Rain is growing heavier.
We see MEHEMET and a handful of troops lit in the harsh red glow of a road flare.
MEHEMET lifts a horn to his lips and blows a hellish note.
From the darkness comes the shudder of booted feet pounding lockstep. Buckles jingle, shields are smashed, and the chanting begins again. The moonlight is faint, and we see only shadows moving, drawing close until the front ranks come into the light of the flare.
Damascansn are armed with irregular weapons, spears, swords, axes, metal-headed clubs. Front rows maintain a shield wall.
Ranks break as teams come through with aluminum ladders. Ladder teams take position behind the shield wall.
ARROWS fall harmlessly on the shield wall as the men below it slowly advance to the walls of Deposit.
Cavalry open fire with rifles from horseback, driving the BARABAS to cover behind the cars.
Arrows feather the shield wall with little effect. Damascans reach the Deposit wall.
Barabas hurl down rocks that are stopped by raised shields.
Damascan warrior is struck by a rock and falls.
Another Tortoise forms from the Damascan ranks on the left flank, and then on the right.
LOGAN: (To men in the yard) Get more rocks up here!
Barabas pass large rocks and broken pavement up the ladders to be thrown down by Barabas on the wall.
Catwalks strain.
Ladders crack.
The structure holds.
TARTELL: Crack that shell!
Three Damascan squads have reached the wall, and at least fifty men are sheltered at the base of the Deposit wall.
TARTELL: What are they doing?
Damascans lay three racks of ladders and retreat.
At a safe distance, soldiers cast aside their shields and run.
CLOSEUP: Realization dawns on LOGAN’s face.
LOGAN: Explosives!
A few men have luck enough to jump. LOGAN is half way down the ladder when the bomb goes off.
Blast obliterates all sound but a persistent ringing. The blast is over before we realize, but the next few moments happen in slow motion.
Barabas are scrambling about, screaming, some badly injured. For a moment, camera focuses on a Barabas warrior with one arm blown away. He stares in horror at the wound.
INTERCUT with LOGAN, on the ground, looking about confused at the chaos.
LOGAN regains his composure.
LOGAN: Get up! Get up! God damn it! Get ladders on those walls! Someone get me a sword!
A weapon handed to LOGAN is crafted from the blade of a scythe. Several other soldiers are armed with these ad hoc weapons.
A few ladders are already on hand. They are slammed against the damaged section of wall and Barabas scramble up. LOGAN climbs a ladder.
LOGAN squints against the rain, which has started coming down hard.
LOGAN squints against the rain, which has started coming down hard.
LOGAN: Get some spears up here! The sharp ones!
Continued Monday
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