Monday, February 16, 2015

The Black Orb


ROLAND is alone on stage.  He speaks to no-one.  His case is at his feet.  He speaks mechanically.

Step One - Seal off the anus so the feces won’t contaminate the meat. Use a fillet knife to widen the anus. Gasp and pull it out far enough to tie it off with string.

Step Two - Trace a guiding incision around the sex organs. Make the cut. Remove them. Avoid piercing the bladder or intestines.  Cut no deeper than necessary.  Try not to cut into the body cavity.

Step Three - Cut just ahead of the rectum and draw your knife forward.  Use a smooth slicing motion rather than stabbing with the tip. When the intestines begin to bulge out, insert your free hand and push the entrails down and away from the abdominal wall. Turn the knife over.  Place the blade into the opening just ahead of your hand. Cut slowly. Hold the intestines away from the knife to prevent puncturing and contamination. Stop the cut at the base of the breastbone.

Step Four - Locate the bladder.  Cut it loose.  Remove it without spilling the contents. Pull the rectum through from the inside, cutting away any remaining tissue holding it in place. Roll the carcass onto one side.  Reach into the body cavity.  Cut loose any tissue anchoring the entrails to the abdominal wall.  Then roll the carcass over and free up the other side. Sever the esophagus just ahead of the stomach.  Use both hands to drag the organs into the disposal bin. Separate the liver.

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