Friday, October 30, 2015

The Alarm Clock at the End of the World

Part 46
Earlier That Evening

The van stops three blocks from the SpectraCom mansion. Goat leads us to the rendevous point through the side yard of an expensive-looking house, behind a row of shrubs and into a back alley. In his left hand is a duffle bag containing his arsenal of firecrackers and bottle rockets he showed us in the van. His cache tailored to make a lot of noise and do no damage. Wrapped in a blanket beneath all this is a Mac-10, which he was not so quick to display.

After a short walk we come to a wrought-iron fence eight feet high, each spike tipped with a razor sharp arrow head. Nigel and Kara look like commandos in black sawing through the bars with hacksaw blades. Three posts have already been cut through, and Kara is about to finish another. They look up when they see us, and Kara nods to Goat. The wooden case Simon gave Nepotism bangs against his leg when he runs and makes more noise than I’m comfortable with.

They go in first, and I make Mephis go next. Nepotism follows me. Kara and Nigel fan out behind Goat, who motions we're clear. They hold their position until we catch up. “The rendevous point is about twenty yards straight ahead, past the row of shrubs that shields the garden.” He points to the ten-foot high foliage and wooden shed painted an immaculate white. “That is your entry point,” Goat says. “The garden terrace is on the other side of those shrubs. Once you’re in, go with the crowd to the house.” He looks at me to confirm we are all on the same page. “We’ll see you in the dining room for extraction.”

Goat is a statue for three seconds and leads us on a crouched charge to the shrub wall. Nigel and Kara fall in ahead of us, keeping close to shield us from any unexpected attacks. The purple in her hair is so fresh she must have dyed it this morning, and the leather pants are doing wonders for her ass. We hit the shrubs with no incident, the three punks pressing their backs hard against the needles. Goat gestures for us to move on the shed and we break to the chorus of their duffle bags unzipping.

When we reach the entry point, I look to Nepotism on my left and exhale hard through my nose. Nepotism is silent for a moment and nods slightly. Mephis has the face of a stalking predator, the most comfortable expression I’ve seen him wear. “Dr. Filth, you need to remember that Solomon doesn’t know you are doing a story on him.”

“He’s not expecting us?” I ask.

Nepotism shakes his head. “I don’t expect we’d need to break in if he did.”

“How am I supposed to interview him?”

“He’s expecting you, but not tonight. This will be a little surprise,” Mephis says. “Have a conversation.”

I’m not done talking.


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