Monday, September 18, 2017

Two Winters Past


IKE sitting in a chair reading a book. He chuckles.

BLYTHE enters. He is filthy.

IKE: You start this morning on a motorcycle, you end it in a ditch.

BLYTHE: Turner wants to make sure I know how generous he is being by not shooting me on sight.

IKE: You didn’t do nothing.

BLYTHE: I ignored his call.

IKE: Not even a week.

BLYTHE exits to a bedroom.

Extended scene as BLYTHE strips off his muddy clothes. While standing bare, he catches sight of himself in a mirror. Full Nude: Rear. BLYTHE’s back and arms are covered in scars. Camera angle keeps BLYTHE’s reflection decent.

BLYTHE uses a towel to wipe away as much sweat and mud as he can from his skin and hair, then dresses in jeans and a grey T-shirt.

BLYTHE: (shouts) Randy thinks Turner wants to attack Parlor City.

OS: IKE laughs.

BLYTHE returns to the living room.

IKE: Randy tell you we got bullets?

BLYTHE: Why didn’t you tell me we got bullets?

IKE: There ain’t nothing to attack in Parlor City! They got one gang down there that’s anything, and they on the other side of the river. Those Northgate boys been down there all winter packing bullets, and they didn’t even get bothered once! If we move down there, survivors are going to come running to join up with us!

BLYTHE: Get it before the Muslims do?

IKE: That’s what these rednecks think, but I ain’t got no time to worry about it. I’d just like to sleep in a house that’s not built on a garbage dump. I ain’t ever going to get used to the smell of this place.

BLYTHE: I used to come up here every weekend with my dad. We’d load all the garbage in the truck, put the dogs in the back seat and come up here.

IKE: You brought the dogs to the garbage dump?

BLYTHE: It was our Saturday morning thing.

IKE: Fucking white people, man.

BLYTHE: I’m going to check on Kay man, see if Sprague got to look at her at all.

IKE: I’ll miss you.

BLYTHE: Fuck off.

IKE has a deep belly-laugh.

Continued Wednesday

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