Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Two Winters Past

Scene 9


Montage with music, they walk along the highway to a smaller road that cuts across the highway. HOLT is sitting on the guardrail.  He is a dark-haired man slightly older than AIDEN. A rifle is slung across his shoulder.

HOLT: See anything?

HOOK: Couple’a fishing cabins.

AIDEN: Not inhabited. Anyone awake at the house?

HOLT: No one been down to see if I’s hungry.

HOOK: We should wake up and get moving. The map says Hancock is only a few miles down the road. Maybe we can resupply there.

HOLT: Probably picked clean and overrun with psychos.

AIDEN: Could be a gun store. Worth a look.

HOLT: Ha! First things these rednecks probably did was grab their guns and run for the hills. Simplest place for the psychos, wander into a valley. They don’t even think about coming out until they see something watching. The Good ‘Ole boys are probably looking down off those hills calling us stupid. For being so close to the river.

AIDEN: So we should get on the road before someone comes down to see what’s good.


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