Tuesday, November 4, 2014

AIN SOPH, Part 8

Episode 4

Lilly needed to get clear, or StarScream was going to die. She would never be able to make her way past the Spidrons to meet Sita Moon again. How could she ever find Galvatron in the thousands of players in space, if he even continued after this mission. If StarScream didn’t survive this fight, Lilly would never have Chet back again.

Morgoth tossed StarScream and she flailed with her claws as soon as she landed, making a clearing in the orcs as Lilly spun around to face several Bosses and the Big Boss himself. Morgoth towered over his subordinates, and was not so compassionate to avoid stomping some of his own to reach her. 

StarScream knocked down a path to him with her mouth cannon and then turned her attention to the black orc towering above them. She rolled right and then left as Morgoth attacked with his axe, and then she charged his legs, toppling Morgoth into his orcs, killing a few in the fall. Lilly kept on him with the cannon, pushing orcs back with her claws when the gun needed to recharge.

Morgoth was barely troubled by the attacks, picking himself up and retrieving his axe until one blast was strong enough to knock Morgoth back down. StarScream was in red hit points, and the orcs were continuing to land attacks, whittling StarScream away. To make matters worse, her automatic repair system battery went dead. If Morgoth didn’t die soon, StarScream was gone. She hit him again with her cannon, but this time Morgoth got to his feet, brought his axe to his shoulder, and looked around for her. Morgoth’s facial expressions said he could smell her imminent death, and he was far from his own. He took two more blasts in the chest without responding, and raised his axe over his head. Lilly said goodbye to Chet one more time that he would never hear.

Sita Moon surged from the mass of orcs with the grace of a dragonfly, putting herself between StarScream and Morgoth and taking the full brunt of the axe attack. Sita Moon was knocked down, but recovered before she was done rolling, springing back with a twist of cuts and jabs that Lilly couldn’t even see on her three-year-old monitor. Morgoth tried to parry, but Sita Moon was too fast and too strong. The big orc was driven back, and Sita took a moment to dispatch a cloud of orcs closing on her and StarScream.

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