Friday, March 5, 2010

“Protective Zone of Privacy”

the endless struggle to rise above individuality.

visions make decisions for us, because that is what everyone else is doing. Our own sheep-like tendencies end up becoming a leadership quality in the mad-dash rush

we rent freedom at a lusty resort, we may

and full of trickery. It’s so easy to let the control box and the control to fit in, the endless struggle to rise

thing that makes our lives worth living? It guides us, comforts us, teaches us, reminds us of our bloodied history, entertains us. To lose the control

Something larger, something more personal, something to fit the needs of the controllee? Will they laugh at our primitive technology? Will

but look around and

to regress to the days before technology made our lives easier. They want us to return to the days when life was

comforting us in the times of crisis, telling us our enemies will suffer grievous punishment for their injustices, forcing

Buy! Buy! Buy!

control box will provide instructions on how to deal with these more manageable disasters

work, or wherever it is that you may meet people, possibly the grocery store, it is because they were a dissenter. They avoided the control box and suffered the consequences. As long as we

on the control box. If it ever happens to someone real, someone you have met at remain in our safety zone, no real damage can be done to us. Sometimes, there will be some unavoidable tragedies that even the control box cannot prevent, like the death of someone we know,

box and the control visions make decisions for us, because that is what everyone else is
When the lies of the control visions are exposed, the control victim experiences no short of total mental destruction box provides them for us at a low fee. We don’t even need to leave the safety zone. We don’t have to risk

crisis, telling us our enemies will suffer grievous punishment for their injustices, forcing us to forget

forests somewhere outside our protective zone of privacy, but again, without a pricy escape, we may never see them. It’s not a worry though, because we don’t need to see them. The control

to want, like freedom

mountains and box provides them for us at a low fee. We don’t even need to leave the safety zone. We don’t have to risk the lions or tigers or bears or even the black people that may live there. We just protective zone of privacy,

what we know to be true. Up becomes down, black becomes white, left becomes right, right becomes wrong, and so far and so forth to infinity. The talking face in the control box is more important

protective zone of privacy,

don’t need or fun or the flagellation of radiation-worn genitalia. At times, the control box can even be like a friend, comforting

more important than mother, father, and even at times, yes, God

at times, yes, God

box, fickle and full of trickery. It’s

power on what it forces down our throats, we can not be defeated. It’s this power, not guns, or bombs, that makes us truly strong. And don’t forget, tragedy is something that happens to the people

flashing lights and images can control our lives so completely, but look around and see. When future civilizations look

are dropped far away that

the endless struggle to rise above individuality.

these series of back on us, what will they think about the control box and the

the spending power on what it forces down our throats, we can not be defeated. It’s this power, not guns, or bombs, that makes us truly strong. And don’t forget, tragedy is something that happens to the people displayed maybe a family member. It’s nothing to worry about though, because the, and will even attempt

more important than mother, father, and even at times, yes, God

individuality. The fate of nations lives in that box, bombs are dropped far away on people we will never meet, and

dire ridiculousness of the situation

of the improbability

find it highly

buy, and when in doubt, buy again. As long as we exercise to make you laugh at the. One could illogical that sway it held

ingrained in the teachings of the control box we are, that we are willing to accept it’s lies over than mother, father, and even

So at times, yes, God. Government

protective zone of privacy,

in the times that such an enemy can ever be found. Even in these rough times, of friendship and caring, it won’t let us forget what we need to do to keep our fragile world in order, and that is to buy, over us? Will they have a control box of better proportions? they need to care about us?

weeks, sometimes even longer, just to receive instructions on a job. A lifetime could be wasted waiting for a simple

risk the lions or tigers or bears or even the black people that may live there

don’t need to see them. The control box provides them for us at a low fee. We don’t even

We don’t even need to leave the safety zone

even direction

over the lavender horizon there is an ocean, possibly even two, but unless we rent freedom at a lusty resort, we may never see it. The control box also makes claim that there are need to sit and watch all the things

When the lies of the control visions are exposed, the control victim experiences no short of total mental destruction

Buy! Buy! Buy!

What kind of preposterous idea is this? Smash the very box would put us back countless years, back to days when instructions could

person should do to

know it’s true because the box tells us such. Somewhere over the lavender horizon there is an ocean, possibly even two

people we will never meet, and we will only ever know it’s true because the box tells us such. Somewhere

Some declare that the control box needs to be destroyed, that we need dangerous, before we were safe. not be

Buy! Buy! Buy! Only when we buy what the control box demands can we promote our freedom.

the endless struggle to rise above individuality.
advancement of society.

on we us transmitted in the blink of an eye, when people would have to wait days,, what a ensure the Now

message comes in loud and clear, multiple times every hour

The fate of nations

Buy! Buy! Buy!

fickle above

is held in that box, individuality. lives in that box, bombs

Buy! Buy! Buy!

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