talking to him in real life, Will Whatley was determined to succeed. 

When the game first transferred from Fantasy to Science Fiction, Will was surprised he’d been the first to use the name, "Galvatron." He’d been able to use the exact name and spelling, without having to include an “099" or “RULZ” at the end, or even change the 'l' or 'o' to numbers. Will’s Galvatron was a tribute to the original, used with parodic intent, but otherwise unconnected to the original Galvatron in any other legal way. The original Galvatron had been a character that shaped much of Will’s youth. 

Will didn’t bother to ask permission to use this character’s name, because he never expected anyone to think Will’s Galvatron was the actual original character transferred from his own media to the Tactical Adventure Online computer game. Both Galvatrons were immensely powerful, but even now as Will’s Galvatron tumbled through virtual space, Will Whatley was starting to worry his Galvatron would not have enough hit points to sustain full impact with a solid surface.

StarScream was a silver dragon played by a pornographic pinup model named Lilly Kat. Will had admired her for some time before she’d approached him as a player in the game and asked to meet Will’s previous Fantasy character, Sita Moon. Sita Moon was a legendary character that slew the great monster, King Dagon, who’d gained sentience and stole all the money in the world. 

Will had grown bored with Sita Moon when the game expanded to Sci-Fi, and he’d not logged into her character in many game years. Little was Will aware, but King Dagon had survived the battle as a website, and was behind StarScream’s attempts to meet Sita Moon. King Dagon had replicated all of it’s consciousness, but could not recreate itself until Sita Moon activated the Cthulhu Dagger, an illegal weapon Sita Moon used to slay the monster.

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