Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Revenge of AIN SOPH: Level 1

Cut Scene 6

KILGORE: I was sent here by Willful1

Sita Moon regarded him, but did not respond.

KILGORE: Do you know this name?
KILGORE: Why did Willful1 send me to find you?
KILGORE: Talk to me!

CALOIN: she doesn't talk.
CALOIN: but she fucking KILLS everything!

KILGORE: I am a Galaxy Knight of the Steel Brethren.

CALOIN: we’re going to corinth
CALOIN: you’ can’t come

The little wizard started walking, and Sita Moon followed.

Kilgore accessed the Sephiroth. With his feet on the ground, the data banks were overflowing with information. He saw names of every distant crag, with links to their histories and pertinent data. Kilgore felt omniscient. Despite the flood of information on every detail of this planet, the orb itself had no name. 

KILGORE: What do you call this planet?

CALOIN: you got no place in tao spaceman

KILGORE: Do you know a green named Willful1?

CALOIN: i don't talk to anyone from the outside
CALON: sita moon doesn't talk to anyone

KILGORE: I was sent here to protect her.

Caloin stopped and turned around. Sita Moon stopped when Caloin stopped. 

CALOIN: Well you can fuck right off. 

A creature surged from the surf and attacked Caloin. It’s name was red, like a Spidron. The thing had a fish head and a thick, scaly body. It was as big as Kilgore. Sephiroth called it a SCORNFISH.

The monster was big and slow, and barely more than pulp. A single shot from his blaster would have reduced this shambling behemoth to vapor. As it stood, Kilgore hit it twice with his pulse saber before Sita Moon dispatched it. Kilgore inspected the body as it lay on the ground.

KILGORE: I've never seen a Spidron like this?

CALOIN: scornfish
CALOIN: ocean is full of them

Sephiroth presented stories of a rumored ScornFish city in the deepest part of the ocean, beyond the reach of natural light. This was no Spidron. 

Spidrons took everything, stripping all valuable minerals a planet could offer. All was recycled into new Spidrons. The swarms grew and evolved independently, and according to one popular theory, operated in a hive mind. Smaller Spidrons were devoured by larger Spidrons who were in turn devoured by larger Spidrons than that, drawing nutrients into the heart of the swarms where the gargantuan princes and queens controlled the motions. The Swarm always advanced.

KILGORE: You were fighting a Spidron when my ship crashed. 
KILGORE: Where did it come from?

CALOIN: never seen anything like it
CALOIN: it burrowed out of the ground

This solar system cycled through the direct path as the Swarm wormed through space without the possibility of swinging out beyond the reach for enough time to have survived. Kilgore had visited thousands of planets, and none had as rich a history on the features of this planet. Even the main Empiric planets were sparsely detailed compared to what the Sephiroth provided on TAO. Wilful1 made sure Kilgore found this place, so it must have some significance.

KILGORE: That was a Spidron.
KILGORE: It shouldn’t be on this planet.

CALOIN: you shouldn’t be on this planet
CALOIN: and we shouldn’t be with you
CALOIN: fuck a large duck in the ass

Caloin took to the dirt road and walked away. Sita Moon followed close behind him. Kilgore traveled a long way to be here, but could he risk combat with the first person he met? 

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