Sunday, September 28, 2014

Two Winters Past

Scene 10


Two men in fatigues menace SPIDER. They are STAN and MAX. MAX has SPIDER shoved on the bed by her throat and is pulling at her pants. STAN is watching with his back to the door.

STAN starts to turn at the sound of BLYTHE’s shouts, but he is smashed in the face with the blunt end of Blythe’s axe.

STAN falls.

SPIDER is screaming and fighting and MAX doesn’t notice BLYTHE until the axe chops him in the shoulder.

MAX rolls off SPIDER, who pulls herself into a ball.

BLYTHE pulls his axe free and raises it. STAN is rising, holding his mouth.

Monster bursts into the room and grabs STAN, who struggles, but is still dazed.

Monster’s mouth is destroyed and few teeth remain, but it does manage to bite STAN’s face and then again as he pauses in shock.

MAX wrestles with BLYTHE, but he is growing weaker. BLYTHE throws him down and swings on the monster, chopping through the back of the head.

The monster falls back in a heap. BLYTHE pulls his axe free and he watches the monster with STAN a moment.

BLYTHE swings up and hits STAN in the face. STAN is caught unaware and falls as well.

BLYTHE cocks his arm to swing again.

STAN: No! No! Please!

BLYTHE: Spider, get out of here!

SPIDER runs out of the room.

BLYTHE: You’re Cooleys, ain’t ya?

STAN: Cousins. Been up here since Fall.

BLYTHE: How many more you got?

STAN: How many what?

BLYTHE: How many people? Guns! Only two in your hunting party?

STAN: We came to get food. She started screaming. We didn’t mean no harm!

BLYTHE: You’re bit.

STAN looks at the deep gashes in his shoulder, touches his bleeding face.

STAN: No, it didn’t have a mouth!

BLYTHE: You get bit, you turn into one a them.

STAN: Ain’t always turn...!

BLYTHE chops STAN in the head again and again until only a jellied mass remains.


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