Sunday, November 2, 2014

AIN SOPH, Part 8

Episode 3

Morgoth’s footfalls were so heavy they shook Lilly’s screen. The bass in his roar made her speakers pop and shook the wall between her apartment and Will Whatley. Will could hear nothing outside his bubble of music. In the mean time, StarScream was in trouble. Will had read about Morgoth, and had even once thought about waking up Sita Moon to witness one of Morgoth’s raids. His armor was weak under his chin, and could be dispatched with only one or two hits of even the most basic magick weapon. However, to reach him players must face thousands of orcs and goblins bent on destruction. Will always wanted to see how Sita Moon would fare. Now he had his chance.

Will equipped Sita Moon’s twin Medusa Scimitars, which weren’t very strong but cast ‘Stone’ on any opponent not killed by the sword. Using a Dark Elf Bracer allowed excess damage to be spread out through additional opponents. She charged on the orcs, slashing and slicing, hopping, jumping, and spinning, spewing great plumes of orc blood over her. Will always thought it was odd that red blood flowed from a green-skinned orc. Most were dead on the ground before they could even respond to Sita Moon’s approach. She twirled with her arms out killing like a demon tornado. The enemy was nonplussed. Goblins were pushed forward to occupy her in the typical orc strategy. This gave the Big Buggers a chance to regroup for a counterattack.

Morgoth stayed focused on StarScream, chopping twice with the stone axe. It’s blade was bigger than StarScream’s head, but Morgoth handled it like a toothpick. On the third strike, Morgoth connected, smashing the blade between StarScream’s shoulderblades and followed up with a stomp on her neck. Lilly could only escape by plowing into a wall of orcs that continued to beat her. Here Lilly finally saw Sita Moon’s approach, though she could only make out the churn of battle. Morgoth grabbed StarScream by the neck and lifted her out of the crowd, but not far enough that orc swords couldn’t reach. Those that couldn’t reach fired arrows or spears.

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