Saturday, July 2, 2016

Revenge of AIN SOPH, Level 1

Cut Scene 2

Sita Moon used Kilgore as cover to sneak behind and beneath the monster’s defenses. She was hitting the Spidron again and again while it's attention was focused on Caloin. The little wizard's flames were keeping the monster at bay, but still it slashed him for slightly less than he was managing to heal. He regained 95 points and bestowed another 40 on Sita Moon.

The Imperator conquered all of Known Space by perfecting one tactic. He armored the Galaxy Knights as thickly as he could, put them in a fixed position, and put the biggest guns he could find in their hands. A Class-3 pulse saber was folded in Kilgore's right gauntlet, calibrated to vibrate with every molecule in unison. It cut easily through solid surfaces of medium to high density. The sword was presented by Commandant Rozz, and was a high honor, but Gunner Knights were so heavy that Kilgore was effectively useless in hand-to-hand, especially against an enemy like a Spidron Titan.

Killing Spidrons is what Kilgore did best. His Class 2 Blaster fired a focused laser beam capable of punching through light vehicle armor. Kilgore was a walking fortification made for cracking Spidron shells. He needed to line up, which was not easy to do when the target is in a melee with two friendlies. Kilgore could take this monster off the map with a single well-synched shot to the head, right between the eye masses, but he didn't want to hit Caloin or Sita Moon.

The armor of a Galaxy Knight evolved over time to become the state-of-the-art CybR suit Kilgore wore now. The first Knights wore simple Dragonsteel plates. Not until the Third Jihad did the Knights have any cybernetics. Standard-issue armor gave passable mobility, but the bulky Gunner armor was designed to protect Knights from orbital bombardment as they advanced the front line. Kilgore was not scoring any hits with his pulse saber. He could not keep up this fight.

The Spidron slithered about, trying to attack Caloin, but was held back by the wizard's magick. Kilgore had never seen a wizard before. According to legend, the Seed Planet was populated with magick users, but the Imperator sucked all magick in Known Space into himself to put down the Rebellion. All magick was lost but for sacred artifacts the Imperator touched while he was alive.

Sephiroth confirmed Caloin was in fact a wizard. He wore a belted red robe that covered all of his body, but for his miserable, bony fingers. Those fingers shot fire and ice shards, tearing apart the Spidron's shell, but the monster was nearly unstoppable. The Spidron towered over Caloin, slashing and gouging with its claws, landing a few hits for 150, 75, and for 90 points of damage. Caloin was barely standing, but his flaming hands did not waver. The Titan remained in a cloak of flame that was slowly wearing it down. With Kilgore’s aid, these two might survive the attack.

The Spidron surged forth, clamping Caloin in its maw and shaking him. 

CALOIN: Fuck a large duck in the ass!

This Spidron needed to die quickly. Combat music increased tempo, the battle was entering a new phase.

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