Friday, September 15, 2017

Two Winters Past


VILLOFF reaches the top of the ladder with RICHARDS in chase.

VILLOFF: You let him ride away? Our enemy is here in our hands, and you let him ride off? I should hang every man here for not opening fire!

LOGAN: Arrest him.

Surrounding Barabas are momentarily shocked, but when it is clear LOGAN is serious, they attempt to restrain VILLOFF. He fights off two, but is brought down by a third.

VILLOFF’s hands are bound. Men in the yard watch anxiously.

VILLOFF: Unhand me!

LOGAN: (to the field) Captain Villoff is a hero, but his treasons now endanger our lives. Captain Villoff disobeys orders, acts on his own behalf, and now threatens his brothers. He will apologize to us all here, or he will hang.

VILLOFF: Apologize to you? I think not.

LOGAN: Hang him.

BARABAS put a noose around VILLOFF’s neck and he is tied to a post over the gate. BARABAS shove him toward the edge.

LOGAN: Stop!


VILLOFF: Don’t think to scare me with hollow threats!

LOGAN: Our enemy wants the man who slew his son.

VILLOFF: I am loyal to the Barabas, and I am loyal to the Preacher!

LOGAN: And I am first among the Barabas. I was chosen, and you are bound to obey!

VILLOFF looks into the yard, back at LOGAN.

LOGAN: I order you to apologize to your troops.

VILLOFF: You what?

LOGAN: Apologize! Promise them you will fight to regain your honor. Say the words or I will kick you off and hand your body to the Damascans myself!

VILLOFF: (hesitates) I’m sorry.

LOGAN: Louder!

VILLOFF: (shouts) I’m sorry!

LOGAN signals for BARABAS to remove the noose.

LOGAN: Go and pray. Beg the Lord for your life.

VILLOFF climbs down the ladder and is followed to the chapel by his soldiers.

RICHARDS: You are making an enemy.

LOGAN: I’m making lots of enemies.


Continued Monday

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