Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Two Winters Past

Scene 8


HELLER stands with arms crossed facing ZACH, who has a smug smile.

HELLER: We see them still. They come for Parlor City, and they come from the north.

ZACH: And when Cooleys see them things, we kill them dead like everyone else. 

Scratching grows louder as they walk up gravel driveway toward metal barn.

HELLER: What is that noise?

Scratching of fingernails on metal, shivers up the spine. ZACH points to JIMMY. JIMMY clubs HELLER in the back of the head. HELLER falls forward.

Everything blurs, sounds are indistinct and at half speed.

HELLER is forced into a wooden chair and rope is looped about his belly. ZACH and COLE shout at each other, conversation slowly coming to focus. Scratching very loud and excited.

COLE: ...not going to execute a man...

ZACH: ...march back to Turner and spill his guts? Hell no! We spill his guts here!

HELLER finds his composure. He is in the yard before the gates of the metal barn. ZACH and COLE are yelling to be heard over the excited scratching and vocalizations inside.

COLE: You won't keep this a secret from my father.

Closeup: ZACH

ZACH: (exaggerated calm) I told you, Cole. You got evidence I killed that girl, you can run right to your daddy about that too.

HELLER: What are you doing?


Go to Scene 9

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