Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Two Winters Past

Scene 9


VALENTINE chops at the underbrush, clearing a path for POPPER to follow. Crashing of branches and excited 'whoops' pursue them out of sight.

POPPER: Remmy brought a couple of the cousins out this morning. I should have known I wasn’t pulling any wool.

VALENTINE: You’re a spy?

POPPER: They’ve been stealing our food all winter!

VALENTINE: How many Lembeks are there?

POPPER: Lembeks don’t stand a chance.

To the left, there is yelling. POPPER aims in that direction.

POPPER: Cooleys have more than a hundred mouths to feed. The King knows if his people compete with us another winter, everyone starves.

POPPER shoots.


POPPER pushes VALENTINE along a trail covered by deadfall to a rock outcropping.

POPPER: There is a sentry at the top of this hill.

POPPER shoots. Returning fire answers. POPPER shoots again before returning to cover.

POPPER: Hopefully there’s a couple monsters running to distract Remmy.

VALENTINE: You don’t think they’re zombies, do you?

POPPER: I don’t care what they are.

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