Saturday, November 8, 2014

AIN SOPH, Part 8

Episode 8

Will changed weapons to a Poison Saber and launched at Morgoth with a flurry of blows. Before she could connect with one, Duke hit her in the back with his Sun Sword, knocking Sita Moon off balance and doing quite a bit of damage. Will spun the camera to see StarScream sitting patiently on the rock. It would be nice to get a little help. Morgoth took the opportunity to call his orcs back into battle.

Sita Moon: star!

Sita Moon: shoot the orcs

Lilly Katt had taken a phone call from her mother, who visited Kyle recently. He looked good. Then Lilly had gone to the bathroom and gotten herself another cup of coffee. When she came back and saw the fight was still going on, she pulled back the curtains and looked out the window. Then she sat on her bed and cried.

All Lilly wanted was to have Kyle back where she could touch him and hear his voice. She wanted to tell him she loved him without any lawyer to supervise and give dirty looks. She wanted to make him lunch and help him with his homework. She wanted to buy him toys that he could take and smash and crash and never have to worry about money. She wanted Chet back. Chet would know how to make everything okay. This was all too overwhelming for Lilly, and she couldn't think about anything but walking away and letting someone else handle it. Lilly knew a website couldn't bring Chet back to her, but she wanted it to, and it promised it could. Lilly didn’t have anything to lose if she tried.

When Lilly got back to the computer, there were a lot less orcs in the field. Both Duke and Sita Moon had hit points in the red. Morgoth too was almost dead, but his motion was not hindered by low hit points like it was for a player. The monster orc advanced on Sita Moon, axe raised over his head. She could not move fast enough to avoid or defend. The White Knight was crawling toward combat as well, using two ‘Sun Swords’ on any orc that got in his way. Sita Moon backed away in a defensive crouch, certain death looming, until StarScream blasted a bloody hole in Morgoth's chest. The giant orc collapsed in a heap, flashed three times and disappeared.

Will took a moment to catch his breath before he typed.

Sita Moon: I was wondering if you were watching.

Will equipped the CTHULHU DAGGER and turned on Duke.

Sita Moon: Let's finish this.

Will was not expecting a second blast from StarScream's mouth cannon. Sita Moon had barely any charges left on any of her defenses, and nothing was equipped that could have saved her. The cannon did enough damage in one hit to vaporize Sita Moon. That was all King Dagon needed to take control.

Countless game eons King Dagon lusted for a new body. What a body it was! Sita Moon was fast, strong, and heavily armed. For a long time, Dagon had dreamed of its old body, big and lumbering, and never realized how much of its identity had been wrapped up in the body Andy McCarthy created for it. Now Dagon could see the vast possibilities presented by Sita Moon. A body did not remain. It faded and the soul was left to move on. This is what King Dagon had learned about humans and now found it to be true of itself. King Dagon may never have it's old body again, but Sita Moon would be a perfect substitute, and taking over the world would be just as easy.

King Dagon existed only on Will Whatley’s computer, but Sita Moon spanned the distance between Will’s machine and the central hub of SpectraCom which was connected to pretty much everything in the entire world. Replicating King Dagon’s self-awareness was as simple as posting that portion of it’s own code into the code of another program. For a moment, they were one, two free-thinking entities united in a sea of passing electrons. For the first time, King Dagon knew peace. Peace was Sita Moon’s first experience as a living being.

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